Tag Archives: Windows Phone

Let’s add Google Analytics to your Windows Phone App ^_^

After my two previous posts on, Adding Google Analytics for Xamarin Android and Adding Google Analytics for Xamarin iOS the time has come for Windows Phone implementation of Google Analytics… 😉
Well I managed to blog about the major two platforms implementation Android and iOS, so why not blog about the 3rd rival’s implementation, awesome Windows Phone.. ^_^


I’m not gonna lie to you, when it comes to Google Analytics implementation its pretty much easy thanks to the extended 3rd party library support. Couple of years back I recall looking for a library for this same scenario and I tried out several 3rd party libraries, but none of them served the purpose pretty well. But later I found out this library for Google Analytics implementation on Windows Phone…



I have been using this library for all my Windows Phone and Windows Store apps since long time back and it worked perfectly and still serves the purpose very well. So in this article I will be showing you how to implement this library in your project for Google Analytics tracking.

This library has got some good documentation about how to implement it on Windows Phone, with easy to use code samples. But I’m gonna add some decorations to it and explain you how to implement it from the scratch.

Setting up the Library…

In order to set up the library we need to get it from NuGet Package Manager in your Visual Studio… Go ahead Right click on your References and go to Manage NuGet Packages which opens up the NuGet Package Manager..


Select the Online section and search for “GoogleAnalyticsSDK“, hit Enter ! Once the results comes up hit Install…


Let it install… ^_^


Wait for itttttt….. 😛


And you are DONE ! but not quite yet… 😉

We need to configure our Google Analytics Tracker info into the library, for that open up the “analytics.xml” file which was automatically being created by the library we just installed. This xml file is very important because the library will set up itself automatically through the configurations we insert through this file.


Go ahead and add the necessary information, and specially no matter what add your Google Analytics Mobile App Tracking code. If you haven’t acquired Google Analytics mobile app tracking code yet, then here’s some tip, https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/2587086?hl=en


Also this xml file allows us to set up a whole list of configuration for our App tracking, and I’ll show you some of the most important configurations you need to pay attention to.


I have enabled the automated Exceptions tracking, in which case I don’t need to track every single exception that occurs in the application manually, but you can also set it to false on your choice. The rest of the two Properties Advertising Id Collection, Auto Activity Tracking can be enabled or disabled upon your choice.


There up above as you can see I have set the Local dispatch period to “10”, which means all the tracking data will be automatically uploaded to the online GA service in every 10 seconds, this is a good approach considering we shouldn’t exhaust the network resources by uploading tracking information every single second. You can change the value to anything you wish but I recommend you keep it around this value.

POST UPDATE 16/09/2015

If anyone is wondering whether its possible to set up above configuartion from code behind, the answer is, YES ! IT IS POSSIBLE !
You can easily create an EasyTrackerConfig object and set up all the configuration from code behind instead of setting it up in the analytics.xml file as follows where I have configured it in the Initialize() method.

public void Initialize()
	var config = new GoogleAnalytics.EasyTrackerConfig();
	config.AppName = "You App Name";
	config.AppVersion = "1.0.0";
	config.TrackingId = "XX-XXXXXX";

	GoogleAnalytics.EasyTracker.Current.Config = config;


Well that’s the end of setting up the library and GA tracking code… let’s get into coding…

Let the Coding begin…

Just as I have done in my previous articles, I recommend that you keep a separate class for handling all the Google Analytics functionalities. So go ahead and create GAService class. In this class we are gonna implement all the GA functionalities we need to execute.

public class GAService
	public void Initialize()
		// No requirement for initializing in Windows Phone, its done by the 
		// library itself using the values given in the analytics.xml file


Now that we have done with creating the class, next let’s dive into coding the actions… 😉

Trust me its going to be very much simple, thanks to the simplicity of this library we are using…

Let’s track a Page View…

In order to track a Page you may need to add the following method to our GAService class.

public void Track_App_Page(String PageNameToTrack)


This library, Google Analytics SDK comes with a special feature called “EasyTracker” which makes it very easy to access GA functionalities. There’s no need of any instantiation,  as the library takes care of all that by itself.

As you can see above we are passing in the Page Name we need to track and we are creating a Page View with the SendView() method,  which is used to create a new a screen view hit. Keep in mind whatever the name you pass in to the method will be recorded in Google Analytics, whenever we need to track a page view, we will be calling this method.

Let’s track an Event…

In order to track any Event, such as a button click, check box selection and son on, you can use the following method. This is very much likely how we did in Xamarin Android, but the syntaxes are a bit different.

In order to track an Event in Google Analytics, we need to have an Event Category, therefore we need to create a small struct along with the type of categories you need to track, this actually depends completely upon your requirement. You can have types of event categories such as. “Sales”, “Order”, “Shopping Cart” and so on… 🙂

public struct GAEventCategory
	public static String Category1 { get { return "Category1"; } set { } }
	public static String Category2 { get { return "Category2"; } set { } }
	public static String Category3 { get { return "Category3"; } set { } }


Now let’s implement the method, for this method we will be passing the above struct values for the GAEventCategory parameter. And for the EventToTrack parameter, you can send whatever event/ event description you want to record in Google Analytics.

public void Track_App_Event(String GAEventCategory, String EventToTrack)
	GoogleAnalytics.EasyTracker.GetTracker().SendEvent(GAEventCategory, EventToTrack, "AppEvent", 0);


As shown above we are using the SendEvent() with the EasyTracker call to create a new event and we are setting up the category and event action as it’s passed in as parameters. Also you can set Labels in Google Analytics for any of your events, but as a general I have set the default label to “AppEvent”, but you can use labeling if you want to generate more complex and detailed tracking, where as Google Analytics is a truly great tool. The library also provides you an extra long parameter at the end, most probably in case you needed to add some other numeric information for the event, but I have set it to 0 by default.

