Category Archives: Experimentation

Publishing the Nuget of my Color Picker Control for Xamarin.Forms!

Let me share the journey of me publishing the Nuget Package of my interactive Color Picker Control for Xamarin.Forms that I built using SkiaSharp.

So some time back I built an Interactive and responsive Color Picker Control for Xamarin.Forms (Android, iOS, UWP) with a whole bunch of awesome features. On a Canvas with a beautiful Color spectrum similar to a rainbow gradient effect spreading across, drag, drop, swipe and pan over the Canvas to pick the Color you need easily, in a fun-to-use interactive experience. Built from pure Xamarin.Forms based on SkiaSharp, lightweight and fast!


In my previous blog post I shared with you guys how I built my interactive Color Picker Control for Xamarin.Forms,

Since then I had been adding a whole bunch of extra feature to this Color Picker Control I built, so I thought it was a good idea to publish it as a Nuget Package and share with everyone! 😀

So this time, let me share my journey of implementing more advanced features and publishing the Nuget Package of my Color Picker Control for Xamarin.Forms! 😉

Some thought…

So before I isolated my Color Picker Control into a stand alone reusable package, I wanted to make sure that I maintain my philosophy of building Plugins. This would definitely have a big impact on your Users who will will be using these Plugins to build their apps, therefore I’ll share the tick list that I consider as important as follows…

Plug and Play: The plugin should easy to set up with. Do not force Devs to set up any dependencies or property values by themselves. The properties and behaviors of the Plugin should have default values assigned to them.

Customization: It should be easy and straight forward for the Devs to customize the appearance or the behaviors of the Plugin. In some case this might be limited, but you must build the Plugin in a way it make it easy as much as possible.

Embedded: In the case of UI Element Plugins, you should make it easy to be embedded into any Layout structure, being able to inherit the Parent Layout’s behaviors and values, without overriding or disrupting them.

Keep it Light: Make the Plugin as lightweight as possible, give the Dev the chance to choose which assemblies to be included in the plugin. Remove unnecessary references or dependencies from your Plugin core, so it’s light weight as possible.

Performance First: It shouldn’t cause any performance bottleneck, therefore from scratch you must build the Plugin with performance in mind. Constantly check for performance improvements during the development of your Plugin.

So may be go over this list before you build or release a Plugin for the public! 😉 Alright, with all those principles in mind, let’s move ahead…

The Features!

So here are the features that are already available in the Color Picker Control that I built which I had shared from my previous blog post…

  • Picked Color: The Property that allows Users to retrieve the Color values that’s selected from the Color Picker. This value is only a Get Property.
  • Picked Color Changed Event: The Event that fires up every time the PickedColor Value is changed during Color selection. You can subscribe to this event and observe the behavior.

Since my venture into this Color Picker Plugin I had a few ideas in mind as improvements or rather add as extra features, rather than just being a UI Element which allows you to pick a color on a beautiful spectrum! 😉 So here are the extra features that I’ll be building up into it..

  • Change the Available Base Colors List: You can set the primary list of Colors where the gradient spectrum will be rendered from. So choose the base colors you want to be populated as you wish and it will be rendered on the Color Picker.
  • Change the Color List Flow Direction: You will be able to change the direction of the flow of the colors on the canvas, where it be Horizontal flow or a Vertical flow of the color spectrum. Further more Horizontally being starting off the flow from left to right, and Vertically being top to bottom.
  • Change the Color Spectrum Style: You will be able to change the style of the Color Spectrum gradient, the rendering combination of base colors (Hue), or lighter colors (Tint) or darker colors (Shade). You’ll be able to set it with different order as well, ex: Hue Colors, Shade Colors, Tint Colors or Tint Colors, Hue Colors, Shade Colors, etc..
  • Change the Appearance of the Pointer: The white color circle that is used as the Picker Pointer on the Canvas, should be able to customized based on its Diameter or Thickness of the Circle border. Another nice addition would be to allow user to set the position of the Pointer as they wish.

Alright, now that we listed down the new intended feature set that I’m planning to ship out with my Color Picker Control, let’s get down to building it… 😀

Sneak Peek!

Just to give a little glimpse of the awesomeness I ended up building and publishing… 😀 behold the Color Picker Control for Xamarin.Forms!

Pretty awesome eh! 😉 I have moved out of my previous repo to a new standalone repo in github, since I’m publishing this as a package. Therefore all the new development will be done in this repository.

Project hosted on github:

So feel free to take a look in there before we continue… 😉

Time to Build!

Since I already explained in my previous blog post how I built my Color Picker Control from scratch step by step, I won’t be repeatedly going through same code bits in this post, but rather focus on the new changes and features only.
If you haven’t read that one yet, then I would recommend you take a peek there first, I built an Interactive Color Picker Control for Xamarin.Forms! And continue here…

I named the Solution as Udara.Plugin.XFColorPickerControl, and in return I intend to keep the Package reference with the same naming. I am using Visual Studio 2019 on Windows 10 here as my development environment.

I have created a VS Solution with a .NET Standard 2.0 Library which will hold the UI Control in place, with the naming ColorPicker. You can see I have added the dependencies of the Plugin, with Xamarin.Forms and SkiaSharp.Views.Forms packages. 😉

Notice the pure Xamarin.Forms DemoApp project inside the Demo folder that I have added to the same solution? That is for testing and showcasing the Plugin’s use, also as a reference point for anyone who wants to learn how to use the Plugin in many different ways, this attached DemoApp could come handy. 😀

The ColorPicker.xaml is the UI Element that users will be using under the namespace Udara.Plugin.XFColorPickerControl.ColorPicker in their XAML or C# code for building the UI. Here’s base skeleton implementation of the ColorPicker.xaml.cs, which all the core implementation will be taking place…

namespace Udara.Plugin.XFColorPickerControl
    public partial class ColorPicker : ContentView
        public ColorPicker()

        // Implementation goes here

Next let’s get into the implementation of Features one by one as I discussed before…

Building the Features!

So I’m going to use the same code for the two features that I already implemented in my previous blog post, Picked Color and Picked Color Changed Event feature that’s represented by PickedColor Property and PickedColorChanged Event Handler.

public partial class ColorPicker : ContentView
	/// <summary>
	/// Occurs when the Picked Color changes
	/// </summary>
	public event EventHandler<Color> PickedColorChanged;

	public static readonly BindableProperty PickedColorProperty
		= BindableProperty.Create(

	/// <summary>
	/// Get the current Picked Color
	/// </summary>
	public Color PickedColor
		get { return (Color)GetValue(PickedColorProperty); }
		private set { SetValue(PickedColorProperty, value); }

Now considering the rest of the features that I discussed in the beginning, all those features can be implemented and exposed via Bendable Properties, and handling the Property Changed events internally to react for any changes requested during run time.

public partial class ColorPicker : ContentView
    public static readonly BindableProperty PropertyNameProperty
        = BindableProperty.Create( 
            validateValue: (bindable, value) =>
                // validate value
                return (..);
            propertyChanged: (bindable, value, newValue) =>
                if (newValue != null)
                    // action on value change
                    // handling null values
                    ((ColorPicker)bindable).PropertyNameProperty = default;
    public type PropertyName
    { ... }

All the Bindable Properties are safeguarded with validations as you see above. I have added an extra layer of protection against unnecessary null values being set up, by defaulting the property value to default of itself. You can check the full implementation of each of these Properties on the github repo itself. Let’s begin..

Feature: BaseColorList

Bindable Property, BaseColorList: Change the available base Colors on the Color Spectrum, of the Color Picker. This will take a List of strings of Color names or Hex values, which is held in an IEnumerable as show here, also I have set up the fallback default values with the rainbow color spectrum.

public partial class ColorPicker : ContentView

    public static readonly BindableProperty BaseColorListProperty
        = BindableProperty.Create( ... );

    public IEnumerable BaseColorList
    { ... }


This Property is then consumed during the SkiaSharp rendering cycle as follows, where as we’re using the Xamarin.Forms built in ColorTypeConverter to parse the string color values to actual Color objects and then to SKColor objects, which is then used to render the render the color spectrum on the Color Picker Control. 😀

    private void SkCanvasView_OnPaintSurface
                   (object sender, SKPaintSurfaceEventArgs  e)
        // Draw gradient rainbow Color spectrum
        using (var paint = new SKPaint())
            paint.IsAntialias = true;
            // Initiate the base Color list
            ColorTypeConverter converter = new ColorTypeConverter();
            System.Collections.Generic.List<SKColor> colors = 
                new System.Collections.Generic.List<SKColor>();
            foreach (var color in BaseColorList)

Pretty straight forward eh! Let’s see how you could use this as a developer.

How to use?

You can easily use this feature in XAML as follows, by accessing ColorPicker.BaseColorList property and setting up the list of color values you prefer as hex values or with pre-defined color value names.

	...	>
		<x:Array Type="{x:Type x:String}">
			<!--  Yellow  -->
			<!--  Aqua  -->
			<!--  Fuchsia  -->
			<!--  Yellow  -->

If you prefer in C# code, you can easily do as as well, a list of string values of the colors…

ColorPicker.BaseColorList = new List<string>()

Here’s some action…

Feature: ColorFlowDirection

The Bindable Property, ColorFlowDirection: Change the direction in which the Colors are flowing through on the Color Spectrum, of the Color Picker. This will allow you to set whether the Colors are flowing through from left to right, Horizontally or top to bottom, Vertically. I have defined an Enum type which will represent this type of course.

namespace Udara.Plugin.XFColorPickerControl
    public enum ColorFlowDirection

Let’s create our ColorFlowDirection Bindable Property based on that,

public partial class ColorPicker : ContentView

    public static readonly BindableProperty ColorFlowDirectionProperty
        = BindableProperty.Create( ... );

    public ColorFlowDirection ColorFlowDirection
    { ... }


The default value will be set as ColorFlowDirection.Horizontal, and if the User changes value during run time, it will fire up a new SkiaSharp rendering cycle of the Canvas, effectively rendering the spectrum accordingly to the new color value, which is handled in the rendering logic as below…

    private void SkCanvasView_OnPaintSurface
                   (object sender, SKPaintSurfaceEventArgs  e)
            // create the gradient shader between base Colors
            using (var shader = SKShader.CreateLinearGradient(
                new SKPoint(0, 0),
                ColorFlowDirection == ColorFlowDirection.Horizontal ?
                    new SKPoint(skCanvasWidth, 0) : 
                    new SKPoint(0, skCanvasHeight),
                paint.Shader = shader;

The trick here is to configure the SKShader.CreateLinearGradient() method’s start and end coordinate parameters, which governs the direction in which the gradient effect will be drawn with the list of colors, thus rendering the color list from left to right or top to bottom. As you can see for Horizontal effect, we use SKPoint (0,0) to SKPoint(<canvasWidth>, 0) by using the corner most value on the X axis for the end coordinates, the same pattern is used for Vertical effect with bottom most value on the Y axis.

Here how to consume this feature as a developer…

How to use?

You can easily use this feature in XAML, by accessing ColorPicker.ColorFlowDirection property and setting Horizontal or Vertical option as you prefer…

	...	>

If you prefer in C# code, use the ColorFlowDirection.Horizontal or Vertical option…

ColorPicker.ColorFlowDirection =

Here’s some action…

Feature: ColorSpectrumStyle

The Bindable Property, ColorSpectrumStyle: Change the Color Spectrum gradient style, with the rendering combination of base colors (Hue), or lighter colors (Tint) or darker colors (Shade). If you’re not familiar with these technical terms, here’s a clear illustration of comparison of Hue, Shade, and Tint of Colors.

