Tag Archives: Android

Using SMS Retriever API in Xamarin Android!

Let’s use the SMS Retriever API in Xamarin Android, and possibly avoid the troubles of new Google Play Store SMS/Call Log access restrictions! 😉 Is your Android App ready for the new Google Play Store permission policy?

SMS Retriever API, in a nutshell…

Android SMS Retriever API allows you to access the SMS Messages in the phone without having to request SMS read access permission, thus giving a complete peace of mind for the user. 🙂 Allowing specific SMS messages to be read from the Inbox, which are specifically targeted to be delivered for the  app we’re requesting from. This is the perfect solution for One Time Password (OTP) mobile number verification implementation in our Android apps.

Furthermore from Google Docs: https://developers.google.com/identity/sms-retriever/

Now that the introduction is out of the way… Let’s get started!

How it works, in short…

NO! I’m not gonna get into detailed explanation, but in simplest terms we are going to have an object called SmsRetrieverClient that’s going to wait for an incoming SMS message with the matching hash key to the app we are using. This active waiting is going to execute for 5 minutes and automatically dispose itself.

When the certain SMS arrived at the inbox during the 5 minute waiting , the SmsRetrieverClient then sends a broadcast to the app with the captured message content, for any listening broadcast receivers registered in the app.  From there we pick up the message inside our broadcast receiver and we process it or do whatever the heck we want with it. 😛

But in case if the SMS wasn’t received by the phone it would still execute the broadcast but with a time out failure code, so that we know the 5 minutes waiting exceeded and the SMS wasn’t received or read.

So there’s mainly 2 components to it, SmsRetrieverClient object, and the Broadcast Receiver object. Not to mention the App Hash key, which is also very crucial element here, you need to make sure the SMS that’s sent to the device has the App hash key that’s derived from the signing keystore of the app’s running instance.

In Xamarin…

Yes this is completely available in Xamarin Android as well, right out of the box! Just a matter of figuring out the right namespaces and method calls comparing to the official Google Android Docs! 🙂

Although I’m quite surprised I could not find any official Documentation from Xamarin regarding this important API. Thus here I am filling that void! 😀

Let’s get started!

Add em Nuget!

To use SMS Retriever API in Xamarin we need to install Xamarin.GooglePlayServices.Auth nuget package to our Android project.

Just pick the latest version as you prefer and hit install.

Activate the SMSRetrieverClient…

Then we need to implement the executing of the activation of SMSRetrieverClient that is the client object that’s going to actively watch out for any incoming SMS messages with the hash key that is similar to the app we are requesting it from.

You could initiate the SMSRetrieverClient inside a button click event or invoke it from a Service instance method, choice is up to you. 🙂

private void btnStartSMSRetreiver_OnClick(object sender, EventArgs eventArgs)
	// Get an instance of SmsRetrieverClient, used to start listening for a matching SMS message.
	SmsRetrieverClient _client = SmsRetriever.GetClient(this.ApplicationContext);
	// Starts SmsRetriever, which waits for ONE matching SMS message until timeout
	// (5 minutes). The matching SMS message will be sent via a Broadcast Intent with
	// action SmsRetriever#SMS_RETRIEVED_ACTION.

As you can see we’re instantiating the SmsRetrieverClient using the Application Context, and calling the StartSmsRetriever() method to activate listening to the incoming SMS messages with matching app hash key included.

A little cherry on top…

Here are some extra bits you could adopt if needed regarding the SmsRetrieverClient. You could get the return result of the SmsRetrieverClient initiation as follows…


	var task = _client.StartSmsRetriever();

	// You could also Listen for success/failure of StartSmsRetriever initiation
	task.AddOnSuccessListener(new SuccessListener());
	task.AddOnFailureListener(new FailureListener());


internal class SuccessListener : Java.Lang.Object, IOnSuccessListener
	public void OnSuccess(Object result)
		// do as you wish on Success init

internal class FailureListener : Java.Lang.Throwable, IOnFailureListener
	public void OnFailure(Exception e)
		// do as you wish on Failure init

And even await for the init result asynchronously as follows…

var task = await _client.StartSmsRetriever();

But don’t forget to switch the caller method to an async method! 😉

Well that’s just some cherry on top features if you ever wanted to try!

Next the BroadcastReceiver…

So here’s the other piece of the puzzle, the BroadcastReceiver that will be listening to the broadcasts of the above SmsRetreieverClient.

SMS Retriever API has provided us with an intent filter SmsRetriever.SmsRetrievedAction which we will use to register our BroadcastReceiver, which we’re going name as SMSBroadcastReceiver, and implement as following…

[BroadcastReceiver(Enabled = true)]
[IntentFilter(new[] { SmsRetriever.SmsRetrievedAction })]
public class SMSBroadcastReceiver : BroadcastReceiver
	public override void OnReceive(Context context, Intent intent)
		if (intent.Action != SmsRetriever.SmsRetrievedAction)

		var extrasBundleundle = intent.Extras;
		if (extrasBundleundle == null) return;
		var status = (Statuses)extrasBundleundle.Get(SmsRetriever.ExtraStatus);
		switch (status.StatusCode)
			case CommonStatusCodes.Success:
				// Get SMS message contents
				var messageContent = (string)extrasBundleundle.Get(SmsRetriever.ExtraSmsMessage);
				// Extract one-time code from the message and complete verification
				// by sending the code back to your server.
				ShowResultOnUI("SMS retrieved: " + messageContent);

			case CommonStatusCodes.Timeout:
				// Waiting for SMS timed out (5 minutes)
				// Handle the error ...
				ShowResultOnUI("Timed Out Error! SMS retrieval failed!");

So once the SmsRetrieverClient does its job, either success or failure it will hit our Broadcast Receiver above and pass in the results, with Status code and Content of the Message if success, which will be included in the Extra Bundle as you can see above.

Once we receive the results, its up to you to do whatever you want with it, as you can see in the code itself! 😉

That’s pretty much it! simple and straightforward eh! 😀 But I wouldn’t end there without mentioning some important other bits that you need to make sure to get it right!

Other important bits…

Here are some helpful tips for you to troubleshoot any issues you’re having with getting the SMS Retriever API to function as it should.

SMS format..

You need to make sure you’re sending the correct SMS format as mentioned in the Google Android Documentation.