Let’s track an Exception…

Now we all know that exceptions O.o are such a nasty bastard in any application. And its a good habit to keep a track on them. As I have mentioned above,


This Tacker setting captures all the Exceptions that occurs in the application, but keep in mind, this only tracks the unhandled exceptions. Now how about the handled exceptions ? what if we need to keep a track on a certain type of exceptions that’s already being handled in the application.

For such instances you may use the following piece of code… 😉 Just like we did in Xamarin, if you want to record an Exception event in Google Analytics, you need to mention whether it’s a Fatal Exception or not. Therefore you need to pass in a Boolean mentioning whether it’s fatal or not as coded in the below method.

public void Track_App_Exception(String ExceptionMessageToTrack, Boolean isFatalException)
	GoogleAnalytics.EasyTracker.GetTracker().SendException(ExceptionMessageToTrack, isFatalException);


We are using the SendException() method call for this hit in the same way I have used in the other two events above. And when you pass in the Exception message, you can either take the whole ex.StackTrace() or ex.Massage() or both together as a value of your exception in anyway you wish. 🙂 

And now just like we did in Xamarin Android we need to do some decorations to our GAService class…

Just a little decorating…

Now I have unified the access to the Google Analytics tracking by including all the methods in one single class, but in order to access it we need to instantiate right ? That’s why we need to add a little Singleton pattern decoration to our class. Or else you could also make the methods static and straightaway call them, but its your wish.. 🙂

#region Instantition...
private static GAService thisRef;
private GAService()
	// no code req'd

public static GAService GetGASInstance()
	if (thisRef == null)
		// it's ok, we can call this constructor
		thisRef = new GAService();
	return thisRef;


Now that way we can keep a single instance and use it to execute all the functions.

After all that’s done your GAService class should look like this… 🙂

namespace WhateverYourNamespace
    public class GAService
        #region Instantition...
        private static GAService thisRef;
        private GAService()
            // no code req'd

        public static GAService GetGASInstance()
            if (thisRef == null)
                // it's ok, we can call this constructor
                thisRef = new GAService();
            return thisRef;

        public void Initialize()
            // No requirement for initializing in Windows Phone, its done by the 
            // library itself using the values given in the analytics.xml file

        public void Track_App_Page(String PageNameToTrack)

        public void Track_App_Event(String GAEventCategory, String EventToTrack)
            GoogleAnalytics.EasyTracker.GetTracker().SendEvent(GAEventCategory, EventToTrack, "AppEvent", 0);

        public void Track_App_Exception(String ExceptionMessageToTrack, Boolean isFatalException)
            GoogleAnalytics.EasyTracker.GetTracker().SendException(ExceptionMessageToTrack, isFatalException);


Finally let’s FIRE IT UP… ! 😉

Well as our GAService class is ready, let’s see how to access it and start tracking our App. 🙂

// Track a page
GAService.GetGASInstance().Track_App_Page("Home Page");

// Track an event
GAService.GetGASInstance().Track_App_Event(GAEventCategory.Category1, "hey ! Category 1 type event ocurred !");   

// Track an Exception
GAService.GetGASInstance().Track_App_Exception(ex.Message, false); 


After calling those methods you will be able to see the live tracking information in your Google Anlytics Dashboard online. Just log in to the Real-Time Overview  and you will be able to see everything there. Just keep in mind, as there is a dispatch period of 10 seconds, it might take a while for the actual tracking data to be displayed in the Real-Time tracking view in Google Analytics… 🙂

Well there it goes folks, hope this post was helpful for you and prolly saved you a lot of time… 🙂 Please share this among other developers and you may save another developer’s time as well… 😉

Cheers ! Stay Awesome ^_^ !

Ultimately Boost your Marketing Campaign with Mobile In-App Advertising

Marketing plays a key role in any organization or company, which is why we spend thousands of dollars each and every year. But have you thought for once, those usual common methods of marketing that you use to market your company, services or products are actual effective ? or do you really get the return of the investment ?

Did you know ?

Most of the time we use E-Mail Marketing or SMS Marketing, but have you ever thought whether you get the actual outcome you were expecting in the first place. The answer is NO ! and here are the reasons.

Yes E-Mail Marketing is waste !

Alright lets get an average person, We use e-mails to communicate with each other, and that was one of the main drives for e-mail marketing. That was the situation those days back in early 2000’s  !
But now the world has changed, the people, the technology, people’s lives has changed. Therefore e-mail marketing is rapidly dying, let me explain…

People have become Smarter and Competitive !

People nowadays have a higher computer literacy than the old days and most of the time people ignore the advertising e-mails that they receive and focus on the most important things they want to do with their e-mail account. Simply most of the time, when people receive any advertising or marketing e-mail, they simply report the mail address as ‘Spam’ or just easily block them as E-Mail accounts has become very easy to use and advanced in features. People’s lives today are very competitive and hectic, which leads them to always focus on the most important tasks of their lives, rather than going through spam e-mail advertisements. Therefore they always end up ignoring or blocking e-mail adverts in their mailboxes. But this could be differ if an individual has willingly signed up as a subscriber for a certain product or service.

E-Mail Service Providers are Strict and Intelligent !

Those days, in early millenium, it used to be like, whenever you send someone an email, it always gets end up in the Inbox. Using this advantage E-Mail marketing campaigns plummeted, spamming the user’s email inbox.
But nowadays, E-Mail Services providers such as Gmail, Outlook and Yahoo has become very strict and advanced in intelligence. They automatically identifies spams and advertisements and blocks them by sending them straight to the SPAM folder. They sometimes doesn’t even accept the e-mail into the account if they are for advertising purposes. Therefore nowadays most of your E-Mail marketing campaign’s e-mails are getting ended up in the customer’s SPAM folder ? which your customers never even opens. So ironically all your E-Mail marketing budget is wasted on sending e-mails to your customer’s or target audience’s SPAM folder, which is a huge waste of money.