We need to make sure our Color Picker is able to deliver to this kind of requirement, having darker or lighter colors of the given base colors on the Color Picker Spectrum. So I’ve created an Enum type which will consist of all the possible combinations of Hue, Shade and Tint colors based on the available Base Colors, that would facilitate this feature.

namespace Udara.Plugin.XFColorPickerControl
    public enum ColorSpectrumStyle

Let’s create our ColorSpectrumStyle Bindable Property based on that,

public partial class ColorPicker : ContentView

    public static readonly BindableProperty ColorSpectrumStyleProperty
        = BindableProperty.Create( ... );

    public ColorSpectrumStyle ColorSpectrumStyle
    { ... }


I will be setting ColorSpectrumStyle.HueToShadeStyle as the default value for this property, any changes to this value during run time will kick start a new refresh draw on the Color Spectrum, which is handled in the rendering logic as below…

    private void SkCanvasView_OnPaintSurface
                   (object sender, SKPaintSurfaceEventArgs  e)
        // Draw secondary gradient color spectrum
        using (var paint = new SKPaint())
            paint.IsAntialias = true;
            // Initiate gradient color spectrum style layer
            var colors = GetSecondaryLayerColors(ColorSpectrumStyle);

Over here, we’re retrieving the list of colors based on the ColorSpectrumStyle value, which is a combination of Transparent, Black and White colors, which will be used to draw the secondary gradient layer. GetSecondaryLayerColors() will be returning the appropriate list of secondary colors that matches the ColorSpectrumStyle requested as follows.

    private SKColor[] GetSecondaryLayerColors(ColorSpectrumStyle colorSpectrumStyle)
        if (colorSpectrumStyle == GradientColorStyle.DarkToColorsToLightStyle)
            return new SKColor[]

I’m maintaining a simple If-else block chain which will check for the ColorSpectrumStyle value available and return the appropriate list of colors back. Quite straight forward! 😉

Now here’s how you use this awesome feature…

How to use?

You can easily use this feature in XAML, by accessing ColorPicker.ColorSpectrumStyle property and setting the appropriate Style option as you prefer…

	...	>

If you prefer in C# code…

ColorPicker.ColorSpectrumStyle =

Here’s some action…

Feature: PointerRing Styling

As you can see there’s a pretty neat Pointer Ring that’s pointing the picked color position on the Color Picker, it would be nice to be able to customized this too eh! 😉

Therefore I have introduced four features for this,

  • PointerRingDiameterUnits
  • PointerRingBorderUnits
  • PointerRingPositionXUnits
  • PointerRingPositionYUnits

Alright, let’s walk through them one by one..

Feature: PointerRingDiameterUnits

The Bindable Property, PointerRingDiameter: Changes the Diameter size of the Pointer Ring on the Color Picker. It accepts values between 0 and 1, as a representation of numerical units which is compared to the 1/10th of the longest length of the Color Picker Canvas. By default this value is set to 0.6 units.

public partial class ColorPicker : ContentView
    public static readonly BindableProperty PointerRingDiameterUnitsProperty
        = BindableProperty.Create( ... );
    public double PointerRingDiameterUnits
    { ... }

This will be calculated against the longest length of Color Picker’s Canvas, whether it be Width or Height. The reason for adding another 1/10th of the value is to maintain the maximum size of the Pointer Ring, avoiding ridiculous sizing of the element. lol So the Precise calculation is as, Canvas Size (Height or Width) x PointerRingDiameterUnits x (1/10)
This value will render exactly to the same proportion against different screen sizes and DPs.

    private void SkCanvasView_OnPaintSurface
                   (object sender, SKPaintSurfaceEventArgs  e)
        // Painting the Touch point
        using (var paint = new SKPaint())
            var canvasLongestLength = (skCanvasWidth > skCanvasHeight) 
                    ? skCanvasWidth : skCanvasHeight;

            // Calculate 1/10th of the units value for scaling
            var pointerRingDiameterUnitsScaled = (float)PointerRingDiameterUnits / 10f;
            // Calculate against Longest Length of Canvas 
            var pointerRingDiameter = (float)canvasLongestLength 
                                                    * pointerRingDiameterUnitsScaled;

            // Outer circle of the Pointer (Ring)
                (pointerRingDiameter / 2), paintTouchPoint);


I’ve set up the skCanvas.DrawCircle() with the (pointerRingDiameter / 2) since it accepts radius value only for drawing the circle.

How to use?

You can easily use this feature in XAML, by accessing ColorPicker.PointerRingDiameterUnits property and setting the value against your Color Picker’s Width and Height.

    ...    >

If you prefer in C# code…

ColorPicker.PointerRingDiameterUnits = 0.6;

Here’s some action…

Feature: PointerRingBorderUnits

The Bindable Property, PointerRingBorderUnits: Changes the Border Thickness size of the Pointer Ring on the Color Picker. It accepts values between 0 and 1, as a representation of numerical units which is calculated against the diameter of the Pointer Ring. By default this value is set to 0.3 units.

public partial class ColorPicker : ContentView
    public static readonly BindableProperty PointerRingBorderUnitsProperty
        = BindableProperty.Create( ... );
    public double PointerRingBorderUnits
    { ... }

This calculation executes against the Pointer Ring’s pixel diameter value as, (Pointer Ring Diameter in Pixels) x PointerRingBorderUnits, since this is dependent on the Pointer Ring’s diameter, we thickens the border inside that circle only. Basic technique here is to draw a Circle inside the Parent Circle, with the picked pixel point’s color, emulating the visual of a Ring.

    private void SkCanvasView_OnPaintSurface
                   (object sender, SKPaintSurfaceEventArgs  e)
        // Painting the Touch point
        using (var paint = new SKPaint())
            // Draw inner circle with picked color
            paintTouchPoint.Color = touchPointColor;

            // Calculate against Pointer Circle
            var pointerRingInnerCircleDiameter 
                          = (float)pointerRingDiameter 
                              * (float)PointerRingBorderUnits; 

            // Inner circle of the Pointer (Ring)
                        - pointerRingInnerCircleDiameter) / 2), paintTouchPoint);

I’ve set up the skCanvas.DrawCircle() with the calculation, ((pointerRingDiameter – pointerRingInnerCircleDiameter) / 2) since it accepts radius value only for drawing the circle.

How to use?

You can easily use this feature in XAML, by accessing ColorPicker.PointerRingBorderUnits property and setting the value against PointerRingDiameterUnits you have used.

    ...    >

If you prefer in C# code…

ColorPicker.PointerRingBorderUnits = 0.3;

Here’s some action…

Feature: PointerRingPosition<X,Y>Units

The Bindable Property, PointerRingPosition<X,Y>Units: Changes the Pointer Ring’s position on the Color Picker Canvas programmatically. There are of two bindable properties PointerRingPositionXUnits and PointerRingPositionYUnits, which represents X and Y coordinates on the Color Picker Canvas. It accepts values between 0 and 1, as a presentation of numerical units which is calculated against the Color Picker Canvas’s actual pixel Width and Height. By default both the values are set to 0.5 units, which positions the Pointer Ring in the center of the Color Picker.

public partial class ColorPicker : ContentView
    public static readonly BindableProperty PointerRingPositionXUnitsProperty
        = BindableProperty.Create( ... );
    public double PointerRingPositionXUnits
    { ... }
    public static readonly BindableProperty PointerRingPositionYUnitsProperty
        = BindableProperty.Create( ... );
    public double PointerRingPositionYUnits
    { ... }

This calculation executes against the Color Picker Canvas’s actual pixel Width and Height as, (Color Picker Canvas Width in Pixels) x PointerRingPositionXUnits and (Color Picker Canvas Height in Pixels) x PointerRingPositionYUnits
Up on invoke of the PropertyChanged on those Properties, we make a call to the following SetPointerRingPosition() with the new X and Y position units requested from User.

    private void SetPointerRingPosition
                      (double xPositionUnits, double yPositionUnits)
        // Calculate actual X Position
        var xPosition = SkCanvasView.CanvasSize.Width
                                 * xPositionUnits; 
        // Calculate actual Y Position
        var yPosition = SkCanvasView.CanvasSize.Height
                                 * yPositionUnits; 

        // Update as last touch Position on Canvas
        _lastTouchPoint = new SKPoint(Convert.ToSingle(xPosition), Convert.ToSingle(yPosition));

We’re calculating the actual X and Y coordinates against the Canvas pixel size and setting up the _lastTouchPoint with those values, for keeping the Pointer Ring position on canvas in sync with touch inputs positioning and programmatical positioning, then at the end we fire up the SkiaSharp rendering cycle with SkCanvasView.InvalidateSurface();

Handling Pointer Ring Position on Initialization!

We need to handle the positioning of the Pointer Ring on the initialisation or on the rendering of the element during run time. We can achieve this by a one-time execution with a boolean flag, that executes this logic. So upon the first SkiaSharp canvas rendering cycle, we hook up to the PointerRingPositionXUnits and PointerRingPositionYUnits properties and render the Pointer Ring Position to the set value.

    private bool _checkPointerInitPositionDone = false;

    private void SkCanvasView_OnPaintSurface
                   (object sender, SKPaintSurfaceEventArgs  e)
        if (!_checkPointerInitPositionDone)
            var x = ((float)skCanvasWidth * (float)PointerRingPositionXUnits);
            var y = ((float)skCanvasHeight * (float)PointerRingPositionYUnits);

            _lastTouchPoint = new SKPoint(x, y);

            _checkPointerInitPositionDone = true;

We use _lastTouchPoint variable which is used by the drawing functions for rendering the Pointer Ring on Color Picker’s Canvas.

How to use?

You can easily use this feature in XAML, by accessing ColorPicker.PointerRingPositionXUnits property and ColorPicker.PointerRingPositionYUnits setting the values against your Color Picker’s Width and Height.

    ...    >

If you prefer in C# code…

ColorPicker.PointerRingPositionXUnits = 0.3;
ColorPicker.PointerRingPositionYUnits = 0.7;

Here’s some action…

UWP Bug Fix!

One issue I noticed was on UWP run time, where the SkiaSharp’s Canvas touch event behaves differently than iOS and Android. The touch event would get activated even if you hover over the canvas using your mouse pointer, and this was causing the PickedColor property to fire up.
The Touch event should occur only if you actually click on the canvas and drag and drop on the Canvas, so in order to fix this I used the InContact property SKTouchEventArgs inside the touch event to validate on UWP run time.

    private void SkCanvasView_OnTouch
                (object sender, SKTouchEventArgs e)
        // to fix the UWP touch behavior
        if (Device.RuntimePlatform == Device.UWP)
            // avoid mouse over touch events
            if (!e.InContact)

        _lastTouchPoint = e.Location;

This fixed the bug on UWP, making sure the touch event is validated before executing the rest of the logic.