<#> Your ExampleApp code is: 123ABC78

It should be same format as above, although you could make some alterations to the message content, but the structure should be same. Start with “<#>” followed by the content of the SMS and ending with the App Hash key. You can learn more about it from their documentation: SMS Retriever API: Construct a verification message

Please, get your App Hash Key right!

I’ve seen people get this wrong all the time. It is such an easy simple process but a delicate one. So if you can’t get your implementation of SMS Retriever API to function properly, you should definitely take a look at your app hash key, whether you’ve generated the correct key and using the properly in the SMS content.

Given Xamarin Android development, there’s no official documentation provided by Xamarin yet, that’s why I have written a step by step blog article to how to easily generate the accurate App hash key, give it a try if it could be of any help…

You can check it out here: App Hash Key Helper extension for Xamarin Android apps!

Let’s see it in action! 😀

Let’s fire it up and see the beauty of Android SMS Retriever API in Xamarin!

Look at the beauty eh! 😀 No SMS Read permission required 😉 way to give some peace of mind for your users for a simple functionalities such as OTP or Phone number verification!

You can try out my full blown demo in my github repo:


It’s got all the bits I talked about above fully functional 🙂

in Xamarin.Forms Android?

Even if you’re using Xamarin.Forms the same implementation above can be applied easily. Just simply create a platform specific service to invoke the SMSRetrieverAPIClient on Android and call it from Xamarin.Forms at run time, then from the BroadcastReceiver just return back the results by using Xamarin.Forms MessagingCenter… 😉

Simple eh! 😀

There you have it fellas!

Cheers! Share the love! 😀 ❤

App Hash Key Helper extension for Xamarin Android apps!

Remember my last post “Generating App Hash key for SMS Retriever API for (Xamarin incl.)…” where I shared with you guys how to successfully  generating the App hash key in both MacOs and Windows environments without any hassle?

Now this is the improved alternative of it! making the whole process much easier specially for Xamarin Android development!


So earlier we looked at how we could generate the App Hash key straight away from MacOS Terminal or on Windows with the keystore hex generation followed by the Xamarin Android helper method execution to retrieve the app hash key!

That specific helper method I had extracted partially from the Google’s official documentation sample regarding the SMS Retriever API, which I couldn’t completely port to Xamarin Android at that time while I was working on my private project.

But later I took a proper look at it and figured out how to completely port it to Xamarin Android, with a few minutes of back and forth between the Java code and C# Xamarin namespaces! 😀

Easier and Faster method!

Now with the fully ported code, as an extension helper class, we could easily generate the Hash key for our Xamarin Android app either on Windows or Mac using Visual Studio, without having to use any external Terminal or Command prompt.

but you need to follow some pre-requisites to get it to properly work..

Let’s get started!

Get your pre-requisites right!

You need to make sure you’re using the correct Keystore file to sign your APK during build, therefore navigate to your Xamarin Android project properties and set the correct Keystore file path and configuration.

In Visual Studio on Windows:

In Visual Studio on Mac:

That’s done!

Finally make sure you have given the proper app package name or app id to your app in the same project properties. ex: com.testapp.xyz

Why you ask? Since we’re directly generating the app hash code from the project itself, we need to make sure during the compilation the app, the final APK is signed using the keystore we are hoping to use in production. So we can retrieved the signed hash hex from the app Context at run time and the app id to generate the app hash code. 🙂

Then let’s begin the AppHashKeyHelper implementation… 😉

Let the implementation begin…

Let the implementation begin! lol 😀 So here is the complete ported helper class for generating the app hash key for your Xamarin Android app!

Simply copy the whole code to anywhere in your Xamarin Android project, and you could straight away call it from anywhere in the app to generate the app hash key!

using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using Android.Content;
using Android.Content.PM;
using Android.Util;
using Java.Security;
using Java.Util;
namespace WhateverNameSpace.Droid.Util
/// <summary>
/// This is a helper class to generate your message hash to be included in your SMS message.
/// Without the correct hash, your app won't recieve the message callback. This only needs to be
/// generated once per app and stored.Then you can remove this helper class from your code.
/// Ported to Xamarin C# from the AppSignatureHelper.java offcial Android sample
/// – Udara Alwis
/// </summary>
public class AppHashKeyHelper
private static string HASH_TYPE = "SHA-256";
private static int NUM_HASHED_BYTES = 9;
private static int NUM_BASE64_CHAR = 11;
/// <summary>
/// Retrieve the app signed package signature
/// known as signed keystore file hex string
/// </summary>
/// <param name="context"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
private static string GetPackageSignature(Context context)
PackageManager packageManager = context.PackageManager;
var signatures = packageManager.GetPackageInfo(context.PackageName, PackageInfoFlags.Signatures).Signatures;
return signatures.First().ToCharsString();
/// <summary>
/// Gets the app hash key.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The app hash key.</returns>
/// <param name="context">Android app Context.</param>
public static string GetAppHashKey(Context context)
string keystoreHexSignature = GetPackageSignature(context);
String appInfo = context.PackageName + " " + keystoreHexSignature;
MessageDigest messageDigest = MessageDigest.GetInstance(HASH_TYPE);
byte[] hashSignature = messageDigest.Digest();
hashSignature = Arrays.CopyOfRange(hashSignature, 0, NUM_HASHED_BYTES);
String base64Hash = Android.Util.Base64.EncodeToString(hashSignature, Base64Flags.NoPadding | Base64Flags.NoWrap);
base64Hash = base64Hash.Substring(0, NUM_BASE64_CHAR);
return base64Hash;
catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e)
return null;

We’re simply passing in the Android App Context, which will then first retrieve the signed kestore hash string from the Package Manager.

Then we retrieve the app package name from the Context itself, and move ahead with the usual encrypted key generation.

I would recommend calling this from your MainActivity itself, since this is just a one time execution in your local debug environment.

There you go! Simple as that! 😀

Now once again, keeping in mind to make sure to remove the above helper class call from your project code, before you submit your final APK to the Play Store, since google does not recommend generating the App’s hash key during user run time. Just simply retrive your hash key and remove the code, and then set it up in your SMS API gateway execution.

Thats it! 😀


Share the love! 😀 ❤

Generating App Hash key for SMS Retriever API for (Xamarin incl.)…

Trying to generate your app’s Hash Key for the implementation of new Android SMS Retriever API? Still couldn’t get it to work? Well the problem could be in the actual generation process of the has string!

And here are some ways you could actually make sure to generate the valid hash string to get the functionality working.