522__300x300_stop_spam.gif (300×297)      

Nobody wants to be Annoyed or Irritated…

This is the same situation with SMS marketing, whereas users starting to get random SMS text and it gets extremely annoying for them, they simply end up blocking the SMS number easily, number blocking option is simply a click away in Smart Phones nowadays. Thats how most of the time your SMS marketing budget will also go to waste unfortunately.

We are not saying E-Mail marketing is completely useless, but it is just not evolved enough to the modern day world, for the modern lifestyle, therefore it is not much effective as it used to be and your money will go to waste for the most part. Therefore it is high time that Marketers switch to other effective alternatives.


Alright ! So what is the Solution for this ?

There are so many alternatives for E-Mail Marketing in real world such as Web banners, posters, mobile advertising, mobile in-app advertising and so on. We are gonna look at some alternative we think is best suited for the modern world.


Let me introduce you In-App Advertising !

We took all those above described issues very seriously and we have been researching ever since looking for a better solution. So we have finally summed up and came up with this solution of, advertising your ads banners in mobile apps, which is called Mobile In-App Advertising in simplest words !


Since the dawn of Smart Phone, it rapidly spread into the hands of every single customer as we know due to the reason they became extremely cheap. So almost every single individual possess them and the best statistic is that these users use them every single day of their lives. In that case, Mobile Apps plays a huge role which is something that people use almost all the time of the day. It is a well known fact that there are apps to almost every single needs in life nowadays and users are more tend to prefer to apps than websites and other resources, simply because of the interactivity and the ease of use.

Mobile Apps as a Marketing Media ?

All that usage, interactivity, continuous usage ? I mean what more you want ? Yes ! That is right, this is the best place to advertise !

In-app mobile advertising is seeing some of the biggest growth of all advertising media, and is becoming a major revenue source for app developers. The reason why: Smartphone users are spending more and more time with apps, not with web browsers. If you want to reach the audience of smartphone users, you need to invest in in-app mobile advertising. Mobile In-App advertising provides marketers or advertisers a much more effective and efficient ways of reaching their targeted customers and reach more audience. Below are some of the reasons why,


The audience is more engaged, as in the users are always using these apps, which are very interactive. In-app advertising responds to a natural evolution of how people are using their smartphones and mobile devices. People are becoming more engaged with mobile apps, instead of the mobile web.

 In-app advertising is more effective, According to a study by Appsavvy, in-app advertising performs 11.4 times better than standard banner advertising. People rarely click on regular online banner ads, as they tend to see them as intruding on the web browsing experience – visual clutter that is usually not relevant to what they are looking for.
In-app advertising (when done right) tends to be more effective because it’s unobtrusive, it blends in to the overall experience of using the app and it’s more relevant to what people want to know about. In-App advertising provides marketers the power to show the right in app ad, to the right user.

The audience for in-app ads is more sophisticated, Instead of trying to get people’s fleeting attention with online banner ads, in-app mobile advertising  puts the message in front of a self-selecting audience that tends to be more receptive to in-app advertising.
The reason is, if you’re advertising in a game or in a specific app, your in-app advertising message or offer can be highly focused and relevant to the needs of that specific audience. Chances are, your audience’s interests are going to be more closely aligned with what you’re offering in the in-app advertising. This leads to higher click-through rates and better results.

One of the trends driving growth of in-app advertising is the growing amount of time mobile users are spending on social media activity on smartphones. Another reason is that marketing monies invested in in-app ads can produce strong results beyond monetary ROI. In-app ads can provide more information about a user than browser-based use can — enabling better future targeting.

Generally speaking, the surge in the overall amount of time consumers are now spending on their devices is seeing mobile advertising rise generally. A 2012 report from the Internet Advertising Bureau (IAB) found that mobile is the fastest-growing category for advertising, with nearly 150% growth recorded last year. As a result, mobile Web-based display ads are expected to continue to be strong as well this year.

So now, Finally…

So as you can see Mobile In-App Advertising brings you a whole new level of opportunities for highly effective Advertising and Marketing. There are so many researches that are available now proving the efficiency of In-App Advertising. All the above discussed points also proves that Mobile In-App advertising is much better and effective than any old school E-Mail advertising.


Here are straight up advantages you get from Mobile In-App Advertising,

  • Reach a huge number of Audience easily and thereby reach a lot more customers than other advertising media.
  • Get the best results your Advertising campaign with less wastage of your budget.
  • Get your audience to truly engaged in your Adverts and banners with the interactivity capabilities of Mobile Phones.
  • Reach the exact audience you are looking for with the capabilities of Geographical identification of Mobile In-App advertising.

Source – http://socialmediainfluence.com/2012/04/22/in-app-advertising-becomes-a-multi-multi-billion-dollar-business/

The world has changed, the advertising ecosystem has also changed rapidly with the growth of technology and people’s lives. Along with that Mobile In-App Advertising has sky rocketed to the top of Advertising strategies in the modern days, where as so many  top popular companies are moving towards Mobile In-App Advertising. Therefore isn’t it high time that you move or add your Marketing Campaign for Mobile In-App Advertising ?  🙂

Are you an Advertiser ? or a Marketer ?

If so then here is a great opportunity for you to start off your In-App Advertising campaign. We have a series of very popular, creative and innovative mobiles apps developed and published to the Microsoft Windows Store which has gotten over 160,000 users worldwide and growing rapidly every day. We are now opening them up to Advertisers and Marketers to publish their Ads and Banners in our apps as Mobile In-App Ads.
We have kept all the statistical data through Google Analytics, which shows that there are thousands of users who are using our apps daily all over the world.