Alright then, its time to set up our beautiful Color Picker Control for Xamarin.Forms as a Nuget Package using Visual Studio. I’m going first set the Nuget package properties first, then build the package, and finally publish it to Nuget, allowing it to be shared with everyone out there! 😀

Set up package properties…

You could do this straight from Visual Studio Project Properties, or directly from a Nuspec file added to the project itself. For now I would prefer setting up properties in VS Project -> Properties – Package tab, making sure to add all the necessary properties and information about the package as shown below…

Make sure to click on “Generate Nuget package on build” tick, which will enable all the property fields. You could also do this by editing .csproj file of the package project as well, if you require any fine tuned editing…

Now we’re ready to build the package of our Udara.Plugin.XFColorPicker library.

Building the Package…

We need to create the Publish Profile for the package.
Right click on Library project node -> Publish

If this was your first time, it will navigate you to create new Publish Profile tab as shown below…

It is easier to set up a Publish Profile, since you don’t have to manually change your build configuration to Release and then launch a build. Therefore I have set it up now, and next time I publish it will straightaway handle all the configuration for you! 😀

Click Publish, and it nicely builds…

Once we navigate to the folder location mentioned in the above build output…

There we have our nupkg package file, which we can then use to directly upload to Nuget!

Upload to Nuget…

Grab that nupkg file and drag and drop into the upload page of and you’re done!

Here you’ll be able to add a short marked down documentation for the users, I would highly recommend you do that since it will increase the support and visibility.

Well that’s all it takes, and the package will be available in a few hours on Nuget!

Updating Package…

Now how do we update our package? if you have noticed around nuget, there’s no update option in in the page where you manage the package. You can update your package by using the NuGet command-line utility or directly uploading an increment build, in which I have opted for the end option to keep it easy.

So when you want to push an update to your package, make sure to update the package properties in Visual Studio to reflect the next immediate version, as shown below where I’m updating from version 1.0.2 to version 1.0.3…

Also do no forget the assembly versioning as well…

Now build your package and directly go to nuget upload page, drag and drop the file…

Make sure to add the nuget documentation and Submit!

Done and dusted, just like that, the updating is done! 😀

Published on nuget:

Now anyone can use my Color Picker Control for Xamarin.Forms by setting up this nuget package in their project…

Demoing it up!

As you saw at the beginning I have attached a Demo project into the same parent Solution of Udara.Plugin.XFColorPickerControl, which I have used for testing during development, and to maintain as a demonstration of all the awesome features this plugin provides! 😉

Since this plugin is meant to be compatible on a cross platform environment its impeccable do continuous testing on all the platforms. Anyhow here’s a sneak peek of the demo app…

I have created separate pages to demonstrate awesomeness of each special feature…

BaseColorList Demo:

Android, UWP and iOS…

ColorFlowDirection Demo:

Android, UWP and iOS…

ColorSpectrumStyle Demo:

Android, UWP and iOS…

PointerRingStyling Demo:

Android, UWP and iOS…

Since it’s a pure Xamarin.Forms and can be deployed directly to all three platforms, Android, iOS and Windows UWP, you can do the same with my plugin. Feel free to take a look at the demo app in case if you need trouble shooting.


There you have it my Color Picker Control for Xamarin.Forms, now published to nuget as a package, with a whole bunch of awesome features, and anyone can easily use it in their own Xamarin.Forms projects! 😀 Pheww… What a joy! Sharing something you’ve been working so hard for a long time. So feel free to give a try, contribute, and any feedback is always welcome…

hosted on github:

published on nuget:

Well that was fun! So keep in mind I’m going to be implementing more and more features for this plugin in future, and might end up changing some of those features or implementations as well. This blog post will not be constantly updated against them, so many sure to keep in touch with the docs in the github repo itself for future references.

Imagination is the limit yol! 😉

Share the love! 😀 Cheers!

UPDATE: Guess what yol? My little Color Picker Control got featured at the .NET Conf: Focus on Xamarin event by Microsoft!

WOOT! WOOT! Thanks @James Montemagno!

I built an Interactive Color Picker Control for Xamarin.Forms!

Let me share my adventure of building an awesome interactive and responsive Color Picker UI Control for Xamarin.Forms with the help of a little SkiaSharp magic! 😉

To blow your mind, imagine something similar to the Color Picker your have in Ms Paint, HTML Web Color Picker or Google Search Web Color Picker…

Think of how interactive and fun to use those UI Elements are, with their drag and drop pointers on the color spectrum which picks up the color from wherever you drop it.

Why can’t we have the same easy to use fun interactive experience in our Xamarin.Forms apps?

Color Picker control is something that’s missing out of the box in Xamarin.Forms, even when it comes to 3rd party controls out there, neither of them are interactive or responsive, let along any fun to use all. lol 😀


Some time back, I ventured in a project where it required me to build a Color Picking UI element, where it would be easy to use for the user to have a similar experience to what we have with Ms Paint, or Web Color Picker UI elements. So I started off by looking at existing 3rd party library controls out there, which ended up me being disappointed seeing all the controls are just static boring color selection lists of grid style elements.

So I started building my own interactive fun-to-use Color Picker from scratch modeled after the Color Picker UI controls we have in Ms Paint, HTML Web Color Picker, etc… The awesomeness of this would allow you to touch, swipe and pan across a beautiful spectrum of color scheme and pick the color you desire! 😀

So… What?

So what we really need to build in this case is, create a Canvas with a full Color spectrum similar to a rainbow gradient effect spreading across, while allowing the User to touch at any given pixel point, up on which an event will trigger capturing the Color value of that pixel point. Also we should be able to highlight that touch triggered pixel point, giving the feedback to the User.

How? in a Gist…

Frankly this is not possible at all, out of the box in Xamarin.Forms, but with the help of a little SkiaSharp magic, this would be possible! SkiaSharp is the awesome 2D graphics rendering library that let’s you do all kinds of cool stuff on top of Xamarin.Forms. So basically we’re going to draw the full Color spectrum with a rainbow-gradient style spreading across a 2D canvas with the help of SkiaSharp.

We will define the list of main colors we need to include across the Canvas, while defining the Gradient fading effect between them. Then with regards to Touch, we need to enable this on the SkiaSharp canvas, and subscribe to the touch handling events.

Then given the User triggers a touch even on the Canvas, we will pick up those coordinate values on the canvas, and pick the Color values of the Pixel at that point on the Canvas. Voiala! We got the Color value picked by the User! 😉 Then as a responsive feedback we will draw highlighting circle around that pixel point coordinates on the Canvas. 😀

Well there you have it, quite straight forward eh! 😉

Sneak Peak!

Just to give a little sneak peak, here’s what I build… 😀 Behold the Interactive Color Picker Control for Xamarin.Forms!

Pretty awesome eh! Xamarin.Forms + SkiaSharp magic! 😉

Project hosted on github: 

Alright then let me show you how I built it…

Let’s start building!

Let’s begin by adding SkiaSharp to our Xamarin.Forms project. Open up Nuget Package Manager on your Xamarin.Forms solution node and add SkiaSharp.View.Forms Nuget to your .NET Standard project node and platform nodes as shown below…

That’s it, no extra set up is needed… 😉

Next we need to create our Custom Control, which I’m going to name as ColorPickerControl!

The ColorPickerControl!

It’s better to keep this in a dedicated folder in the .NET Standard project, inside a “Controls” folder, for the sake of clarity! 😉 So let’s create our ColorPickerControl as a type ContentView XAML element in the Controls folder…

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

    <!-- Content of the Control -->


Then as of the code behind, let’s set up a PickedColor Property that holds the value of the Color that User picks during the run time, and an event that fires itself up on that action, PickedColorChanged event!

public partial class ColorPickerControl : ContentView
	public event EventHandler<Color> PickedColorChanged;

	public static readonly BindableProperty PickedColorProperty
		= BindableProperty.Create(

	public Color PickedColor
		get { return (Color)GetValue(PickedColorProperty); }
		set { SetValue(PickedColorProperty, value); }

	public ColorPickerControl()

Alright next on to setting up the SkiaSharp bits in our Control…

The SkiaSharp magic!

SkiaSharp’s magical Canvas called SKCanvasView is what we’re going to use to Draw our Rainbow Color Spectrum and handle all the Touch event bits… So let’s begin by adding the SKCanvasView to our ColorPickerControl XAML and also the SkiaSharp.Views.Forms reference in the XAML itself..


        Touch="SkCanvasView_OnTouch" />


Code on Github: /XFColorPickerControl/Controls/ColorPickerControl.xaml

As you can see on my SKCanvasView element, I have enabled touch events with EnableTouchEvents property and subscribed to Touch event with SkCanvasView_OnTouch. Subscribing to PaintSurface allows us to draw full blown 2D graphics on the Canvas, which is why we have created the event SkCanvasView_OnPaintSurface event.

So let’s handle all those events in the code behind of our ColorPickerControl…

public partial class ColorPickerControl : ContentView
	private void SkCanvasView_OnPaintSurface
                      (object sender, SKPaintSurfaceEventArgs e)
		var skImageInfo = e.Info;
		var skSurface = e.Surface;
		var skCanvas = skSurface.Canvas;

		var skCanvasWidth = skImageInfo.Width;
		var skCanvasHeight = skImageInfo.Height;


	private void SkCanvasView_OnTouch
                      (object sender, SKTouchEventArgs e)

Code on Github: /XFColorPickerControl/Controls/ColorPickerControl.xaml.cs

So we’re setting up the basic values we need to use inside SkCanvasView_OnPaintSurface with the skImageInfo, skSurface, skCanvas, which will be very useful in our next set of code snippets!

This is where our core implementation is going to be taking place, let me get into details of each code snippet one by one, but you can always go back to the full code on github and take a look by yourself… 😉 Let’s continue…

The Touch!

Let me begin diving in with the SkCanvasView_OnTouch event method implementation, which handles the touch events occurs on the SkiaSharp Canvas we added into our Control.

We need to keep a track on each Touch event that occurs, so we will store that in a local variable _lastTouchPoint which is of type SKPoint. Since we need to only consider the touch events that occur inside the canvas region, we’re validating each touch coordinate (X,Y) that comes into the event.

	private void SkCanvasView_OnTouch
	               (object sender, SKTouchEventArgs e)
		_lastTouchPoint = e.Location;

		var canvasSize = SkCanvasView.CanvasSize;

		// Check for each touch point XY position to be inside Canvas
		// Ignore any Touch event ocurred outside the Canvas region 
		if ((e.Location.X > 0 && e.Location.X < canvasSize.Width) &&
			(e.Location.Y > 0 && e.Location.Y < canvasSize.Height))
			e.Handled = true;

			// update the Canvas as you wish

Based on the validated touch event coordinate, we’re firing up the SkiaSharp Canvas drawing cycle, SkCanvasView.InvalidateSurface(), where we will handle, picking up the color on the touch point and redrawing the canvas to highlight the touch point coordinates on the Canvas.

The Rainbow Color Spectrum!

So this right here is the most critical functionality that we need to implement, drawing the beautiful rainbow gradient color spectrum on our SkiaSharp Canvas. We’re going to draw the following list of colors across the spectrum, which values I picked up with the help of Google Web Color Picker..