Specially if you’re developing on Windows, or better working on a Xamarin Android app? I’ve got some goodies to make it work as well! 😉

App Hash string for SMS Retriever API

Anyhow, to use the SMS Retriever API we need generate our App’s unique Hash string which is a combination of app’s package name and your app’s public key certificate. Once the SMS is received into the Inbox the SMS Retriever API looks for any matching hash key in the message corresponding to the app that requested to read the SMS, if it finds a perfect match it will kick in the execution of retrieving the SMS string, otherwise it will time out. So without the accurate app hash key the SMS Retriever API will not kick in at all. That is why it is very crucial we generate the correct app hash key for our app using the App package name and keystore hash.


Although according to the official Google Documentation, it should be easy and straight forward, but it is not, specially if you’re using a Windows Dev Environment, which could be troublesome at times. To add some topping on to that, if you’re working on a Xamarin Android project in Windows, you’re in deep troublesome waters, since even Google Docs only provides samples for the Android Java implementation.

Then the sample command that Google Docs provide doesn’t really throw any error if anything goes wrong during, wrong parameter, or a wrong keyword, during hash string generation, it simply returns a false hash string, which makes things worse!

This is actually something I experienced while I was developing one of our Xamarin Android applications. Oh yes! that’s even more annoying since there’s no official documentation or Xamarin sample of the implementation code regarding that API. 😦

Hence Google’s doc command failed me I had to play around with the parameters we’re passing in to the command, re-arrange and modify to get it to work. But anyhow with a walk in the midst of the dark forest of troubleshooting, I figured out how to properly generate the App Hash key!

Get your pre-requisites right!

First of all prepare your keystore file path, keystore alias name and keystore password, and double check those values are being properly set. This is where most of them goes wrong. Then the obvious requirement, make sure you have Androd

Method 1: On MacOS Terminal

So this is the easiest and most straight forward way to generate the hash string, by simply executing the below command on a MacOS Terminal.

keytool -exportcert -alias <keystore alias name> -keystore <keystore file with extension> | xxd -p | tr -d "[:space:]" | echo -n <your app id> `cat` | sha256sum | tr -d "[:space:]-" | xxd -r -p | base64 | cut -c1-11
  • Replace the <keystore alias name> with your keystore alias name, ex: mykeystorename
  • Replace the <keystore file with extension> with the full path to your keystore file, ex: /Users/username/Desktop/mykeystorefile.keystore
  • Replace the <your app id> with your app id: com.mytest.app

If everything went well, next line Terminal will immediately prompt you to enter the keystore password, which will generate the accurate app hash key!

Yep simple as that! 😀

Now you might wonder how I shared the above screenshot so bravely without worrying about the security, oh well its just using the default Xamarin Android keystore generated by VS for Mac with its default settings and a fake app id! 😛

Troublesome? Get Utils installed!

Unless you got some missing utils in your mac developer machine, such as the following error: sha256sum: command not found, which indicates missing coreutils in your Mac. Therefore you need to fist install Homebrew if you don’t have already.

Install Homebrew: https://brew.sh/

Restart Terminal and run the below command!

brew install coreutils

Restart Terminal and re-run the has generation command! 🙂

Method 2: On Windows CMD Prompt

Now on Windows its going to be a little bit of more work specially most of the command parameters which are used in unix cannot be executed straight up in Windows Command Prompt.

So in hope of avoiding at least a little bit of pain I would recommend using the Visual Studio Command Prompt or the Android ADB Command Prompt in your Windows PC. Specially since the java keytool path should already be configured in the Path property there.

Step 1: Generate the hex string from keystore file

keytool -alias <keystore alias name> -exportcert -keystore "<keystore file with extension>" -storepass "<keystore password>" | xxd -p

Now the parameters that you need to replace are the same as we did on MacOS command, but as you can see keystore file path and password are provided within brackets or quotations. So make sure to add that detail.

If everything went well, it will return you the hex string from your keystore file!

Now that’s me trying out the default debug keystore file in Windows. If everything executes properly, it should return a super long hex string as shown above, actually even much longer than that lol, I just cropped it out 😛

Copy that hex string and keep it, we are gonna use it in the next step.

Step 2: Implement the Hash key generate code script

Next we’re going to port the Google Doc’s Android Java implementation of the Hash key generation execution to Xamarin Android C# code snippet, thanks to my few minutes of trail and error efforts 😛

// move to the class global level
using Android.Util;
using Java.Security;
using Java.Util;
using System.Text;
// move to the class global level
private static string HASH_TYPE = "SHA-256";
private static int NUM_HASHED_BYTES = 9;
private static int NUM_BASE64_CHAR = 11;
/// <summary>
/// Generate App hash key using package
/// name and keystore hex signature
/// </summary>
/// <param name="packageName"></param>
/// <param name="keystoreHexSignature"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static string GetAppHashKey
(String packageName, String keystoreHexSignature)
string appInfo = packageName + " " + keystoreHexSignature;
MessageDigest messageDigest = MessageDigest.GetInstance(HASH_TYPE);
byte[] hashSignature = messageDigest.Digest();
hashSignature = Arrays.CopyOfRange (hashSignature, 0, NUM_HASHED_BYTES);
string base64Hash = Android.Util.Base64.EncodeToString
(hashSignature, Base64Flags.NoPadding | Base64Flags.NoWrap);
base64Hash = base64Hash.Substring(0, NUM_BASE64_CHAR);
return base64Hash;
catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e)
return null;

Simply copy that snippet into a Xamarin Android project with the specific imports mentioned at the top of the snippet. You could use this as a little helper extension method to generate the app hash key by passing in the app package name and keystore hash value that we generated in the step 1, as mentioned in the parameters.

That should work like a charm! 😀

Although keep in mind once you generate the app hash string, you should remove the keystore hex and package name hex from the code before you submit it to the app store. Google does not recommend those sensitive information inside the code as magic strings due to obvious security reasons.

Now the above code snippet can be used in either Visual Studio on Windows or Mac as long as you got the keystore hex string. 😉

TADAAA! 😀 That’s it!

You’re welcome!

Share the love! 😉 ❤

Is your Android App ready for the new Google Play Store permission policy?

Not so long ago in October, 2018 Google has announced a new policy regarding the use of SMS and Call Log access permissions in your Android apps.