Below are some statistical summary of user base of our apps, where you can see the total number of users for our series of apps and the new users joining daily over 200. 🙂



You can view our Series of app from below link,


We could even provide all the Google Analytics of usage, geography locations, daily usage, and so on for each and every single app in a full report. Therefore if you want to advertise your ads or banners on our app and open them up to a global audience worldwide, please contact us.

We believe as we keep on innovating and developing more and more apps, there is a huge opportunity for Advertisers and Marketers in publishing in-app mobile add in our apps, as the user base will be skyrocketing.

Contact us – xtremesourcecode@live.com

So finally… Stop wasting your money and switch to Mobile In-App Advertising to ultimately Boost your Marketing Campaign profit.

Project: Sri Lankan Memes Book!

Welcome to the first ever largest Sri Lankan Memes collection ! The most awesome place for Sri Lankan Memes ! (^_-) Join with us today…

So are you Bored at Home ? or Work ? 9gag much ? a Memes fan ?
Welcome to the first ever largest Sri Lankan Memes collection !
Join Sri Lankan Memes Book today for the most awesome Sri Lankan Memes entertainment…

Visit our official Website –

Facebook –

Mobile App –
Available on Windows Phone and Windows 8 Store

Welcome to the epic Book of all the Sri Lankan Memes Published on Facebook with over 15,000 Memes encountering Thanks to our unique intelligent Web Crawlers executing on Cloud!

An entertainment gallery of social memes in Sri Lanka, aggregating across hundreds of Meme entertainment pages on social media using intelligent social media crawling bots, that I developed. This project included a Website, Mobile app and a Facebook page. 

Sri Lankan Memes are one of the fastest growing trends and entertainment in the country and among Sri Lankans all over the world.

This whole project, had two segments that I have developed,

  • The Mobile App, Sri Lankan Meme Reader
  • The Website, Sri Lankan Memes Book

Let’s dig in one by one,

Mobile App: Sri Lankan Meme Reader

“Sri Lankan Meme Reader”, a simple attempt to bring all the favorite and popular Sri Lankan Memes to one place. This app allows you to view all the Sri Lankan Memes which were posted on Facebook daily through some of the top Sri Lankan Meme pages. This is the first initiative of such attempt, bringing all the Sri Lankan Memes published across Facebook pages to a one single portal and giving an amazing experience of Sri Lankan Memes for people.

Sri Lankan Meme Reader has the capability of fetching all the latest Memes available instantly even when new Memes are posted on Facebook. Whenever a new meme has been posted to Facebook, you can instantly view them through this app as our Cloud servers stay awake to fetch every single one of them and bring to the user in real time. 😉

Launched on 21/06/2013, initially on Windows Phone App store and then to Windows 8 App Store.

Windows Phone App: http://www.windowsphone.com/en-us/store/app/sl-meme-reader/211662d2-c538-4c55-aef7-78d5c854dbef

Windows 8 Store App: http://apps.microsoft.com/windows/en-us/app/sri-lankan-meme-reader/deac8bd9-3547-4016-8d5d-a4934fbe5d76

Once the app is launched user can click on “Start” button where as it will take the user to the next screen where the user will be given to choose their favorite Meme Page or to View all of them at once.

After selecting that the user will be asked What do they want to view from the selected category, whether they want to view the Memes as a Photo Stream or as one by on.

Based on the choice Users will be able to stream through the available Meme Images, while sharing them as they wish instantly on Social Networks, and they can even view the original source of the Meme Image and find out more information about them.

Here’s a bit more on the Windows 8 Store App…

View thousands of Sri Lanka Meme Images right from your mobile phone with a very easy to use, attractive user interface, or on your Windows 8 Laptop at your convenience. You know, you can even share your favorite Sri Lankan Memes right from your phone with Facebook or any other Social media network. The best way to easily stay up to date with your favorite Sri Lankan Meme pages, is “Sri Lankan Meme Reader” App! 😉

Now on to the Website that I built using the same back-end servers…

The Website, Sri Lankan Memes Book: http://srilankanmemes.com/

“Sri Lankan Memes Book”, is the Web interface of the Sri Lankan Memes app whereas this website will be having a lot more extended features of the app. Streaming over 10,000 Sri Lankan Memes from our cloud servers, this web app will be giving an immersive experience of Sri Lankan Memes Entertainment like never before for the community.

The users will be able to view Sri Lankan Memes published across various Facebook pages right from this website just like the Mobile app as well as users will be able to Like or Dislike the memes that they view and rate them accordingly according to an automated ranking system.

Launched on 24/08/2014, we have developed the website in a way where, once the user navigates to the website home page, it will load random Meme Images as blocks on top and then at the bottom of it will be shown a button where users would be able to view more on the Meme Gallery section. By clicking that Users can view more Memes on Gallery as Image blocks, by clicking on them, user will be navigated to individual views of each of them.

The top menu bar of the site has 6 main sections –

  • Meme Stream – Allows user to navigate to Meme Stream page of the website, whereas user can seamlessly go through a long list of Memes while scrolling down the page. This feature offers 5 features, View Recent Memes, View Random Memes, Most Liked, Most Disliked, and Most Viewed and so on. According to the users choice the Meme Stream will be loaded.
  • Meme Stream TV – Watch the most awesome funny Sri Lankan Youtube Videos, bringing to your on Sri Lankan Memes Book!
  • Meme Gallery – Allows user to navigate to Meme Gallery, whereas user can seamlessly go through a long gallery of Meme Images.
  • Vote A Meme – Allows users to Vote for Memes Images and rank them, and they can also inform the Site admins to remove a certain meme if they are inappropriate.
  • Memes by Page – Allows users to view Sri Lankan Memes under each Meme Page available.
  • About Us – Contains information about the Sri Lankan Memes Book Project.

Then in the home page when the user scrolls down further the Meme Stream will start to appear, showing the memes in a Blog stream manner, whereas Users can instantly like them or dislike them and even Share them on Social Networking sites. In the right side bar all the latest memes will be displayed and quick links to other sections of the site. User can keep on scrolling down and more Meme images will automatically load as user keeps on going.