Red | Yellow | Green (Lime) | Aqua | Blue | Fuchsia | Red

This will take place in our SkCanvasView_OnPaintSurface event method that we created in the previous step, where we create the Paint object that’s going to draw the color spectrum on the Canvas, along with the gradient fading effect between all the colors using SKShader object.

	private void SkCanvasView_OnPaintSurface
	               (object sender, SKPaintSurfaceEventArgs  e)
		// Draw gradient rainbow Color spectrum
		using (var paint = new SKPaint())
			paint.IsAntialias = true;

			// Initiate the primary Color list
			// picked up from Google Web Color Picker
			var colors = new SKColor[]
				new SKColor(255, 0, 0), // Red
				new SKColor(255, 255, 0), // Yellow
				new SKColor(0, 255, 0), // Green (Lime)
				new SKColor(0, 255, 255), // Aqua
				new SKColor(0, 0, 255), // Blue
				new SKColor(255, 0, 255), // Fuchsia
				new SKColor(255, 0, 0), // Red

			// create the gradient shader between Colors
			using (var shader = SKShader.CreateLinearGradient(
				new SKPoint(0, 0),
				new SKPoint(skCanvasWidth, 0),
				paint.Shader = shader;

As you can see we are defining the list of Colors with SKColor objects, that’ll populate the rainbow color spectrum on our Canvas. Then we use SKShader.CreateLinearGradient() method to build the gradient shader using the list of colors, and then we draw it on the Canvas using skCanvas.DrawPaint().

Keep a note how SKPoint() objects define the starting and ending coordinates on the Canvas which the shader will spread through, thus we’re taking skCanvasWidth picking the corner most value on the X axis. 😉

The Darker Gradient Strip!

Next we need to draw the darker shadow gradient strip on the Canvas allowing Users to pick the Darker Colors of the primary colors we defined.

We’re going to paint the darker color regions by drawing another layer on top of the previous drawn layer creating the illusion of darker regions of each color.

This will take place in our SkCanvasView_OnPaintSurface but below the code snippet that I showed before. Very much similar to the previous snippet, we’re doing almost the same thing but adding a darker gradient region at the bottom of the Canvas.

	private void SkCanvasView_OnPaintSurface
	               (object sender, SKPaintSurfaceEventArgs  e)
		// Draw darker gradient spectrum
		using (var paint = new SKPaint())
			paint.IsAntialias = true;

			// Initiate the darkened primary color list
			var colors = new SKColor[]

			// create the gradient shader 
			using (var shader = SKShader.CreateLinearGradient(
				new SKPoint(0, 0),
				new SKPoint(0, skCanvasHeight),
				paint.Shader = shader;

Here we’re drawing the darkening gradient layer starting from Transparent color to Black color across the Y axis, thus we’re taking skCanvasHeight picking the corner most value on the Y axis similar to what we did before. 😉

Here they are side by side, before and after drawing darker gradient strip… 😀

The Lighter Gradient Strip!?

This this is bit of an extra cherry on top, as you may have seen some of those Color Pickers include picking Lighter versions of the Colors. We can easily do this by adding a White color object to the list of colors in the code snippet I shared above.

			// Initiate the darkened primary color list
			var colors = new SKColor[]

This will draw the secondary layer with White | Transparent | Black gradient effects on top of the full color spectrum layer.

There you go, with the Lighter color gradient strip. Although I wouldn’t include this in my demo app code 😛 Just coz I don’t like it! lol

Picking the Color on Touch!

This is the most crucial bit of this Control, also the most time consuming implementation I had to go through during my trial and error experimentation to get this working! 😮

We are going to be using the _lastTouchPoint SKPoint object, that we created before, in order to access the coordinate data of the touch point on Canvas. Then we look for extract the pixel color values on that coordinate on the Canvas, given that the Canvas is already rendered with the Color spectrum.

This will take place in our SkCanvasView_OnPaintSurface event method, below the color spectrum drawing code snippet.

Experimentation Phase…

Picking a pixel on the rendered Canvas layer is not a straight forward task, the idea here is to capture a quick snapshot of the Canvas graphic layer and convert that into a bitmap image, and use that image to pick the pixels from using the touch coordinates.

As you can see from below, the first implementation I put together which captures a snapshot of the Canvas surface layer and load it into a SKBitmap image, then I retrieve the Pixel data on that image using bitmap.GetPixel() by passing in the touch point values.

	private void SkCanvasView_OnPaintSurface
				   (object sender, SKPaintSurfaceEventArgs  e)
		// Picking the Pixel Color values on the Touch Point

		// Represent the color of the current Touch point
		SKColor touchPointColor;

		//// Inefficient: causes memory overload errors
		//using (var skImage = skSurface.Snapshot())
		//	using (var skData = skImage.Encode(SKEncodedImageFormat.Webp, 100))
		//	{
		//		if (skData != null)
		//		{
		//			using (SKBitmap bitmap = SKBitmap.Decode(skData))
		//			{
		//				touchPointColor = bitmap.GetPixel(
		//									(int)_lastTouchPoint.X, (int)_lastTouchPoint.Y);
		//			}
		//		}
		//	}

Later it started causing performance issues due to calling Snapshot() method during each rendering cycle, which is a very heavy process, and even sometimes overloads the memory.

Better Solution…

So after a bit more exploration with trial and error, I managed to build a solution based on a Xamarin Forum response that I found to a similar requirement I had…

What if instead of taking a snapshot, we use SKImageInfo object of the Canvas instance and extract a SKBitmap image and read the pixel color data of the touch point coordinates. This is way more efficient and consumes much less memory for execution… 😉

	private void SkCanvasView_OnPaintSurface
				   (object sender, SKPaintSurfaceEventArgs  e)
		// Picking the Pixel Color values on the Touch Point

		// Represent the color of the current Touch point
		SKColor touchPointColor;

		// Efficient and fast
		// create the 1x1 bitmap (auto allocates the pixel buffer)
		using (SKBitmap bitmap = new SKBitmap(skImageInfo))
			// get the pixel buffer for the bitmap
			IntPtr dstpixels = bitmap.GetPixels();

			// read the surface into the bitmap
				(int)_lastTouchPoint.X, (int)_lastTouchPoint.Y);

			// access the color
			touchPointColor = bitmap.GetPixel(0, 0);

As you can see we’re using skSurface.ReadPixels() to load the pixel data on the coordinates, and finally loading the exact pixel data into touchPointColor as a SKColor object type. 😀

So now we picked the Color from a given touch point on the Canvas, let’s move to the next bit…

The Touch Feedback!

This is the part where we provide on touch feedback for the User by highlighting the touch point on the Canvas up on each touch event. As you noticed we’re firing up the OnPaintSurface event upon each touch event of the Canvas, hence we can draw the highlighting region on the Canvas right here as a feedback loop.

We’re simply going to create a SKPaint object, with White color and use skCanvas.DrawCircle() to draw a circle around the touch point coordinates on the Canvas. Then as an added extra, I’m drawing another circle on top of it with the picked color, so that we can emphasize on the pixel color of the touch point. 😉

	private void SkCanvasView_OnPaintSurface
				   (object sender, SKPaintSurfaceEventArgs  e)
		// Painting the Touch point
		using (SKPaint paintTouchPoint = new SKPaint())
			paintTouchPoint.Style = SKPaintStyle.Fill;
			paintTouchPoint.Color = SKColors.White;
			paintTouchPoint.IsAntialias = true;

			// Outer circle (Ring)
			var outerRingRadius = 
                    (float)skCanvasHeight) * (float)18;
				outerRingRadius, paintTouchPoint);

			// Draw another circle with picked color
			paintTouchPoint.Color = touchPointColor;

			// Outer circle (Ring)
			var innerRingRadius = 
                    (float)skCanvasHeight) * (float)12;
				innerRingRadius, paintTouchPoint);

As you can see _lastTouchPoint X and Y coordinates to draw the circle, and we’re calculating the radius value for both circles by adjacent to Canvas width and height, so it renders nicely on any device scale.

And then to the final step, returning back the Color that we Picked from our ColorPickerControl!

Return the Picked Color!

Now we need to return back the Color value that the User picked, to the subscribers or whoever’s listening to the PickedColor property and PickedColorChanged event.

	private void SkCanvasView_OnPaintSurface
				   (object sender, SKPaintSurfaceEventArgs  e)
		// Set selected color
		PickedColor = touchPointColor.ToFormsColor();
		PickedColorChanged?.Invoke(this, PickedColor);

It’s as simple as setting the Value and firing up the Event with the new Color value parameter…

Alright, that’s it! We’ve finished building our awesome ColorPickerControl! 😀

Let’s try it out!

Since we created it as a standalone UI Control you can use this little awesomeness anywhere in your Xamarin.Forms project as you would with any UI element as easy as below…

	PickedColorChanged="ColorPicker_PickedColorChanged" />

So let’s try adding this to a ContentPage with a nice little Frame element around it with a fixed Height and Width…

		PickedColorChanged="ColorPicker_PickedColorChanged" />

This will give a nice little frame around the Color picker control, then on to the code behind…

private void ColorPicker_PickedColorChanged
			(object sender, Color colorPicked)
	ColorPickerHolderFrame.BackgroundColor = colorPicked;

PickedColorChanged provide you the picked Color value, so you can do what you wish with it!

Fire it up!

Time to fire it up yo! 😀 I’ve prepared a little demo app with my awesome ColorPickerControl for Xamarin.Forms, deployed for Android, iOS and UWP…

Android, iOS and UWP side by side working like a charm! 😀

Project hosted on github: 

The possibilities are endless, just a matter of your own creativity! 😉


An interactive and responsive Color Picker is something that’s missing from Xamarin.Forms out of the box, even when it comes existing to 3rd party controls, there’s no such that fills the requirement, similar to MS Paint Color Picker, or HTML Web Color Pickers.

You can do all kinds of cool interactive 2D graphics rendering stuff with SkiaSharp on Xamarin.Forms, and thanks this, I managed to build a full fledged interactive and fun-to-use Color Picker UI Control, which is lacking in Xamarin.Forms ecosystem right now.

I’m planning to release a nuget package with this control quite soon, with a whole bunch of extra cool features embedded in 😉 So keep in touch!

Imagination is the limit yol! 😉

Share the love! 😀 Cheers!

I built a Google Forms Toolkit Library for .NET!

Watch me building the soon-to-be-famous (lol) my GoogleFormsToolkitLibrary for .NET C#, a nuget library that will help you easily access your Google Forms programmatically in dotnet, letting you load Field Question data, Submit Form data and so on! 😉

In my previous blog article, Programmatically access your complete Google Forms skeleton! where I shared about my adventure into working out a little hack to access your Google Forms page content programatically, I realized it was a solid implementation, and could be used with almost all kinds of openly accessible Google Forms.

So following up on that, this time I will be building a complete .NET library that will consist of all the awesome hacks and tricks that I built around playing with Google Forms myself, which I have also continuously written blog articles as well!


So far we have come across…

And then in my previous blog article, Programmatically access your complete Google Forms skeleton! I shared how we retrieving the following data on a given Google Form extensively,

  • Google Form Title, Description, Form ID
  • List of Question Fields

And in each Question Field,

  • Question Field Text
  • Question Type
  • If submitting Answer is mandatory or not
  • Available answer list (Multiple answer selection)
  • Question Field Identifier (Field Id) or Answer Submission ID

Then we analyzed the data structure of the FB_PUBLIC_LOAD_DATA_ script that we scraped out of the rendered HTML content, and even managed to parse it into a meaningful data structure which could be mapped to the data we are looking for.

So using that knowledge and expertise, let’s step up the game and build a solid library tool, which we can reuse easily in anywhere to access our Google Forms programmatically to perform all kinds of awesomeness as we wish! 😉

However if you haven’t gone through my previous blog articles in this Google Forms Hacks series, please do so before continuing to avoid any confusion, since I might not be diving into all the details.