“Providing a safe and secure experience for our users. – Android Developers Blog, Google”

“Google is restricting which apps can request Call Log and SMS permissions – XDA Developers”

Which created quite a buzz amongst the Android Developer community, by short it means Google is restricting the access to the user’s SMS and Call logs from our Android apps, which is actually a step forward to protect the user’s privacy and security.

Root cause…

Since the beginning on Android you could gain access directly to read the user’s SMS and Call logs on android upon permission request, and your app didn’t have to be registered as a Phone or SMS handler app to perform this action. Any app could easily ask for permission from user and gain access to SMS functionality and Call logs seamlessly.

After a while,

some apps had actually started to misuse this open access, and violate user’s private data continuously…

As a fellow developer, speaking of this matter it was just a matter of getting the user to permit the one time permission and setting up the broadcast receiver to reading the messages forever even in background, which was a very easy and open access which could have easily misused for any illegal activity.  And frankly since this was just a one time permission access thing, the user wouldn’t really be aware of what’s going on in the background. :O

And frankly even for a small feature such as OTP we had to gain access to reading the whole list of SMS data in the phone, which was kind of way too much access in my opinion for such a simple task.

Restricting it up!

So Google has started to crack down on this issue as such..

“Some Android apps ask for permission to access a user’s phone (including call logs) and SMS data. Going forward, Google Play will limit which apps are allowed to ask for these permissions. Only an app that has been selected as a user’s default app for making calls or text messages will be able to access call logs and SMS, respectively.”

– Google

Well done Google! now that’s how it’s done. 😀

So frankly what Google is saying as the new policy is that your app will not be given SMS and Call log access permission unless user has selected your app as the default system SMS or Call provider app.

Unless your app’s “core functionality” is related to SMS or Call logs, such as a SMS Sender/Reader or a Call log recording app or something similar of sorts, your app will not be granted access. Otherwise you’re going to have to revert to other API’s Google has provided to access SMS and Call logs for minor functionalities such as OTP verification and so on. 🙂

Now that was back in October, 2018!

Don’t comply? App will be blocked!

Yep they first gave a grace period of 90 days and now they are bringing the rain down upon the apps…

“Reminder SMS/Call Log Policy Changes – Android Developers Blog, Google”

“Google will remove unapproved apps that use call log/SMS permissions in the next few weeks – XDA Developers”

So they have begun cracking down on the apps that are already in the Play Store which does not comply with the new policy of accessing the SMS/Call logs information.

It’s now being striclty mentioned in the Play Store Developer Policy Center: https://play.google.com/about/privacy-security-deception/permissions/

But this doesn’t mean they wouldn’t give any exceptions, in cases like if it is heavily required for the app’s core functionality, as if it’s a sub-functionality that could break the core flow of the app. In which case you will be able to submit a special review for an exception.

So what solution?

This is where you need to take a hard look at your app’s functionality and decide what is core functionality and what’s a side feature.

They have defined this very well in their new updated help document:

“Use of SMS or Call Log permission groups – Play Console Help, Google”

let me put it frankly.

Not Core Functionality but still needed!

This are the instances where it would really not break the core functionality of your app, but it is still required for some other sub-functionality in your app?

Such as for an example, let’s say SMS OTP verification? In that case you could use Google’s alternate API to access SMS OTP retriever API, which doesn’t require SMS access Permission from user. 😀

So they have also given a list of alternate possible APIs you could use to fulfil the requirement without having need the access to SMS/Call logs information.


Once you have implemented the alternate API use, then you should submit a new version to Play Store without the mentioned permissions.

Core Functionality!

So this is where you need to define the use of your app, is your app an actual SMS Sender/Reader app such as Messenger? or a Call Log keeping app? which then can be defined as a the core functionality of your app. In that case you could continue using the access to the information as long as the user has set your app as the default phone SMS or Call service provider.

But if it is not a default Messenger or Caller app and still needed the access permissions for core functionality then…

“Submit a new version of your app that retains the permissions. Doing so will require you to complete a permissions declaration form inside the Play Console (coming soon) and will give you an extension until March 9th to remove the permissions or receive approval for your use case.”

– Android Developers Blog, Google

If accessing SMS/Call logs is required for a main functionality and you believe it does not violate the policies then you could submit a Declaration Form in Google Play Store, requesting for manual review to exclude your app from removal from Play Store.

They may provide a temporary exception to apps that aren’t Default SMS, Phone, or Assistant handlers when certain scenarios aren’t possible to achieve without such permission access, which is defined in the Exceptions section in “Use of SMS or Call Log permission groups – Play Console Help, Google”

In Conclusion…

Now this actually is going to break a lot of cool features of apps, which may or may not be violating user’s sensitive information. But still it’s a one big step forward for gaining the Android User’s trust and making them feel positive about using your app in long term. 🙂

Again that I’m saying this is going to prevent some really cool apps being pushed to public market via Play Store though. 😐 but a much needed restriction…

Ze Flippable View in Xamarin.Forms with Native Animations…

Let’s blend some Native Animation goodness to our Flippin’ Flipity Flippable View in Xamarin.Forms…

So I hop yol’ remember my previous post, It’s a Flippin’ Flipity Flippable View in Xamarin.Forms! where I showcased my awesome control built right from Xamarin.Forms without any native code implementation. 😉


But you may have noticed a slight issue in the Flip Animation, specially on Android and iOS as well (slightly though), where Flip animation moves the View out of it’s bounds.

^As you can see above, in the animation screenshots… 😮

Some improvement needed…

If you look closely, during the flip rotation, the View sort of scales up itself and moves out of the bounds of itself and scales back and revert back to the normal bounds.

This was kind of annoying me from a personal perspective, so that’s why I thought of finding a solution by trying to render the whole animation natively for Android and iOS separately. 😀

Behold ze Native Animation…

So basically the whole logic of the FlipViewControl is going to be the same, only the animation part would be executed natively. Let’s discuss how we could implement a native animation for each Android and iOS below. 😀

As of Android…

As of Android, the reason why the View scales out of bounds during the flip animation is because that is the default behavior of Flip Animation in Android. Since Xamarin.Forms Aniamtions binds to the native default behavior you could definitely expect it to behave that way. There’s an aspect called Camera View distance perspective for any given view, by default during any animation the Camera View aspect doesn’t change, thus causing the overblown effect of the Flip Animation.

