6 thoughts on “About

  1. Hello could you please send me your”Final Year Project Log – Image Matching Experiment using SURF Feature Extraction” working project.”its hard to find anyone using c# and emgucv SURF application.i’m working on one like this project.
    My email is :engineer3535@hotmail.com


    1. Hi there,

      I am extremely sorry I can not send you my project code base because I am working on a large commercial app based on my project. But I would be glad to help you out with any instructions or advices you need. 🙂

      – Udara Alwis.


      1. Hi Udara,
        I read your article and found it very useful and clear. I tried to implement all your instructions in my cross platform project and it all looks ok at compile time, but when I look at Real-Time overview nothing happens.
        In the implementation of DependencyService (GAService) i put a breakpoint on the following instructions

        GATracker.Send(new HitBuilders.ScreenViewBuilder().Build());


        and the code is executed without errors.

        But in the Real Time overview of Google Analytics I see always 0.

        Do you have any suggestions for me? some direction to look at?

        Thank you in advance

        Best Regards
        Michele Iannacci


      2. Hey Michele,

        Glad to hear you tried it out. If you had implemented properly, I can’t think of any issues without looking into your actual implementation. But could be some of the below reasons,

        1. Check internet connection settings in Xamarin.Android manifest file
        2. Make sure your testing devices/ emulators are connected to the internet
        3. Make sure you have given the right Google Analytics Tracking Code and configuration in each platform implementation.
        4. Check whether you are getting the debug breakpoint hit on the above code snippets you have given.
        5. Make sure you are properly calling the methods in GASConnect class in your PCL project. Such as,
        // Track a page
        GASConnect.Track_App_Page(“Home Page”);

        Give a deeper look into those aspects and let me know. 🙂

        Good luck.
        – Udara Alwis.


  2. Hello, I just read your very detailed article on using hardware accelerated Android emulators on Windows. I have been learning this area rapidly over the past few days trying to get a new development environment set up (on a rather old machine). I am having an error at emulator startup that may be fixed by rolling back to an earlier emulator version (27.2.7). Wondering if you have any insight as to how to go about this, as the SDK manager doesn’t seem to allow it.


  3. FYI, the article Google forms autofill with parameters was probably very helpful in it’s day, but is now obsolete, and you’d do veryone a favor by taking it down. There’s a much easier way to do this now. In the google form edit screen, click the ellipsis, then click get prefilled link.


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