Behold GoogleFormsToolkitLibrary v1!

So this library that I’m building will be on .NET Standards, which will allow you to use it in almost any kind of a .NET project. From Console apps, Desktop, Web and even to Mobile Apps in Xamarin!

It will provide you with the following awesome features!

  • Load information on your Google Form
  • Load Question Field data on your Google Form
  • Submit Form data to your Google Form

At least for now, I will be adding more features as I go along my journey of hacking around Google Forms! 😉

I will be publishing this library to Nuget, so that you can easily grab it into your .NET projects, also let’s add some fancy Test Driven goodness to it, using xUnit Tests! 😀

Project Solution Set up…

So I created a .NET Stanard version 2.0 library in Visual Studio, naming it GoogleFormsToolkitLibrary of course! 😉 The I added a Test folder into the Solution which will hold the xUnit Unit Test project, which I named .Tests!

Then don’t forget to add the HTMLAgilityPack and Newtonsoft.Json nugets to the Library solution which will allow us to scrape out the HTML content in a Google Form and use the Json content parsing logic!

Now the basic set up is done, let’s move on to the code!

Let the coding begin…

We need to model the data objects that we’re going to handle when it comes to the perspective of a Google Form. Basically following are the main entities of a Google Form as far as we have recognized in our previous blog articles!

  • A Google Form
  • A Google Form Question Field
  • The Google Form Field Type

Then as of the functionality I would be adding two public methods that we can call upon to execute.

  • Load Google Form Structure, data, and form fields
  • Submit form data to a given Google Form

Crafting the Models…

So we let’s start by building Model classes that will represent the entities we need.


Let’s start with the simplest Model we could build that is the Google Form Field Type object, which will represent the type of a given Question Field. I basically described in detail about this entity and how I build the entity model myself through trial and error in my previous blog article:

Let’s create an enum model class giving it the name  GoogleFormsFieldTypeEnum.

// using System.ComponentModel;
/// <summary>
/// Found the Field type representation values with trial
/// and error try out of blood sweat and tears lol! 😉
/// </summary>
public enum GoogleFormsFieldTypeEnum
[Description("Short Answer Field")]
ShortAnswerField = 0,
[Description("Paragraph Field")]
ParagraphField = 1,
[Description("Multiple Choice Field")]
MultipleChoiceField = 2,
[Description("Check Boxes Field")]
CheckBoxesField = 4,
[Description("Drop Down Field")]
DropDownField = 3,
// FileUpload – Not supported (needs user log in session)
[Description("File Upload Field")]
FileUploadField = 13,
[Description("Linear Scale Field")]
LinearScaleField = 5,
// represents both: Multiple Choice Grid | Checkbox Grid
[Description("Grid Choice Field")]
GridChoiceField = 7,
[Description("Date Field")]
DateField = 9,
[Description("Time Field")]
TimeField = 10,

We’re adding the Description tags to hold the human readable value of each type.


Now this fella right here is a big deal, that is the Google Form Question Field object, which will represent a single Question Field in a given Google Form. A whole list of these fields comprises in every Google Form.

Let’s create a model class giving it the name  GoogleFormField.

// using System.Collections.Generic;
/// <summary>
/// A Question Field in a Google Form
/// </summary>
public class GoogleFormField
/// <summary>
/// Type of the Question Field
/// </summary>
public GoogleFormsFieldTypeEnum QuestionType { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Question text of the Field
/// </summary>
public string QuestionText { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// The unique Id need to be used
/// when submitting the answer
/// I also refer to this as: Field Id
/// </summary>
public string AnswerSubmissionId { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Available Answer List for any kind of
/// multiple answer selection field
/// </summary>
public List<string> AnswerOptionList { get; set; } = new List<string>();
/// <summary>
/// If the answer is required to Submit
/// </summary>
public bool IsAnswerRequired { get; set; }

As you can see we have created properties inside this model that will hold all the values that we discussed previously, that could consist in a given Google Form Question Field.


Now here’s the top entity, representing a whole Google Form page content. Let’s create a model class giving it the name  GoogleForm.

/// <summary>
/// A model representing a Google Form structure
/// consist of main the properties of a Google Form
/// </summary>
public class GoogleForm
/// <summary>
/// Document Name of your Google Form
/// </summary>
public string FormDocName { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Form ID of your Google Form
/// </summary>
public string FormId { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Title of your Google Form
/// </summary>
public string Title { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Description of your Google Form
/// </summary>
public string Description { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// List of Question Fields in your Google Form
/// </summary>
public List<GoogleFormField> QuestionFieldList { get; set; }

view raw


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Pretty straight forward set of properties that would usually contain in any Google Form as you can see above. Now make sure to add those Model classes to the Models directory in your project.

Alrighto, we got the model classes done, then let’s move on to the actual functional coding!

Implementing the core features…

We’re going add two main functionality to this library, for now as following! 😉


Now this method will intake a string parameter that will carry your Google Forms link, and it will return an object of type GoogleForm that we define above. Which obviously contains the given Google Form’s generic information and Question Field list data including Question Type, Answer Options, Submission Id, etc. Now that’s quite a handful eh! 😉

LoadGoogleFormStructureAsync(string yourGoogleFormsUrl)

So this fella will make Http Async call to load the rendered HTML of the Google Form into memory, run through my magical data scraping algorithm, build the GoogleForm object and return it! Sounds pretty simple but don’t let the implementation confuse you, take a look here! 😉

Please feel free to take a look at the full implementation on Gist link.

This method is more of an extension of the ScrapeOffFormSkeletonFromGoogleFormsAsync() method that I shared with you all in my last blog post, which I gotten into in depth details about explaining each step of the code.

So to reduce repetition I’m not going to repeat the same here, rather I would share the important bits to explain that are improvements on top of the previous implementation.

One of the differences I would say is that now we’re injecting the data that we scraped out into our model objects, as you can see we’re initializing out GoogleForm and GoogleFormField data objects here, and then loading the GoogleForm data object values.

Then inside the loop we’re loading the GoogleFormField object values as well, and then each object will then be added to the QuestionFormFieldList property of the GoogleForm. That’s pretty much it! 😉


This method will intake a string parameter that will carry your Google Forms link, and  a Dictionary object containing the Form field answer submission id and answer values mapping. As a result it will return a boolean value denoting the success or failure of the submission task.

Task<bool> SubmitToGoogleFormAsync
(string yourGoogleFormsUrl, Dictionary<string, string> formData)

It will make a Http Async call the Google Forms REST API endpoint with the given data and await for the response code, upon receiving the response it will return true or false based on it.

Please feel free to take a look at the full implementation on Gist link.

This methods is actually an improvement of one of my previous posts, You may RESTfully submit to your Google Forms… where I explain in depth how I hacked around to figure this out and what each line of code is meant to handle. Please look into that article if you’re keep for more details.

We’re basically looking for the 200 StatusCode value that determines successful submission to the Google Forms REST API endpoint.

Now our Core Library is ready to go!

Unit Test it yo!

Yep but its not done until we implement a proper set of test cases isn’t it! So let’s add some Unit Tests that will test the functionalities that we built into our Library.

Like I mentioned in the Project set up, we have added a xUnit Unit Test project into the solution, and make sure to add a reference of our Library project GoogleFormsToolkitLibrary into it.

Let’s start by adding a Tests.cs class to it, which we will use to implement the tests. For now, I will add two test cases,


This will test for LoadGoogleFormStructureAsync() feature and make sure we get a valid response and the expected data of the given Google Form page.


Now this case will test for the SubmitToGoogleFormAsync() feature and make sure we get a successful boolean response, with the given Google Form link, and the form data dictionary object.

Oh let’s not forget to make sure they’re passing in the Test Runner! 😀 lol

All good to go it seems! for now at least lol 😛

This is really a great practice because if I ever break anything in the code during any new implementation or existing modifications, I would be able to notice it here in the tests.

Nugetting it!

Let’s not forget to publish the beauty to Nuget eh! Let’s make sure all the nuget properties are added to the package before uploading…

And you may find it on nuget right now!


This whole project is open sourced and published to Github as well if you’re interested in looking at the code, or track the improvements I’m adding in the future!


So that’s done!

Let’s try it out!

Now the beauty of this is that you can easily add this to any of your .NET projects as the whole library is based on .NET Standard.

Go ahead and add it to your .NET project from Nuget using either the Package Manager Console or the Nuget Package Manager.

Install-Package GoogleFormsToolkitLibrary

Use of GoogleFormsToolkitLibrary is pretty simple, just instantiate it and call upon the method you wanna use.

// Retrieve the structure of my sample Google Forms page

var googleFormLink =
"" +
"1FAIpQLSeuZiyN-uQBbmmSLxT81xGUfgjMQpUFyJ4D7r-0zjegTy_0HA" +

var googleFormsToolkitLibrary = new GoogleFormsToolkitLibrary();
var result = await googleFormsToolkitLibrary.


That should work like a charm! Make sure to pass your Google Form’s link properly and make sure it is openly accessible, you should be able to see the magic pretty easily!

// Submit data to my sample Google Forms page

var googleFormLink =
	"" +
	"1FAIpQLSeuZiyN-uQBbmmSLxT81xGUfgjMQpUFyJ4D7r-0zjegTy_0HA" +

Dictionary<string,string> formData = new Dictionary<string, string>
	// Question Field 1
	{"entry.1277095329", "Moon Rockets Launching"}, 

	// Question Field 2
	{"entry.995005981","Banana Plums"},

	// Question Field 3
	{"entry.1155533672","Monkeys with hoodies"},

	// Question Field 4
	{"entry.1579749043","Jumping Apples"},

	// Question Field 5

	// Question Field 6

var googleFormsToolkitLibrary = new GoogleFormsToolkitLibrary();
var result = await googleFormsToolkitLibrary
                .SubmitToGoogleFormAsync(googleFormLink, formData);


The above should nicely respond with a successful true value! 😉

Something to keep in mind here is that you need to make sure you’re setting the correct Field Answer Submission ID properly, and when it comes to Multiple Answer selection fields, make sure the provided answers matches the available list of answers. Date Time fields should be carefully treated with their additional year,month,day suffixed fields and hour,minute respectively. Just go through my past few blog posts on Google Forms hacking, you’ll see for yourself!

What’s next?

Well building this and publishing it openly is just the first step, I’m going to continue building this further adding more features and performance improvements.

Then I will be building some demo Client apps which will use this library to implement some cool features… 😀

So keep an eye out!

There you have it, how I built a Google Forms Toolkit Library for .NET!

Share the love! 😀 Cheers!

Programmatically access your complete Google Forms skeleton!

So you wanna load the content of your Google Forms programmatically? access all the questions, answer options, field types, submit ids and so on as you wish? 😉 Stick around!

Hope yol remember in my last blog post, SCRIPTfully scrape off your Google Forms Field Ids… I was sharing a neat little script I built to extract the Field identifier IDs from your Google Forms page, so that you can use them with ease for auto filling question answer fields or submitting data using REST API into your Google Forms! So this is the nest step in this series of Google Forms Hacks!

In this post we’re gonna load your Google Forms skeleton programmatically!

What does it mean?