Sri Lankan Memes Book brings you the most amazing experience you ever had with Sri Lankan Memes entertainment. Such as,
– View all the best Memes on Facebook
– Even the Latest Memes, Recent Memes, Older Memes, most Liked or Disliked Memes, most Viewed Memes and so on..
– View all the Memes under your favorite Meme pages
– Vote Your favorite Memes
– Daily updates of all the best Memes on Facebook
– Like or Dislike Memes as you wish
– Easily Share on Facebook or Twitter
– View the best, Sri Lankan funny videos on Youtube…

A community base driven project where the users are given features to Like or Dislike the Memes they view and rank them accordingly according to an automated ranking system. View any Sri Lankan Memes based on your choice, whether it’s Recent New ones, most liked ones or most viewed ones and so on…

Share any of the Sri Lankan Memes right from the website itself with Facebook or Twitter…

Oh Yeah, it’s awesome!

“Sri Lankan Meme Reader” and “Sri Lankan Memes Book” is a very unique and innovative projects because this is the first time such initiative has been launched in order to provide a single portal for viewing and showcasing creative and entertaining Sri Lankan Memes while forming the largest Sri Lankan Memes collection database.

  • View thousands of Sri Lanka Memes right from your mobile phone with a very easy to use, attractive user interface
  • Easily stay up to date with your favorite Sri Lankan Meme community pages and experience the best of Sri Lankan Memes Entertainment…
  • A community base driven initiative where the users are given features to Like or Dislike the Sri Lankan Memes they view and rank them accordingly according to an automated ranking system.
  • View any type of Memes based on your choice, whether it’s your favorite Meme Page, Most Like or Disliked Memes, or even most viewed Memes and so on…
  • Implementation of State of the art Cloud Technology and a unique innovative offline data caching technology. So no more heating up your phone, as all the heavy weighted process executions are being leveraged to the Cloud!
  • Offline Image Caching facility saves you Data Connection usage and you can view pre-loaded Meme images even if your data connection is offline…
  • Share your favorite Memes right from your phone with Facebook or any other Social media network…

Encouraging our enthusiastic and creative Sri Lankan Memes community while showcasing their great talents and providing Sri Lankans an amazing experience of Sri Lankan Memes Entertainment is the key objective of this project.

“Sri Lankan Meme Reader”, a simple attempt to bring all your favorite and popular Sri Lankan Memes to a one place. This app allows you to view all the Sri Lankan Memes which were posted on Facebook daily, through some of the top Sri Lankan Meme fan pages.

Alongside with the mobile app a Web app has also being launched as “Sri Lankan Memes Book” with the same set of capabilities and a lot more features for the end user. This web app allows users to gain an extended experience of Sri Lankan Meme Reader app.

This is the first time such an app has been developed, so your support is highly appreciated. Please share with your friends as much as possible. 🙂 Thanks.

– Udara Alwis.
[ÇøŋfuzëÐ SøurcëÇødë]

Welcome to the Toastmaster Timer app for Windows Phone

Toastmasters International
Toastmasters International is a world leader in communication and leadership development. Simply put a place where anyone could improve their communication, public speaking, and leadership skills. And if you are a Toastmasters Member, or better a Member of the Exco of your TM Club, then you are in the right place.

We Believe…
We believe Smart phone should be a tool to be able to use for anything in Life, one day it might become exactly that along with all these technological advancements. Making things easier and intuitive to use or engage in real life activities, Smart Phones play a major role, whereas developers like us constantly keep on seamlessly bringing the technology closer to real life applications in order to make that Vision a Reality.

Ever been a Timer at Toastmasters Meetings ?
With that thought in mind, Have you ever been the Timer of your Toastmasters Club meetings ? Or even seen how a Timer keeps the timing of each and every Speech and Evaluation ?

If you really had that experience you may have seen them using stop watches, or using their wrist watched, or using some timer app on their mobile phone for the Timing, which is a huge pain and a distraction from the point of view of a Timer.

Being a Timer…
Because you see if you are using a timer, you have to press the start button among all the confusing buttons, and then keep in mind the Time when to show the Green Warning sign, Yellow and Red Warning signs for each and every different Speech types.
And moreover you have to keep a track of time and also hold up the Color Warning signs at the same time. And this gets even more messed up when you have to keep in mind the timing limits for each and every different kind of speech and what if you forget to show the warning signs at one point of time ? Oh my… this is a total Failure !

Don’t Worry.. We found a Solution !
But from now onwards you can Good bye to all that trouble… Let me introduce you Toastmaster Timer ! Timer Role has never been this easier.. 😉
Toastmaster Timer app for Windows Phone is the solution for all the above messed up problems you face in doing the Timer role at Toastmaster meetings. This app would make the Timer role so much easier like never before.

How to ?
How to ? Well all you have to do is Select the Type of Speech -> Click “Start” -> Turn the phone to the Speaker’s side ! 😉


Yeah its incredibly simple to Use…
Yeah thats right ! its that simple ! You don’t even have to use the Warning Color Cards anymore, because Toastmaster Timer app would take care of everything. Toastmaster Timer app would display the warning colors “Green”, “Amber”, and “Red” automatically in full screen so it is visible for even longer distances from stage. And also the Timing is displayed right on the screen therefore it is easier for you and the speaker to see, all you have to do, just press “Start” and turn the phone to the speaker’s side ! Toastmaster Timer app will take care of everything automatically !

58bfe328-4c9a-4a14-a176-da754aaeda23    116d341a-4f35-46c9-abc1-a2cab22b761a

How Awesome this app is…
NO need for anymore Timers and Watches that makes the Timing process so much more complicated, when you have Toastmaster Timer app right on your Windows Phone ! What is so awesome is that, Toastmaster Timer app comes preloaded with all the Speech types and their Timing automatically, which lets you just select the Speech Type and let everything else done Automatically !