So by implementing a native animation what we could achieve is to control the Camera View Distance value for each animation frame manually, also something to keep in mind this needs to be done according to the Screen density. I found this solution thanks to this forum post:  https://forums.xamarin.com/discussion/49978/changing-default-perspective-after-rotation

As of iOS…

Here for the iOS its not much of an issue, but you do see a bit of the View scaling out of the boundary. So let’s dive into the iOS native flip animation.

We’ll be using a CATransform3D to maintain the transformation of the View’s Layer and execute the animation using UIView.Animate(), we will be using two CATransform3D objects to make sure the View doesn’t scale beyond the boundaries during the animation. This whole awesome solution I found via a random snippet search https://gist.github.com/aloisdeniel/3c8b82ca4babb1d79b29

Time for some coding…

Let’s get started off with the subclassed custom control, naming it XNFlipView and the implementation is actually same as our previous XFFlipView control implementation, but the only difference is there’s no Xamarin.Forms Animation implementation, or handling of the IsFlipped property in the PCL code, since it will be handled in the Renderer level.

public class XNFlipView : ContentView
	public XNFlipView()

	public static readonly BindableProperty FrontViewProperty

	public static readonly BindableProperty BackViewProperty
	// Everything else is same as XFFlipView implementation

	public static readonly BindableProperty IsFlippedProperty =

	/// <summary>
	/// Gets or Sets whether the view is already flipped
	/// ex : 
	/// </summary>
	public bool IsFlipped
		get { return(bool)this.GetValue(IsFlippedProperty);}
		set { this.SetValue(IsFlippedProperty, value); }


You can take a look at the full class implementation in the github repo file: XFFlipViewControl/XNFlipView.cs

Native Renderers implementation…

Since the animations are going to be handled natively, we need to create the Custom Renderers for our XNFlipView for Android and iOS separately, so let’s get started…

Android Custom Renderer

Alright then let’s go ahead and create the XNFlipViewRenderer  extending from ViewRenderer, as of Xamarin.Forms 2.5 and later we have to pass the Context in the Custom Renderer’s constructor, so let’s begin with that.

public class XNFlipViewRenderer : ViewRenderer
	private float _cameraDistance;

	private readonly ObjectAnimator _animateYAxis0To90;
	private readonly ObjectAnimator _animateYAxis90To180;

	public XNFlipViewRenderer(Context context) : base(context)
		//Animation Initialization

	protected override void 
		OnElementChanged(ElementChangedEventArgs<Xamarin.Forms.View> e)

		if (((XNFlipView)e.NewElement) != null)
			// Calculating Camera Distance 
                        //to be used at Animation Runtime
			// https://forums.xamarin.com/discussion/49978/changing-default-perspective-after-rotation
			var distance = 8000;
			_cameraDistance = Context.Resources.DisplayMetrics.Density * distance;

	protected override void 
		OnElementPropertyChanged(object sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs e)
		base.OnElementPropertyChanged(sender, e);

		if (e.PropertyName == XNFlipView.IsFlippedProperty.PropertyName)
			if (!((XNFlipView)sender).IsFlipped)
				this.RotationY = 0;


	private void AnimateFlipHorizontally()



Now as you can see above in the constructor we’re initializing the ObjectAnimator objects _animateYAxis0To90 and _animateYAxis90To180 which will be executing the native Flip Animation.

Then in the Renderer’s OnElementChanged we’re calculating the Camera distance value to be used during the Animations execution as we explained before in the concept.

Also you can see how we’re listening to the XNFlipView.IsFlipped value change and executing Animations.

Next let’s take a look into the Animation execution implementation which goes inside the Constructor as you can see in the previous code snippet…

// Initiating the first half of the animation
_animateYAxis0To90 = ObjectAnimator.OfFloat(this, "RotationY", 0.0f, -90f);
_animateYAxis0To90.Update += (sender, args) =>
	// On every animation Frame we have to update the Camera Distance since Xamarin overrides it somewhere
_animateYAxis0To90.AnimationEnd += (sender, args) =>
	if (((XNFlipView)Element).IsFlipped)
		// Change the visible content
		((XNFlipView)Element).FrontView.IsVisible = false;
		((XNFlipView)Element).BackView.IsVisible = true;
		// Change the visible content
		((XNFlipView)Element).BackView.IsVisible = false;
		((XNFlipView)Element).FrontView.IsVisible = true;

	this.RotationY = -270;


// Initiating the second half of the animation
_animateYAxis90To180 = ObjectAnimator.OfFloat(this, "RotationY", -270f, -360f);
_animateYAxis90To180.Update += (sender1, args1) =>
	// On every animation Frame we have to update the Camera Distance since Xamarin overrides it somewhere


As you can see we’re instantiating the animation objects accordingly to the degree angle of the Y Axis they’re suppose to animate the view. Also something very important is that in each animation frame we’re also updating the Camera View Distance, as we discussed earlier this to prevent the View from scaling beyond it’s boundaries. That SetCameraDistance() call takes of it with the previous calculated value. 😉

You can also change the speed of the animation by changing the SetDuration() parameters, which currently I’ve set to 1 second.

You could take a look at the full implementation of the android custom renderer in the github file: XFFlipViewControl.Android/XNFlipViewRenderer.cs

iOS Custom Renderer

Alright then let’s move to the iOS Custom Renderer…

public class XNFlipViewRenderer : ViewRenderer

   protected override void
       OnElementPropertyChanged(object sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs e)
       base.OnElementPropertyChanged(sender, e);

       if (e.PropertyName == XNFlipView.IsFlippedProperty.PropertyName)
           if (((XNFlipView)sender).IsFlipped)
             AnimateFlipHorizontally(NativeView, false, 0.5, () =>
                 // Change the visible content
                 ((XNFlipView)sender).FrontView.IsVisible = false;
                 ((XNFlipView)sender).BackView.IsVisible = true;

                           (NativeView, true, 0.5, null);
             AnimateFlipHorizontally(NativeView, false, 0.5, () =>
                 // Change the visible content
                 ((XNFlipView)sender).FrontView.IsVisible = true;
                 ((XNFlipView)sender).BackView.IsVisible = false;

                             (NativeView, true, 0.5, null);
   public void AnimateFlipHorizontally(...)


So here in iOS Renderer, it seems a bit straight forward as we’re simply listening to the IsFlipped property change and directly executing the animation.