Yes, instead of loading your Google Forms page on the typical web browser, why not load the bare bone content of it as you wish? By this I mean,

  • List of Questions (your question content…)
  • The types of Questions (Short Answer, Paragraph, Checkbox, etc)
  • Available Answer options (Multiple choice answer questions…)
  • Title and Description of your Google Form, etc…
  • And many more details you have added to your Google Form…

Once you get access to those bare bone content or the skeleton structure of your Google Form, then you can do all kinds of stuff with it…

Then  you can render it as you wish and present to your users, re-render it into a Web App or a Desktop app or even a Mobile App with your own custom layouts, filtering, and validations! 😀

So how we gonna do it?

Simply put, we gonna extract the skeleton or the bare bone structure from our Google Forms page. Now as you may have figured out there’s no official API or SDK to access Google Forms services programmatically, therefore we obviously have to hack our way around this!

We’re going to build a little a script which will load the HTML content of our Google Form and perform a magical algorithm to extract our Google Forms structure! All the questions, answer options, validation, and etc the whole deal… 😉


In my last post hope you remember how I shared about scraping through the HTML content of our Google Form page to extract Field identifiers which is used to submit answers or otherwise known as Field Answer identifiers.

Then along that same time I was experimenting with trying to extract the whole structure of the design the same manner. But filtering through the HTML tags to retrieve the complex structure of a given Google Forms Question-Answer field structure seemed quite hectic.


So while I was  going up and down the HTML of the page, trying to find a better way to extract our Google Forms Question-Answer structure, I came across this interesting piece of script at the end of the page.

As you can see at the bottom there’s java script starting with “FB_PUBLIC_LOAD_DATA_ = [nulll…” with a strange pattern of the content, which I’m not sure what the purpose of it in this page, but you can surely find this in any Google Forms page. This specific script snippet seem to be holding the whole skeleton of our Google Forms page as you can see, it containing the Question Content, Answer Fields and so on!

So there’s our little treasure… 😉

Now finding this bit wasn’t enough at all, I had to figure out how  to parse this properly to extract the data that we’re looking for, as you can see it’s got a little unorthodox structure in its content. Now that’s the next challenge!

Let the hacking begin…

Now for this post also let’s use the same sample questionnaire Google Form that I created for last post’s demo.

So we’re going to load the HTML content of our Google Forms page, and then we’ll extract that mystery javascript code snippet, and parse the content of it to access the skeleton structure of our Google Forms!

Now first let me walk you through how to parse that mystery FB_PUBLIC_LOAD_DATA_  content! 😉 Let me warn you though, figure this out was no walk in the park but let me share the secret source with yol straight away.

Let me copy and paste it here from my sample Google Form and get started! Below you can clearly see how all the Questions along with Answers and Field identifiers in my sample Google Form are contained in this mystery code snippet.

var FB_PUBLIC_LOAD_DATA_ = [null,["Please fill up the following questions. You need to answer all the fields please! ;) ",[[122249536,"Hello there, this is question 1, could you answer?",null,0,[[1277095329,null,0]]],[1170747525,"Which one would you prefer as the answer from below?",null,2,[[995005981,[["Mango Peach",null,null,null,0],["Banana Plums",null,null,null,0],["Strawberry Pears",null,null,null,0]],1,null,null,null,null,null,0]]],[2147453523,"Well another question here wouldn't hurt now eh?",null,4,[[1155533672,[["Monkeys with hoodies",null,null,null,0],["Dogs with hats",null,null,null,0],["Cats with crowns",null,null,null,0]],1,null,null,null,null,null,0]]],[172187917,"How about this for a change?",null,3,[[1579749043,[["Running Banana",null,null,null,0],["Jumping Apples",null,null,null,0],["Rolling Pears",null,null,null,0]],1,null,null,null,null,null,0]]],[676251522,"What's the date would you like to be today?",null,9,[[815399500,null,1,null,null,null,null,[0,1]]]],[1280585510,"What time would it be right now? ",null,10,[[940653577,null,1,null,null,null,[0]]]]],null,null,null,[0,0],null,null,"Sample questionnaire!",48,[null,null,null,null,0],null,null,null,null,[2]],"/forms","Random Sample Questionnaire",null,null,null,"0",null,0,0,"","",0,"e/1FAIpQLSeuZiyN-uQBbmmSLxT81xGUfgjMQpUFyJ4D7r-0zjegTy_0HA",1];

In order to parse this into a known data structure you need to first remove the “var FB_PUBLIC_LOAD_DATA_ = ” and the “;” at the end if you notice carefully.

However by looking at the content you can make a guess that it should be some JSON based content structure.

So let’s use any online JSON parser tool and you should be able to see the formatted content as follows. ex: jsoneditoronline, codebeautify or jsonformatter

Now you get some readable structure yeah, where you are able to traverse through it’s content by expandable nodes array.

Pattern Recognition and Analysis!

Since we parsed the mystery content into a JSON Array tree, we can now traverse through the data easily and extract the specific data that we’re looking for.

Now since there’s no official documentation regarding the parsing of this data from structure, I guess we’re going to have to figure out ourselves, where to pick what data in this data tree and recognize the pattern.

So basically what we are going to be focusing on retrieving the following data,

  • Google Form Title, Description, Form ID
  • List of Question Fields

And in each question,

  • Question Field Text
  • Question Type
  • If submitting Answer is mandatory or not
  • Available answer list (Multiple answer selection)
  • Question Field Identifier (Field Id) or Answer Submission ID

Now that I believe comprises the complete structural skeleton of any given Google Form! 🙂

– General Google Form data

In the parent root you can see the Google Form Doc’s Name in the [3] index.

Then the Form Id in the index [14] of the array tree. And rest of the important bits seem to be in the [1] index node as you can see it has a lot of child nodes in it. Let’s look into that..

Now this index item seem to be containing a lot of information in child nodes. In its child node index [0] you can see the Description of our Google Form, and index [8] holds the Title.

Next the most important node, that is node index [1] which contains all the Question Fields data, and it looks like this.

Once you expand it you can view the List of child elements that represents the Question Fields in your Google Form!

Now you know you can easily access the Question fields by traversing [1][index of the question field]

Let’s try opening up a child node then! 😉

– Question Field data

Woot! Here you have it, the whole Question Field as expected, and specifically in this sample questionnaire, you can see how it shows all the details regarding the 1st Question Field.

Also notice the value I’m pointing to below, node [1][0][3] to be exact, that index holds the Question Type value “0”, which determines whether it’s a Short Answer, Paragraph, Dropdown, Checkbox field and so on. Then the second arrow, node [1][0][4][0][0], that right there is the unique Field identifier that we need to use when submitting answer to this question field. 😀 Thereby we could consider the value as Answer Submit Id as well.

Now that’s a single answer field, such as Short Answer and Paragraph Question field types in Google Form.

In the node [1][0][4][0][2] holds the value to determine whether Answer Required or not.

So how about we open up a child node of a Multiple Answer field?

Now below I’ve open up the node of a Multiple Answer selection Question Field.

– Multiple Answer Question Field data

Right here you can see in the Question Type value node it has number “2” as the value, which is what Multiple Answer Question Fields are denoted with.

Over here you get an extra child node underneath the Field identifier node as you recognized above.

This has a list of child nodes which as you can see holds the list of Answers Available for the Question Field.

So now we know how to load the list of Answers available for a given question, that we can traverse through.

Next let me dive a bit deep into Question Type identifier values..

– Hunt for Question Field types…

You already know Google Forms provide multiple types of Question Fields that can be added to your Google Form, and you saw above where to grab the Field type value. But how do you know which value maps to what type?

That’s why I had to run a trial and error recognition of trying to match those numeric values to the actual Field types, and I’ve finalized the list as follows…

  • Short Answer Field = 0
  • Paragraph Field = 1,
  • Multiple Choice Field = 2
  • Check Boxes Field = 4
  • Drop Down Field = 3
  • File Upload Field = 13

// File Upload – we’re not going to implement for this right now, because it needs user log in session implementation, a bit complicated. So let’s look into it later!

  • Linear Scale Field = 5
  • Grid Choice Field = 7

//Grid Choice – represents both: Multiple Choice Grid & Checkbox Grid

  • Date Field = 9
  • Time Field = 10

As you can see the assigning of the numeric values for the available types of Fields are not so straight forward and Google Forms tends to mix up or skips some mapping of the values without a proper order.  That’s why I mentioned it was a bit painful trial and error process.

Now we’ve walked through the recognition of the data pathways that we’re hoping to extract, let’s summarize our analysis as follows..

  • The most crucial node is index [1] which holds all the data we need
  • Although Google Form’s Id is in the root node [14]
  • Description is in the node [1][0]
  • Title is in the node [1][8]
  • All the Question Field data is in node [1][1]
  • We need to traverse through this child node list and fetch each item
    • Question Field Text is in  [1]
    • Question Field Type is in [3]
    • Question Field Id is in [4][0][0]
    • Question Field Answer required or not is in [4][0][2]
    • Multiple Answer Options are in [4][0][1]
    • Multiple Answer Options needs to be traversed and loaded
  • We need to create a mapping for numeric values of Question Field Types to readable values, Short Answer Field, Paragraph Field, Multiple Choice Field, etc.

So that’s the complete list of analysis that we have derived from this step, which we need to carry forward to our next level, that is implementing all this logic and retrieving the complete skeleton structure of your Google Forms page!

Let the coding begin!

So just like in the previous article, I’m going to use  dotnet and C# as the language for our little code snippet. And to parse HTML content, I choose HTMLAgilityPack. Then we need Newtonsoft.Json to perform our JSON data structure execution. Also I would be using a Console Project type in dotnet, pretty simple to begin with.

Given you have created the project and added the HTMLAgilityPack and Newtonsoft.Json to your dotnet project, let’s start by creating the model class

Enum mapping class for the Question Field Types that we identified before, so that we can easily cast our scraped out values in code.

// using System.ComponentModel;
/// <summary>
/// Found the Field type representation values with trial
/// and error try out of blood sweat and tears lol! 😉
/// </summary>
public enum GoogleFormsFieldTypeEnum
[Description("Short Answer Field")]
ShortAnswerField = 0,
[Description("Paragraph Field")]
ParagraphField = 1,
[Description("Multiple Choice Field")]
MultipleChoiceField = 2,
[Description("Check Boxes Field")]
CheckBoxesField = 4,
[Description("Drop Down Field")]
DropDownField = 3,
// FileUpload – Not supported (needs user log in session)
[Description("File Upload Field")]
FileUploadField = 13,
[Description("Linear Scale Field")]
LinearScaleField = 5,
// represents both: Multiple Choice Grid | Checkbox Grid
[Description("Grid Choice Field")]
GridChoiceField = 7,
[Description("Date Field")]
DateField = 9,
[Description("Time Field")]
TimeField = 10,

Now you might say shouldn’t we create Model classes to represent Google Forms Fields and Google Form parent objects themselves, but I would rather keep that to a future post! 😉 let’s just try to keep things simple in this one!

Then let’s code the method that we’ll be executing the load our Google Form structure! I’m gonna be calling it ScrapeOffFormSkeletonFromGoogleFormsAsync() with a parameter passing in which will carry the URL link to a given Google Form! 😀

Let’s begin by adding the simple LoadFromWebAsync() using the HTMLAgilityPack, which will load the HTML content first.

Next let’s access the FB_PUBLIC_LOAD_DATA_  script content in our HTML doc.