5e594b8a-ec20-40c8-a366-3171c33106ed  07018680-2734-472b-8485-28e8492e83f4  c91a0988-4140-4e46-86d3-1b6a5f1dedc4

You can even have your own Custom Timing for any speech, just select the “Custom” option from the Speeches list and you will be able to set you own Timing automated ! 😉

01b5cbe2-6b95-4987-8dc4-25d1557244af  62a7c3b4-37a8-4357-8b50-b07ef88a3427

Moreover it will create all the Timing Reports for you and you can view them, send, email them anytime as you wish..

There are a lot more Exciting features in Toastmaster Timer app, which makes the job so much easier for any Timer at Toastmaster meetings. Try out today for free ! 😀

Try out today for Free on you Windows Phone !

Toastmaster Timer


#ToastmasterTimer #WindowsPhone #Nokia #Lumia #Toastmasters#TimerRole #ToastmastersInternational

So Enjoy ! Happy Toastmastering !

Another reason Why, I Am At app, for Windows Phone is Awesome !

Fed up of the fact that Bing Maps is pretty much useless in Sri Lanka when you need it the most being a Windows Phone User ? 😉 Very well you have nothing to worry about hereafter thanks to ‘I Am At’ app for Windows Phone !


I Am At app uses a unique sequence of Location targeting, which increases the accuracy of location finding in any country where even Bing Maps doesn’t work !

You see, I Am At app uses the Microsoft Bing Maps Location services in the background of the app, but if by any chance Bing Map fails to find the proper information of a given Location, then our intelligent Location targeting algorithm accesses the other Mapping services such as Google Maps and seek for a much more accurate Location information and provide the user ! 😉 So that you can find your exact location Address wherever you are on Earth and Send or Share with anyone in seconds..!

Now that’s another reason why ‘I Am At’ app is so awesome !


#IAmAt #WindowsPhone #Microsoft #App #Location #Targeting #Places #Travelling #Navigation


Try it out today for free everyone ! 🙂

Things I HATE, about Windows Phone!

We all know that there are so many things to LOVE about Windows Phone, and everyone is talking about them all over everywhere. So I was thinking why not talk about the things I HATE about Windows Phone being a huge Windows Phone as my self. Now I know what you are thinking, if I am such a huge fan, how could I have any reasons to hate it, very well just FYI, I always keep an open mind despite whatever my likes and dislikes are 😉 !
Now I must say these are based on my personal Experience with my Lumia 820 and Windows Phone 8 Version. 🙂

The keyboard

I have been an Android user for about two years back, and I have been pretty much of a heavy “texter” using the touch keyboard. With that Sony Android Keyboard experience here is my feelings with my new experience with the Windows Phone Keyboard.

Word Suggestions are so damn slow. The word suggestions are so damn slow, as in even to get a bloody word suggestion we have to type more than 50% of the letters of the particular word. SIGH !

No Automated Learning of the new words typed by the user. And if we wanna make the keyboard learn a new word, we have to manually add that by double tapping on the word while in the middle of typing. Which is extremely retarded. OMG Seriously dude ?

No proper intelligence of the Keyboard or Auto Suggestions or User keywords learning. In simple words, for me, Windows Phone keyboard is SO FUCKING DUMB ! I mean serious WTF is this shit, Microsoft could have done so much better than this seriously for a bloody keyboard. Not even a bit of intelligence, the auto suggestions suck balls, and its so bloody slow and dumb compared to Android, which is much faster and amazingly intelligent.

The Lock Screen

Yeah it sucks big time. At least Android has some pretty dotted line pattern connecting mechanism for their lock screen, and for gods sake anyone could customize it the way they want and make so epic. Alright lets keep that aside, Look at the lock screen of the
Windows Phone, its the same boring crap all over again, the number code.

At the beginning there were some rumours about an introducing of a touch pattern for the lock screen of a windows phone, and people expected a much better or a unique on Windows Phone 8 release, but still nothing ! OMG that is so sad. I am literally fed up of the bloody boring crappy lock screen I’m not using any lock screen anymore on my Windows Phone. Microsoft, you better work on this for gods sake !

Web Browser

Oki when it comes to a mobile Web browser plays a very significant role, because that is like the general gateway to access the internet despite of the Apps. Oh really ? Yeah everyone knows that ! but does Microsoft know that ? or the Windows Phone team ? :O

Serious the default web browser in Windows Phone is the worst browsing experience I ever had since my very old Nokia phone web browser.

Yeah !  the default web browser is a total shiaaat !  Hope most of you have experience with the crappy browser of Windows Phone. Most of the sites with modern OPEN GL, HTML 5, JQuery does not work properly, well most of the time does not work at all with this crappy browser. And it is such a pain in the a**. All those stunning and cool web graphics can even be opened in the Windows Phone web browser.

There is completely no way to replace the Default Web browser in Windows Phone.  Alright it is fine that Windows Phone team at Microsoft has failed to build a better browser for Windows Phone, but they haven’t even given any space for the User to replace their crappy browser with a better one, if there are any better web browsers for Windows Phone. Withe their bullshit restricted system permissions, this isn’t even close to being possible. Everyone is stuck with their default shiiiiiiiat ! -____-

Popular Apps suck ! except for Some !

Have you used Facebook app on Android ? or iPhone ? aaaaaand then have you ever used the Facebook app for Windows Phone ? 😛 I know right ! OMG the official App for Windows Phone sucks big time, literally. I mean there is very less options, features and graphics. And the app crashes constantly out of nowhere.

We all have amazing experiences  with those most popular apps on Android and iPhone, such as Facebook, twitter, instagram and so on. Well after a while those apps also came into Windows Phone marketplace and everyone was so excited. But turned out to be a total disappointing experience.  I have used the Android app for Facebook, I mean I loved it, it had all the features , beautiful and easy to use User Interface all of that. But then when I used the Facebook app for Windows Phone, OMG ! It was a huuuuuuuge mess !