Next let’s see the Animation implementation…

public void AnimateFlipHorizontally
	(UIView view, bool isIn, 
		double duration = 0.3, Action onFinished = null)
	var m34 = (nfloat)(-1 * 0.001);

	var minTransform = CATransform3D.Identity;
	minTransform.m34 = m34;
	minTransform = minTransform.
		Rotate((nfloat)((isIn ? 1 : -1) * Math.PI * 0.5),
			(nfloat)0.0f, (nfloat)1.0f, (nfloat)0.0f);
	var maxTransform = CATransform3D.Identity;
	maxTransform.m34 = m34;

	view.Layer.Transform = isIn ? minTransform : maxTransform;
	UIView.Animate(duration, 0, UIViewAnimationOptions.CurveEaseInOut,
		() => {
			view.Layer.AnchorPoint = new CGPoint((nfloat)0.5, (nfloat)0.5f);
			view.Layer.Transform = isIn ? maxTransform : minTransform;


So that’s basically the animation implementation code, which I have extracted from the given gist link at the top, which I have explained in the concept description as well.

You can change the speed of the flip animation by changing the duration.

You could take a look at the full implementation of the android custom renderer in the github file: XFFlipViewControl.iOS/XNFlipViewRenderer.cs

Try it out eh! 😀

Well its use is exactly same as our previous XFFlipView Control. As of an example you could take a look here in my github file: XNFlipViewDemoPage.xaml

So now to execute the awesome Flip Animation, simply change the value of the IsFlipped as follows.

XNFlipViewControl1.IsFlipped = !XNFlipViewControl1.IsFlipped;


As you can see in code behind, we’re changing the value of the control’s IsFlipped property, Simples eh! 😀 This is fully bindable as well, so you can directly bind this to a ViewModel property as well.

          IsFlipped="{Binding IsViewFlipped}">



So you can directly use this in your beautifully crafted MVVM Xamarin.Forms app as well. 😀

Some Live Action…

Here we go baby! iOS and Android running side by side…




Look at that the Flip Animation maintains the Bounds of the View nicely during the animation in both Android and iOS! 😉

This whole awesome project i hosted up in my Github repo : https://github.com/UdaraAlwis/XFFlipViewControl 

Cheers! 😀 Keep on going my fellow devs!

Spread the love…

It’s a Flippin’ Flipity Flippable View in Xamarin.Forms!

Something that Flips! Flipity Flippy Flippin’ Flip View right out of Xamarin.Forms yol! 😀

Sometime back while I was trying to push the limits of Xamarin.Forms Views, I came across this requirement of Flipping a View with a cool animation. So let me share the story of it right here as usual…

I wanted to create a control that would have a Front View and a Back View, whilst being able to switch between those two Views in with a cool Flip animation!

Behold ze me effortz… 😀


TADAAA! 😀 How cool it is eh! 😉

And its all pure Xamarin.Forms, without a single line of native code… Say whuut! 😀 lol

So yeah let’s see how I did it.

The Golden Recipe…

So the solution here is to simply use a View which can hold two layouts (where we will be placing out child elements in) on top of each other, and rotate the View with the easy use of  Xamarin.Forms Animations, whitest swapping the two layouts on top of each other accordingly.

Ok so let me elaborate step by step.

  • Prepare a MainLayout View to hold two child Layouts (FrontView and BackView) in it
  • Add the FrontView and BackView on top of each other inside the MainLayout  View
  • Rotate the MainLayout 90 degrees using Xamarin.Forms Animations API
  • Swap the FrontView and BackView 
  • Then Rotate the MainLayout another 90 degrees
  • And Repeat the same…

That’s it!

The Golden Control…

Alright let’s start of with creating a custom control, which we shall call the golden XFFlipView which would derive from a ContentView. Then myself be using a RelativeLayout as the Parent Layout View of this control,

I’m using bindable FrontViewProperty and BackViewProperty inside the XFFlipView control to hold the reference of the two child Layout Views that we are going to be using as FrontView and BackView of this Flippin’ Flippity Flippy thing! 😀

Additionally we are going to use a bindable boolean, IsFlippedProperty to handle the flipping of this flip view 😉

Well why all the “bindable properties” you might ask? Oh come on, why not silly! So we can monitor the changes of those properties at run time and react accordingly, such as the IsFlipped property, whereas whenever the value changes we shall be activating the Flip View animation functionality.

public class XFFlipView : ContentView
	private readonly RelativeLayout _contentHolder;
	public XFFlipView()
		_contentHolder = new RelativeLayout();
		Content = _contentHolder;

	public static readonly BindableProperty FrontViewProperty =

	public static readonly BindableProperty BackViewProperty =

	public static readonly BindableProperty IsFlippedProperty =

	private static void IsFlippedPropertyChanged(BindableObject bindable, object oldValue, object newValue)
		if ((bool)newValue)
	/// <summary>
	/// Performs the flip
	/// </summary>
	private async void FlipFromFrontToBack()

	/// <summary>
	/// Performs the flip
	/// </summary>
	private async void FlipFromBackToFront()


There you have it as we just discussed earlier. Ops I may have forgotten about those two methods at the bottom, so those are the methods we are going to use the actual Flip Animation logic, as you can see they’re are being called every time the IsFlipped property is changed.

Oh for them lazy fellas, here grab the full implementation above on my github: XFFlipView.cs

Ze Animationalization…

Alright time for the reveal of the animation thingy, which has been completely done through the easy to use Xamarin.Forms Animations API. Surprise!!?? 😛

private async void FlipFromFrontToBack()
	await FrontToBackRotate();

	// Change the visible content
	this.FrontView.IsVisible = false;
	this.BackView.IsVisible = true;

	await BackToFrontRotate();

So basically that’s the implementation of the above said mystery two methods, as you can clearly see, inside there I’m calling another method called FrontToBackRotate() which is the actual method that performs the animation. And right after that we are swapping the Visibility of the FrontView and BackView. Then continue with the rest of animation in BackToFrontRotate() call, just like how we discussed at the beginning.

Let’s see the actual animation implementation, shall we…

#region Animation Stuff

private async Task<bool> FrontToBackRotate()

	this.RotationY = 360;

	await this.RotateYTo(270, 500, Easing.Linear);

	return true;

private async Task<bool> BackToFrontRotate()

	this.RotationY = 90;

	await this.RotateYTo(0, 500, Easing.Linear);

	return true;



Oh look at that simplicity eh! Thank you Xamarin.Forms animation! 😀 lol

So what happen over there is first we cancel any pending animation and the do initial Y axis rotate property of the parent View and then actually call on the RotateYTo() of Xamarin.Forms Animations, causing it the parent Layout to rotate around the Y Axis with the given value of degrees.