As you can see we are filtering out the html nodes with the “//script” definition which contains “FB_PUBLIC_LOAD_DATA_” value in it. Then we load it into a variable fbPublicLoadDataJsScriptContent which of type string.

Next on, we gotta clean it up by removing the “var FB_PUBLIC_LOAD_DATA_ = ” and the “;” at the end if you notice carefully. So that we can parse the data to a JSON Array structure.

Now we’re ready to parse the content into a JSON Array using Newtonsoft.Json as below.

And also let’s access some basic data of our Google Form, such as Title, Description and the Form ID just like how we discussed in our pattern analysis of this array object structure. Then we load the most important index of the array [1][1] into arrayOfFields variable at the bottom.

Next on we are going to traverse through the list of field data indexes, but here I have added a special filter to identify if the given Field object is an actual Question or a Field placed as a Description Panel or an Image banner, which I have noticed people do to customize their Google Forms. In that case we ignore that object and move on to the next iteration.

There we are looping through each item in arrayOfFields and skipping off the filtered objects. As you can see above, we’re first loading the Field Question text value, then extracting the Question Type value, while using the Enum parser that we build before with mapping the readable Field Type values.

Speaking of accessing Answer Options List for Multiple Choice Questions, we’re handling that next in this code bit.

And we load it up to answerOptionsList object.

Then we load our next Values, Field Answer Submit ID and the value representing if the answer is required to submit or not, with a conversion to boolean which is true or false.

For the IsAnswerRequired value Google gives us “1” or “0” as the representation of true or false, so we need to do that mapping ourselves as you see above.

Then as the last stretch of our loop, let’s print it all out to the Console.

There now the data related to each field is now printed out to the Console nicely.

Let me share the full code snippet that puts it all together below. Strap your seat belts fellas its a long code snippet, therefore I’ll only put a link to it here! 😉

Yeah click on that Gist link and view the full code snippet over at my Github!

You can use the above method in any of your dot net projects, as long as you have HtmlAgilityPack and Newtonsoft.Json nugets installed and imported in the code. Application is yours to imagine yo, just pass in your Google Forms link text to the method and you’re good to go!

Hit F5 and Run!

Now if you’re on Visual Studio, let’s just run this little snippet of magic eh! 😉


Here I’m using my simple demo Google Form link, passing it into the method in this little Console dotnet app, and you can see how it nicely loads all the question field data and all the information about my Google Form page.

Here’s a fun side-by-side comparison of programmatically accessing your complete Google Forms skeleton!

Pretty cool eh!

As far as my testing this little script works perfectly for any Google Form that contains the basic main types of Question Fields that are available in Google Forms as of this day!

Imagination is the limit yol! 😉

Well… That’s it!

Who would have thought the FB_PUBLIC_LOAD_DATA_ is such a mysterious yet awesome data snippet hiding in the rendered HTML content of a given Google Forms page! lol 😀

During my experimental research of cracking this mystery, I got some hints from the following python hacks that I derived the same logic into dotnet C# code.

Now keep in mind we do not have precise control whether Google will change these format and data structure patterns in future, so you gotta keep an eye out if you’re planning to use these hacks for a long term solid implementation. My suggestion would be to write up a series of Test cases (TDD yo!)

There you have it, the little magic script to programmatically accessing your complete Google Forms skeleton!

Share the love! 😀 Cheers!

SCRIPTfully scrape off your Google Forms Field Ids…

Y’all wanna scrape off the list of Field IDs of your Google Forms easily? yes programatically through a neat little script! Stick around y’all! 😉

So you remember my last blog posts about my journey of hacking around Google Forms, You may RESTfully submit to your Google Forms… and even in the one before, Let’s auto fill Google Forms with URL parameters… you might remember how crucial it was to hook up to the list of Field Identifiers in your Google Forms which you can use to Submit data to your Form using the REST API or even to populate the Auto filled data in the Form. Now that goes without saying this blog post is a follow up of the above two articles, therefore I would prefer if you took a sneak peak into those before continuing in this article.

So the way we retrieved the list of Field identifiers were by manually reading through the rendered HTML code and looking at the network traffic data. Specifically I introduced three methods as follows…

  • Method 1: Looking up page source HTML content.
  • Method 2: Inspecting HTML code of each field.
  • Method 3: Monitor the network traffic data.

So all those methods are completely manual, shouldn’t there be an easy way? Yes, I’ve been wondering that myself and I continued on experimenting…

Yes.. Scrape em off programmatically!

Wouldn’t it be easier if we could write a little script to retrieve the list of Field IDs in any given Google Form? Just scrape through the rendered HTML content and pick up the Field identifiers automatically! Oh think about how much time you could save! 😀

Well yes, that’s exactly what we’re going to do. Let’s build a simple script that could scrape off the list of Field IDs of your Google Forms without you breaking a sweat!

But to build the script you might have to break some sweat… 😉 Alright, so what this script is going to do is, given the link of a Google Form, it will load the HTML content of it, and scrape through it to find the elements that holds the Field Ids, filter them out and return the results! Quite straight forward eh! 😀

Let the hack begin…

Let’s use a dot net C# to write out script, and yes an absolutely biased choice given my favorite platform! lol But if you can grasp the process and idea behind each step you could easily reproduce the same script from any other language or framework!

It’s all about programming the our method of manually reading through the HTML code and figuring out the IDs, into a self executing code. This requires us understanding the pattern of which the HTML is rendered for each Field element in the Google Form, and I figured this out by repeatedly looking at the rendered HTML content. Once we understand the pattern and where to filter out the data that we need to scrape out, we can easily code it into our script.

Now for this post also let’s use the same sample questionnaire Google Form that I created for last post’s demo.

So now we got a Google Form, let’s start the little hack by finding the field IDs in the form…

Identify the Pattern..

Now this is the most crucial step, let me walk you through by simply looking into the rendered HTML content of our Google Form.

Now for me though it took a lot of trial and error steps to recognize how all different types of question fields are rendered in Google Forms, where by created a bunch of sample Forms and analyzed their HTML structure continuously, until I was sure. 😉

I’ve explained regarding this pattern in my previous blog post: Let’s auto fill Google Forms with URL parameters… in which I dive into detailed steps of finding the IDs of each question field in your Google Form. If you go through it and focus on the section “Method 2: Inspecting each field” you could easily understand what I’m about to dive into. Therefore let me keep things simple in this article just to avoid repetition. 😀

Assuming you’re using Google Chrome let’s begin, by right clicking on any of the question fields in your Google Form and go to -> Inspect Element menu option.

If you carefully take a look at the rendered HTML node of our Short Answer question Field, it’s actually “input” type element and you can see how the “name” property holds the ID for the Field “entry.1277095329”. Now let’s take another type of an Field, how about Multiple choice selection question Field? 😮

When you’re reading through the parent node of the radio button elements, you can see at the bottom there’s an “input” type element, that’s set to hidden, with the Field ID that we’re looking for. Then how about a Checkbox selection Field? Let’s try the same inspection and see for ourselves… 😉

Now the parent node of it is a bit differently structured, but you can see how it follows the same pattern, of having an “input” type element which holds the ID of the question Field.

Also something to notice is that the same exact child node is repeated in each parent div element containing the ID value. And then just above the child elements, you got another field which carries the same values, but with a “_sentinel” suffix in the “name” property, which sorta creates a repetition of data that needs to be filtered out. So this is something you need to keep in mind, that we will need to filter out in our script. 😀

Next let’s try out a Paragraph question Field of Google Forms, and try to analyze it.

Now this fella got a “textbox” type element rendered, which also includes the “name” property that holds the Field ID, and now we know another element that needs special filtering in our script! 😉

Finally all the other types of Questions Fields in Google Forms follows almost the same pattern of rendered HTML, therefore without further adieu let’s try to analyze the patterns which we seen behind those elements.

Analyze the Pattern…

Now in this step you need to be able to see the full picture of the whole pattern of which those Google Forms question Field elements are rendered in their HTML environment. So after analyzing all those different fields we could draw a few major analysis that we need to keep in mind when we’re thinking of scraping out the Field IDs from the HTML…

  • “input” elements holds the Field IDs in their “name” attribute
  • “textarea” is an exceptional element which is used by Paragraph question type
  • the Field ID value begins with “entry.” prefix in the “name” attribute
  • Checkbox Field elements renderes a repetition of its “input” nodes
  • Also Checkbox Filed generates an extra “input” element with “_sentinel” suffix in ID
  • repeated nodes with same values should be filtered out

Now keeping all those in mind we need to implement the logic into our script, or in other words we need to code the above logic and filtering as rules into our little script that’ll scrap out the HTML of our Google Form to retrieve the Field IDs automatically.

Let the coding begin!

Assuming that you’re already experienced in dotnet, I’m not going to be diving in to spoon feeding details here, and rather focus on the important bits of the code. We’re going be using dotnet and C# as the language for our crawler script. And we need a library that could parse HTML content, and traverse through those content programmatically. Therefore I choose HTMLAgilityPack which is a well known and stable HTML parser for dotnet projects.

So the project type that you’re going to implement is totally up to you, but for this demo I would be using a Console Project in dotnet, pretty simple to begin with.

Given you have added the HTMLAgilityPack to your dotnet project, let’s create the method definition with a string parameter that will represent the URL link of our Google Form that we need to scrape off and it will be returning the list of Field IDs of the given Google Form!

Oh and make sure to make it an async method, hence we will need that for our web call that’ll load the HTML content.

Let’s use the HtmlWeb class which allows us to load an HTML content from a given url string asynchronously.

There we’re executing the LoadFromWebAsync() upon the given Google Forms Link and load it into memory. Next we need to implement out first line of filtering on top of the HTML content that we loaded into memory.

There we’re scooping off the “input” and “textarea” elements from the HTML content,  into a List object of type IEnumerable<HtmlNode>, given the DocumentNode which contains all the HTML elements of the Google Form that we just parsed into memory.

Like I said before we’re basically implementing the logic that we learned in the Pattern Analysis step, therefore next we go on to the next layer of filtering.

There we’re filtering the list of data based on the predicament, that we retrieve all the HTML elements which contains the “entry.” prefix in their “name” attribute, thus securing out Field ID values. Then we exclude all the elements that contains “_sentinel” suffix in their “name” attributes which governs the cleaning up of Checkbox field element repetition.

As you see above we’ve singled out the HTML elements that we’re targeting. Next we gotta do some final clean up of our scraped nodes.

We need to clean up any existing duplicate elements in the list, therefore we’re gonna group similar items, and pick the first element into a list of type List<HtmlNode>, which will eliminate the repetition nodes probably caused by Checkbox fields.

And finally we’re going to access the each Node’s “name” attribute, load it into a List.

And return the results. Oh just an add-on I’m printing out the scraped off Field ID elements into the Console.