I think this is because of the restricted nature of the Windows Phone app development platform. Considering the fact that Android and iOS app development platforms has given almost all the access for the Mobile device’s hardware and software features from the SDK but when it comes to Windows Phone it is very restricted. So the developers can’t, well actually pretty much hard to recreate the same great experiences we had on those same apps on Android and iOS. 🙂 Now that is a huge drawback for Windows Phone. I think it would have been better like, if they had discussed and given some more special access to those companies through the SDK to develop rich experienced applications.

But this situation is actually getting better, I recently used the Faceboo Beta app for Windows Phone, turned out to be so much better than the official one in the Store. And also same with Twitter and Instagram. But there are so many popular apps out there in other platforms who are struggling to provide the same fantastic experience for their users on Windows Phone, due to the strictness in the Windows Phone Development Platform.

No Seek Bar on Media Players

This may have not been a huge issue for everyone, but there is no go damn Seek bar in the Music player and the default Video Player in Windows Phone. I mean THE SEEK bar is like a very  basic requirement in any Media Player app, but unfortunately Windows Phone ! 😦 Sigh. Which is a huge disadvantage specially watching movies.

Bing Maps is a useless mess in Sri Lanka

Yeah to be frank, Bing Maps is a total shitty Joke in Sri Lanka. If you are a Windows Phone user from Sri Lanka you may know what a pain in the a** it is to use Bing Maps in Sri Lanka. I mean most of the Roads, Shops, and Places can not be found on Bing Maps in Sri Lanka, I mean even for any emergency the Bing Map search returns nothing at all. It is an utter waste to even try to use Bing maps in Sri Lanka, even though somewhat the roads are a bit accurate.

Not only bing maps, their series of Places, Location and Direction based apps are not working at all in Sri Lanka for the most part such as City Lens, HERE Drive and so on. This is a huge mess, I mean even if you try to find a place bear by to Eat, it is merely impossible only one or two places will be shown out of ten, even though for the most part it shows nothing at all. I sometimes wonder whether this is because Sri Lanka is a third world country and they don’t give a rats a** about third world countries ? 😛
As a past Android user I must say, Google Maps shows almost everything with 100% accuracy, finding any place or location or even roads. Personally for me this was a huge disappointment as a user who uses Maps to navigate all the time.

The map can not be rotated as the User wish, only Zoom in and Zoom out options are available. Seriously ? I mean WTF ? When it comes to even a paper map we always rotate it this side and that side when we are trying to navigate. But in Bing Maps ? NO ROTATING ! Sigh 😦 ! Hopefully I wish they would look into these issues in Windows 8.1 update. 🙂

So that is it for now… as a Fan Boy thoughts on Windows Phone. You might say why such hatred if you call your self a Windows Phone Fan boy ? 😛 Well human, I always keep my mind open doesn’t matter whatever I love and I like to see everything as they truly are in every aspect. 😉


Always Wonder Where the Heck Am I ?

We Always Wonder…

We always wonder Where am I ? What is the address of this place ? In which road am I in ? how am I gonna tell them where I am right now ? and so on.. We always go through those rush moments, where as we wonder where we are and the address of the location we are at right now !

Then this is for You…

Very well then, let me introduce you the awesome “I Am At” app for Windows Phone. Thanks to this App you can easily find where You are right now preciously, allowing you to find more information about you location !

Welcome to I Am At app for Windows Phone !

You might be At…

You might be at a huge party, or a festival, or carnival, or a sports ground, you can find your exact location and send it to anyone so that they can find you easily ! 🙂 Could be your girlfriend, your best friend, your parents, if you want to find out what you current location is and send it to anyone to find you easily, then here is the App for you, ready at anytime ! 😉

Now I Know What You are Thinking… 😉

Yes, I know what you are thinking, ‘the how the heck is this different from Maps ?’
We will tell you where you are right now very preciously along with the exact Address of your current location, where ever you are on Earth ! Also we will let you send your current location to anyone and share with them, such as text, email and even Social Media Networks instantly ! 🙂

Oh yes we know, this is totally Epic ! (^_^)   Try it now for Free ! 🙂   


IAmAt #WindowsPhone #Nokia #Lumia #Places #Locations #Navigation #Travel #Mapping #wp8 #wp81 #Address #WhereAmINow

Tried Installing Windows 8.1 Update, being a Windows Phone Developer? ;)

I recently updated my PC to the latest upgrade given by Microsoft, the Windows 8.1 Update ! So after happily installing the Update I tried working on my Windows Phone dev projects on my good awesome Visual Studio 2012. Then when I tried to run one of my apps from the emulator, Unfortunately it kept on popping an error saying “0x80131500”, only showing up a code without even a description. And Visual Studio 2012 wasn’t able to run any of my apps in the emulator. So after going through couple of web searches I found out that your Windows Phone SDK would not work on Windows 8.1 Update, unless you have installed the latest Update for Visual Studio 2012, the VS 2012 Update 4 ! So after downloading and installing the latest update for VS2012 I was able to run my apps in Emulator as usual.

So if you are hoping to upgrade to Windows 8.1 Update, and if you are using VS2012 then make sure you have the latest version of VS2012 update 4 installed on your PC or you have a ready setup to install if something goes wrong after the System update.

Cheers folks ! 🙂

Welcome to the Amazing Vesak Festival app for Windows Phone…

Missing the experience of wonderful Vesak Festival ? Remember all the stunning sceneries, the beautiful views all around Sri Lanka during Vesak Season ?
Well then not to worry, We are introducing..
Vesak Festival app for Windows Phone !
A Visual Journey to the Amazing Vesak Festival…Image

Vesak Festival is the most special and the most sacred religious day for Buddhists all around the world and t is celebrated on the Full moon day of May every year. It is an amazing religious celebration, where as people decorate their homes with colorful lights, lanterns and so on. It is such an eye catching stunning scenery wherever you look during this season especially in Sri Lanka.