Then when the parent View is flipping from Back To Front View, the same process’s opposite will be executed. 😀 Simples!

Try it out eh! 😀

Since its full on Xamarin.Forms without a single line of native Xamarin code, you could straightaway use this in your XAML or C# code behind anywhere in your PCL.


                 Text="this is front view"
                 VerticalTextAlignment="Center" />

                 Text="this is back view"
                 VerticalTextAlignment="Center" />



Woot! Such simplicity! 😀 So you can see how I have directly used our awesome XFFlipView control right inside XAML and defined the Front and Back Views. Also I have used a Frame View to make it look cooler 😉 lol

So now to execute the awesome Flip Animation, simply change the value of the IsFlipped as follows.

XFFlipViewControl1.IsFlipped = !XFFlipViewControl1.IsFlipped;


As you can see in code behind, we’re changing the value of the control’s IsFlipped property, Simples eh! 😀 This is fully bindable as well, so you can directly bind this to a ViewModel property as well.

          IsFlipped="{Binding IsViewFlipped}">



So you can directly use this in your beautifully crafted MVVM Xamarin.Forms app as well. 😀

Some Live Action…

Here we go baby! iOS and Android running side by side…


Oh hold on… there’s more coolness… 😀


Ohhh! Eye Candy! 😀

And the craziest thing about it is that, all of this awesomeness is right from Xamarin.Forms, without a single line of native Xamarin code. 😉


This whole awesome project i hosted up in my Github repo : https://github.com/UdaraAlwis/XFFlipViewControl 

Oh BTW, you might ask me why on Android during the Animation, the view seem to be expanding out of the view? Yes its basically how the Android native flip animation executes, since Xamarin.Forms directly maps its Animation rendering calls down to native level. But we could easily tweak it up by implementing our own native renderer for the Animation, which we will be looking into in the next post. 🙂

Cheers! 😀 Keep on going my fellow devs!

Spread the love…

I encountered “GenerateJavaStubs” task failed unexpectedly in Xamarin Android

I encountered this during error during a compilation of one of my Xamarin Android apps. After installation of a new 3rd party library, I tried compiling my project, but BOOM! this happened!

What happened ?

So I took a little look-around. Well my project solution is a multi-hierarchical project, where as I have an Android Library, Core Library, and Client Project App referenced in a hierarchical manner .

So what has happened was, after some third party library installation, a duplicate MainApplication class had been generated somehow. 😮

Solution ?

Remove the duplicate  MainApplication class in your project, hence Android requires only one point to fire up. 😉

Make sure you don’t have duplicate MainApplication classes that derives from Application base class in your Xamarin.Android project. Specially if you have a hierarchical project implementation, such as a Android Library project attached to your Main application project.

In such cases make sure you maintain only one MainApplication class that derives from Application base class, in either of your projects. 😀


An infamous(or not?) fact(something important?) about Xamarin Forms Navigation in Android…

Xamarin Forms uses a very neat and simplified Navigation Architecture which can be easily justified among Android, iOS and WinPhone mobile platforms under common grounds.

Xamarin Forms Navigation

Alright, now this is not an article about Xamarin Forms Navigation article, as it is very well explained in Xamarin official documentation. If you want to go check it out right now before you get into this article. https://developer.xamarin.com/guides/xamarin-forms/user-interface/navigation/hierarchical/

Now the way Xamarin Forms handles this navigation during the actual runtime, specifically in native levels are different for each mobile platforms. Of course they have to somehow map Xamarin Forms Navigation paradigm to the Native app navigation paradigm, which is extremely complex and Xamarin has done a great job so far. 😀

Why is Navigation so Important?

Navigation plays a huge part in your Mobile Application development, specially when it becomes more complex when you need to implement deeper customisations to your cross platform app.

So when we get down to complex customisations related to your Navigation, it is very important to be aware of the underlying mechanics of the platform.

Hence with Xamarin Forms, we are dealing with a cross-platform situation, where it is very crucial that we pay attention to three different mobile platforms, and how their navigation is actually handled in Xamarin Forms.

Xamarin has done a great job in handling a common cross-platform navigation pattern, and faded out the Native-compatibility mechanics to the background, to the point a developer doesn’t really have to pay any attention to it. So kudos Xamarin! 😉

Recently I…

So the reason I’m writing this article is because, recently I came across a situation where I had to pay detailed attention for Xamarin Forms Navigation and how it actually handles it in native execution. 🙂

And there’s something very interesting I spotted in how Xamarin Forms handles Navigation in Android runtime..

So I thought of sharing it with everyone, hence most developers doesn’t seem to be aware of this.

Specially amongst the fresh developers of the Xamarin Community, where a lot of developers assume Xamarin Forms follows everything exactly as the Native Framework patterns and properties, which is not actually accurate and they have taken some unique (or may be different) approaches for mapping Native stuff to the Xamarin Forms level, which are quite out of the box. So you need to pay a good attention to their details when you are dealing with complex implementations in Xamarin Forms.

So what’s the big deal I found with Xamarin Forms Navigation in Android ?

Xamarin Forms Navigation in Android?

Now when it comes to handling Xamarin Forms Navigation in Android run time, I noticed something very interesting, which I should blame myself for not paying any attention way earlier for this aspect. However…

If you’re familiar with Native Android development, the standard pattern of how we navigate in-between Activities and Fragments, how the activity lifecycle is handled so on and so forth yeah? (Nope, I’m not gonna get into the details of Android Navigation pattern in this article, if you aren’t aware, please stop reading this article and Google about it, then you may get back here… other wise you might get confused!)

Now have you ever thought how Xamarin Forms actually handles this complex Android Navigation Pattern? And actually map the Xamarin Forms Navigation paradigm to the Native Android Execution?

Now this is where it gets interesting…

Go on to this link which explains the NavigationPage (the page that manages the navigation) of Xamarin Forms, and read the REMARKS! READ IT!


Let me quote it,

“Note that on the Android platform, INavigation operations do not generate activity lifecycle notifications. For each Page that you push or pop, the Android implementation of NavigationPage simply adds or removes the content of the page to or from a single activity.”

Interesting right?

Now I did some more research about it, and came across more interesting facts.

At Xamarin Evolve 2014…

Watch this Youtube clip where an attendee asks Jason Smith about the Navigation pattern of Xamarin Forms in Android.