Therefore, We thought of sharing this amazing religious festival experience with people all around the world and spread the awareness and the significance of Vesak Festival.


There are so many amazing stunning photography moments that are being captured during this season by various talented photographers. Therefore we thought of bringing those amazing Vesak festival Photography to your palmtop allowing you to experience the wonder of Vesak Festival, the stunning sceneries and the celebration right from your Windows Phone.
We are bringing you all the Sri Lankan Vesak Photography that are being published on Facebook public photography pages, appreciating and showcasing those talented Photographers.
From this app you can view all the Captured latest Vesak Moments and even the old ones. Showcasing these talented Photographers, you can even share those images on any Social Network. Stay up to date with all the latest stunning Vesak Festival moments right from your Phone..


Thanks to this app, you may never miss the amazing experience of Vesak Festival. You can view all those amazing Vesak sceneries and moments captured by Sri Lankan Photographers published across Facebook. Our intelligent servers filters these content and brings you the best experience through those images. You can even view the very Latest Vesak Festival photographs or even the older ones right from this App.

Moreover we are introducing ‘Wide Live Cycle Tiles’, that Cycles stunning Vesak Festival Images lively on your Home Screen. And also if you are fed up with your boring Lockscreens then you can use the Automated Wallpapers using stunning beautiful Vesak Festival Images, whereas these Lockscreens would be automatically changing time to time making your lock screen looks incredibly stunning.

So try out today for free ! 🙂
We Welcome you all Windows Phone users out there !

#VesakFestival #Vesak #SriLanka #WindowsPhone #Nokia #Lumia


Special Features –
– View all the amazing stunning Vesak Festival Photography from Sri Lankan Photographers
– View all the recent Vesak Festival Photography published on Facebook by Sri Lankan Photographers
– Add Wide Live Cycle Tiles, that Cycles stunning Vesak Festival Images live on your Home Screen
– Add and Maintain any amount of Wide Live Cycle Tiles on your Home Screen

– Set Automated Wallpapers using stunning beautiful Vesak Festival Images, whereas these Lockscreens would be automatically changing time to time making your lock screen looks stunning

– Keep your own Favorite Vesak Photography Library
– Play Vesak Festival Photography Slideshow Feature

– Share any Vesak Festival Photography with your Friends or on any Social Media Network..
– Download and Save your favorite Vesak Festival Photography Images to your phone..


I Am Feeling………….. Your Feelings and Emotions towards your Success !

Know your Mind…

Human Feelings and Emotions are a most important factor of our Lives as Humans. We as Humans, posses different Feelings and Emotions at different Situations and Different Places. There is a pattern which these Feelings and Emotions occur according to the above factors, which is actually very different from each one of us as we all are Unique from one another. We all want to live healthy life, where as both Mental and Physical health matters…

Healthy Mind…

but in both of them, Mental health is the most important one, as our minds, thoughts and feelings drive everything we do. According to psychology if we could track and see the pattern of our own Feelings and Emotions then we could use it to alter it self for our own Success ! But how could we keep track of our own Feelings and Emotions according to these different situations and places.. Now that is why we came up with a Solution !

Eureka ! psst.. wait !

So We have been trying for a solution for this devastating situation, and we finally came up with a successful answer,
“I Am Feeling”
Know your own mind…
across it self… learn it..
succeed yourself..
Yes, this is kind of a radical thought, what if you could keep a track of all your daily feelings and emotions during those different situations you go through every single day ? Now in that way…

We Welcome You !

We could learn our own Minds, our emotions, feelings to those different situations and places and alter them in order to Succeed !
Ultimately we all want to lead a mentally healthy life filled with positive thoughts, which in case this solution lets you to recognize those moments and improve them towards your success. Keep track of your own Progression of Positive thoughts, and learn yourself to succeed…

Waiting is over….

And finally it is here…..

Welcome to the ‘I Am Feeling’ App !

Welcome to the revolutionary amazing Windows Phone App,
I Am Feeling – Track your own Feelings and Emotions to learn yourself and Succeed !  Try out today for #free on your Windows Phone !

#IAmFeeling #WindowsPhone #Nokia #Lumia #WP8 #WP81 #psychology#mind #health


This app would let you easily keep track of your own Feelings and Emotions at anytime, anywhere in your daily Life, then finally allow you to monitor them and evaluate by your self to see your own progress or even to recognize what is required to improve your mental health…

We have crafted this app with Simplicity, User Friendly Experience, and Intuitive Feedback for Yourself and moreover to give you a joyful experience right from the app.

So try out this revolutionary App today ! Learn Your Mind, Your Feelings and Emotions, Learn Yourself… Speak to Your own Self.. and Succeed !

Some amazing features we bring you –

  • Keep track of all your Feelings and Emotions at anytime, anywhere in your Daily Life…
  • Keep track of all the different Places you have experienced those Feelings and Emotions…
  • Monitor yourself and your mind with extensive feedback right from the app based on your own Feelings, Places and Situations…
  • Get to know how you could Change your lifestyle, thinking, and places you visit in order to succeed yourself easily for any kind of achievement…
  • See how your mind has been fluctuating through Positivity and Negativity throughout different times, places and situations…
  • See for yourself What kind of Feelings and Emotions you experience the most, and moreover based on the Places you were at those situations…
  • Monitor your own specialized Feelings and Places Map…
  • Learn your own Mind and Yourself, and identify how you could change the way you think, do, and places you visit, and how to adopt yourself to Succeed !

We would love to hear your feedback… We count on it.. 🙂

Comment below or drop us a mail ! 😉