Attendee: I was curious why you designed the Xamarin Forms Android to be a Single Activity as opposed to Multiple Activity?

Jason: Couple of minor considerations I guess. At the time Fragments weren’t fully back ported when we started the project. So we couldn’t actually target Fragments, which was really annoying. And Google was advocating the Single Activity approach and on top of that Navigations Paradigms of Activity didn’t fully map to the Xamarin Forms Navigation Paradigm.

Furthermore from Jason Smith…

So I found a post in Xamarin Forms Community Forum  where Jason Smith has commented regarding the navigation further more a s follows…


TheRealJasonSmith [Jason Smith]

“Xamarin.Forms pre-dates the backporting of Fragments on Android, however it is written in a fashion similar to how fragments work. The Views we add/remove from the view hierarchy are fully cleaned up and disposed of when they go away. This works around the standard issue people had with single activity apps where all the views would stick around eating lots of memory.

Even if you as the user pre-allocate all of your Xamarin.Forms views, we do not realize them into actually android objects until they are needed on screen. We then will remove and dispose those same objects dynamically when they are no longer needed. This means that you should not be paying a significant memory overhead, even if you are not mindful of this yourself.”

So now what does this all tell us?

So after all these findings what is the conclusion we could come to?

In Native Android Development…


When we develop Native Android application we usually use the standard Multiple Activities approach to propagate the pages and to navigate in between them, and sometimes we throw in some Fragments here and there as needed for memory saving and re-usability.

There is also an approach called “Single Activity Architecture” approach where you maintain only one activity and render all the pages on top of it in Native Android development.

Xamarin Forms Navigation in Android?


Short and sweet Xamarin Forms does not follow the same standard multiple activity pattern in Android


Xamarin Forms uses a unique Single Activity Architecture based pattern in Android which is similar to the use of Fragments, but with a better management of memory with its approach…

As with all our findings this is quite a unique approach that Xamarin Forms has implemented under the hood for Android. Which is very important to keep in mind when you get down to complex implementation of Xamarin Forms in Android.

Advantages and also Disadvantages ?

This gives many advantages and also disadvantages for us developers. Advantages such as good memory management, ease of navigation, instead of dealing with Activities and Fragments directly.

But this also brings many disadvantages which I had struggled in great deals with in Xamarin Forms complex implementations for Android, such as management of a custom ActionBar across your views, adding custom page transition animations for pages, unpleasant UX behavior when hiding ActionBar and so on.

But then again, there is always a way to solve problems in programming. 🙂

That’s it… 🙂

Well there you go, hope this clears any confusion anyone had just like I did sometime back… 🙂 And if you weren’t aware of this before, now you know how to handle stuff when it’s in need during your Xamarin Forms mobile development.

Cheers! 😀

Handling Page Transition Animations in Xamarin Android

Alright let’s get straight to point, You want to add some fancy transition animations to your Pages in your Xamarin Android app ? more specifically when the user navigates through the app between the pages, you need to add some nice animations for the page transition ? 😉

I came across this situation and I couldn’t find any articles on it, therefore after solving my issue, I decided to write my own to share my experience.

Yep here’s how you do it in Xamarin Android.. 😉

In Android we could define the type of transition animation that we need to add to our pages, both when we are opening the page and exiting the page, whereas we could pass those defined properties to the page Activity included in the Bundle object. 😀

So that’s what we are going to do.

As you can see below I have created a custom animation for the page MyPageActivity whereas this certain page would use the defined animations when during it’s opening and exiting executions.

We define the animation and include them in a bundle to pass into the StartActivity method, in order to deliver it to the opening Activity.

// Adding the transition animation to the ActivityOptions and include them in a Bundle
Bundle animationBundle = ActivityOptions.MakeCustomAnimation(this, Resource.Animation.abc_fade_in, Resource.Animation.abc_fade_out).ToBundle();

// Pass on the Bundle object to the StartActivity method 
this.StartActivity(new Intent(this, typeof(MyPageActivity)), animationBundle);


Above I have created the animation using the existing default animation types, you could add your own custom animations as you wish just as above, whereas you just have to give the resource ID for the custom animation of your’s. 🙂

Well, hope that was helpful… 🙂

Sorry this was a short post without any screenshots, going through some crazy busy times at office, barely having any time to blog 😦

Cheers! Stay Awesome! 😀


Auto spanning LinearLayout for Xamarin Android

Ever wanted to have a LinearLayout to auto span through the screen, more over take the whole screen width and expand itself with equal spaces in between the elements ? Well I know have. 😉

So here’s another short and sweet code sharing post! 😀

So what happened ?

Well anyhow usually during such above scenarios the first thing that come’s to my mind is the RelativeLayout in Android, so I went ahead and implemented it, whereas I had two buttons in the corner and a textview in the middle, I just needed it to be auto spanned the whole screen width and take equal space in between. I managed to create the design as expected but weirdly enough, the click events of the buttons weren’t working, and literally the I wasn’t able to click on the buttons, as if RelativeLayout was hovering over the buttons.

Oh yes I tried enabling the Clickable property of RelativeLayout as well, even the Focus enable property, but nothing worked!

LinearLayout for the rescue!

So helplessly I forced myself to change to LinearLayout, and lucky enough I managed to get it done after a few hours of playing around lol! 😀 It still doesn’t make any sense why the buttons weren’t clickable inside the RelativeLayout. O_o However I’m glad I figured out a workaround with the LinearLayout.

So anyways if any of you run into such situation, or looking to implement LinearLayout for a similar situation, here  is the code XML code I used for my layout. 😉

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<LinearLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
      android:orientation="vertical" />
      android:text="Button 1" />
      android:orientation="vertical" />
      android:text="Button 2" />
      android:orientation="vertical" />
      android:text="Button 3" />
      android:orientation="vertical" />
      android:text="Button 4" />
      android:orientation="vertical" />


So basically what I have done is, added empty LinearLayouts in between the buttons and assign an equal weight to the layout property. This will make the layout span across the full screen width, taking equal spaces in between, despite of Landscape mode Portrait mode. You could even assign different spacing in between the buttons, which will get automatically maintained among Landscape and Portrait modes. 🙂

Here’s how it actually looks like…

Screen Shot 2016-02-11 at 4.09.17 PM Screen Shot 2016-02-11 at 4.09.37 PM


WOOT! WOOT! 😀 there you go ! 😉 Enjoy!

Stay Awesome fellas!