Let me share the whole script down here…

// Imports you might need! 😉
//using HtmlAgilityPack;
//using System;
//using System.Collections.Generic;
//using System.Linq;
//using System.Threading.Tasks;
private static async Task<List<string>> ScrapeOffListOfFieldIdsFromGoogleFormsAsync(string yourGoogleFormsUrl)
HtmlWeb web = new HtmlWeb();
var htmlDoc = await web.LoadFromWebAsync(yourGoogleFormsUrl);
// Select the "input", "textarea" elements from the html content
var fields = new[] { "input", "textarea" }; // two types of fields
var htmlNodes = htmlDoc.DocumentNode.Descendants().
Where(x => fields.Contains(x.Name));
// Filter out the elements we need
htmlNodes = htmlNodes.Where(
x =>
// Get all that elements contains "entry." prefix in the name
x.GetAttributeValue("name", "").Contains("entry.") &&
// Ignored the "_sentinel" elements rendered for checkboxes fields
!x.GetAttributeValue("name", "").Contains("_sentinel"));
// remove any duplicates (possibly caused by Checkboxes Fields)
var groupedList = htmlNodes.GroupBy(x => x.OuterHtml);
var cleanedNodeList = new List<HtmlNode>();
foreach (var groupedItem in groupedList)
// retrieve the Fields list
var fieldIdList = new List<string>();
foreach (var node in cleanedNodeList)
// grab the Field Id
var fieldId = node.GetAttributeValue("name", "");
return fieldIdList;

Let’s try it out shall we! 😉

Hit F5!

Now I’m gonna use the sample Google Form that I created for this demo, pass its URL link into this little script, and hit F5 in Visual Studio!

Look at that beauty! 😉 The complete list of Question Field identifiers in my sample Google Forms just like we expected.

As far as my testing this little script works perfectly for any Google Form that contains the basic main types of Question Fields that are available in Google Forms as of this day!

Well… That’s it!

Basically you can scrape off any data from a given HTML content as long as you understand the pattern of which the HTML rendered targeting the pieces of data that you’re looking for! Likewise there could be many different types of Google Forms that contains different types Question Fields even with custom content in them, but at the end they all follow a certain HTML rendering pattern, which is just a matter of figuring out.

I would like to remind you again, the reason I considered this as a “SCRIPT” is due to the possibility of converting the same HTML scraping steps into any other language or framework easily, as long as you understand the pattern of the rendered HTML of your Google Form!

Now keep in mind all these are simple hacks and tricks derived by careful observation of rendered HTML content of any given Google Forms page, and we do not have precise control whether Google will change these format and rendering patterns in future, so you gotta keep an eye out if you’re planning to use these hacks for a long term solid implementation.
My suggestion would be to write up a series of Test cases (TDD yo!) which would test for the above process flows to make sure they’re working as expected and notify you in case of any changes from Google. 😉

There you have it, the little magic script to scrape off the list of Field IDs from your Google Forms page!

Share the love! 😀 Cheers!

You may RESTfully submit to your Google Forms…

You wanna submit responses to your Google Forms in a REST-ful API call, or rather programmatically in code or easily from a Postman-like tool? Then you’re welcome to stick around here… 😉

So you remember my last post on my journey of hacking around Google Forms, trying to be a smart-ass eh! Let’s auto fill Google Forms with URL parameters… Oh yeah that one right there, well that was just the tip of the ice berg of me playing around with Google Forms! Let me share the next set of cool tricks I figured out here! 😀

This little trick of submitting data RESTfully to your Google form, could become very handy if you wanted to build your own improved custom UI for submitting data to your Google Form, along with your own validations for the fields or even to quickly populate a bunch of sample data from your Form for experimental reason. Them awesome possibilities are endless! 😉

Well.. Google Forms with RESTful ?!?

So during my adventures into messing around with Google Forms, I figured out that we can submit data into our Google Forms using their REST API endpoint! So how cool is that eh, we can directly post data into our form RESTfully, from whatever the medium you prefer, programmatically, or Postman like tool! 😉

So in this post lemme share that cool trickery bits with you…

Let the hack begin…

Now keep in mind unlike the last post, this is a bit advanced trick which requires some experience on HTML and web development, well it could easily help at least.

We’re gonna get the REST endpoint source of our Google Form, package our question-field-answer data into a request object and submit it to the REST endpoint directly, using Postman or Programmatically in code.

Now for this post also let’s use the same sample questionnaire Google Form that I created for last post’s demo.

Little sneak peak:

So now we got a Google Form, let’s start the little hack by finding the field IDs in the form…

Yes, you still gotta hook up the fields!

Remember in my last post I explained about the Fields in our Google Form having unique identifiers (or IDs) that we can use to attach data into for submission? well you still need em! 😛

Now for this you could still use the methods we discussed in the previous post to get the list of ID of the fields in your Google Form, but this time I’ll introduce some easier ways, since we’re moving to a bit advance trick…

Hooking up to the fields and Endpoint…

Keep in mind this requires a little bit experience in web dev! 😉 Basically we’re going to get the list of Field IDs by tracing the submission request call in our Google Form, which will also help us figure out the REST endpoint link.

So open up your Google Form in Chrome browser and open up developer tools by using the browser menu or on Windows click “Ctrl+Shift+I keys” in the keyboard.

Now to make the magic work, go to “Network” tab in the menu list which will allow us monitor the network trace that’s going to be sent from browser to Google Form submission REST endpoint.

Next, you need to fill up all the question fields in your Google Form and hit submit button. Carefully watch what happens in the developer console!

Yep a whole bunch of logs pops up, which shows you the traces of all the network calls that occurred in the last “Submit” button click. And in there the most important request log is the “formResponse” log as you seen above.

Click on formResponse log which will bring up all the details on it.

Now this is quite awesome, it will show you in 4 separate sections all the details about the Google Form submission data endpoint that just occurred.

The Request URL is the endpoint we’re going to be using to submit our form data and the Form Data section is where you’ll find the list of field identifiers of your Google Form.

Now that your holy grail of list of field identifiers in bulk. So go ahead, highlight that chunk of text and copy it up to some notepad to be used later.

Now if you noticed the ID with the “entry.1155533672_sentinel” is something that you can ignore, since its a repeated field coming from the Check box question field in your Google Form!

Just like that you can easily extract the list of IDs of the fields in your Google Form! 😀

entry.1277095329: Bibimbap Turtles
entry.995005981: Banana Plums
entry.1155533672: Dogs with hats
entry.1579749043: Jumping Apples
entry.815399500_year: 2019
entry.815399500_month: 11
entry.815399500_day: 11
entry.940653577_hour: 00
entry.940653577_minute: 30

Now that’s the form data sample from my Google Form! 😉

Shove it up into a Postman!

Or any of the web dev tools you prefer to make a simple REST api call. Up to you! lol. Let’s create a POST call with our Google Forms submission API endpoint which we retrieved in the above step.

Actually this URL you could easily make up using your Google Form publish url, just by replacing viewform with formResponse suffix.

So make sure to add the Body parameters of type x-www-form-urlencoded, and list out all the question field IDs and their values you’d like to inject in to the submission. Since then you need to apply header Content-Type as application/x-www-form-urlencoded which will enable our body parameters object.

Assuming you have set up all the body form fields properly, let’s fire it up! 😀

Fire it up!

Let’s go ahead and execute the REST posting! Hit “Send“, and bam!

You should get a successful 200 Status Code response with the above success message “Your Response has been recorded.” inside a whole bunch of HTML content and if you move to the “Preview” tab, you can see how the rendered UI being returned as well.

Now let’s say if you missed adding any specific field in the request body, that was already marked as “Required” in your Google Forms template, and you had hit “Send”. In that case it would return a bad request 400 Status Code with the error in HTML content, “This is a required question”, or with whatever the custom error message you configured your Google Form with.

Yeah you can even view in the Preview tab with the rendered HTML content.

Pretty neat eh! the same way it would behave in a browser environment you can duplicate in a RESTful environment such as Postman! 😀

Now let’s see how easy it is to push that into some code and execute this programatically!

Shove it up into a Code snippet!

Alright let’s shove that into a simple C# snippet where we could POST a simple HTTP request with the body parameters of our Google Form! Basically replicating the same execution as Postman you saw above! 😀

private static async Task ExecuteGoogleFormsSubmitAsync()
// Init HttpClient to send the request
HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
// Build the Field Ids and Answers dictionary object
// (replace with your Google Form Ids and Answers)
var bodyValues = new Dictionary<string, string>
{"entry.1277095329","Orange Snails"},
{"entry.995005981","Banana Plums"},
{"entry.1155533672","Monkeys with hoodies"},
{"entry.1579749043","Jumping Apples"},
// Encode object to application/x-www-form-urlencoded MIME type
var content = new FormUrlEncodedContent(bodyValues);
// Post the request (replace with your Google Form Link)
var response = await client.PostAsync(
"; +
"1FAIpQLSeuZiyN-uQBbmmSLxT81xGUfgjMQpUFyJ4D7r-0zjegTy_0HA" +
// Use the StatusCode and Response Content
Console.WriteLine($"Status : {(int)response.StatusCode} {response.StatusCode.ToString()}");
Console.WriteLine($"Body : \n{await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync()}");
// Imagination is the limit yo! 😉

Above we’re using a simple dotnet HttpClient to execute our Google Form submission REST post call, by adding the body values dictionary into the request.

And then we’re printing the Status Code and the HTTP content response we get.

Hit F5!

If you hit F5 on the above code in Visual Studio, you should get the following.

We are successfully submitting our Google Form data to the REST endpoint and getting the success code, along with the usual HTML content, same as how got in Postman. 😉

Now let’s say if something went wrong, or you missed a required field in your request body,

It will show up the same error handling we got in Postman, as 400 Bad Request! And if you dive into the HTML content, you can see how the error message was also delivered back.

So now you know how to programmatically submit data to your Google Forms in code! 😉

Imagination is the limit yol! 😉

Well… That’s it!

It’s quite straightforward how Google has built these forms in such a simple manner for you to handle them easily as you wish. Kudos Google!

Now keep in mind all these are simple hacks and tricks derived by careful observation of html code and network traffic, and we do not have precise control whether Google will change these format and rendering patterns in future, so you gotta keep an eye out if you’re planning to use these hacks for a long term solid implementation.
My suggestion would be to write up a series of Test cases (TDD yo!) which would test for the above process flows to make sure they’re working as expected and notify you in case of any changes from Google. 😉

You can do all kinds of cool stuff with it! So there you have it, how you may RESTfully submit to your Google Forms!

Share the love! 😀 Cheers!

Let’s auto fill Google Forms with URL parameters…

Wanna auto fill and populate your Google Forms with data by injecting values from the URL itself? Then you’re at the right spot. 😉

So I happened to be playing around with Google Forms recently and came across this requirement to pre-populate some data in my Google Form, which led me to come across this simple solution to automatically fill data in the fields of the Google Form by injecting values in the URL targeting the required fields.

Google Forms, a secret?!

Google Forms are simply, nothing but just a list of fields where the user is required to enter data into and submit.

To my surprise when I was hacking around with it, I noticed that Google Forms allows us to attach URL parameters that could target the fields in the form, and pre-populate them with the given parameters. This is probably a not so well known fact, and works like a charm as long as you scrape out the unique identifiers of the fields.

but many types of Fields..?!

There are many different types of fields that could consist in a Google Form, Text fields, Multiple Choice, Check boxes, Drop down, Date and Time selection fields… and so on. But one thing in common among all those different types of fields is that they all have a specific unique identifiers that represents them, so as long as we nicely grab those unique IDs we’ve got the hook to attach values to them on the loading of the page! 😉

Let the hack begin…

For this simple hack I have created a simple Google Form with a bunch of fields in it to enter data and submit. Just another regular Google Form, containing several fields in different types, to demonstrate how to successfully pass values into them no matter the type of each field.

Little sneak peak:

So now we got a Google Form, let’s start the little hack by finding the field IDs in the form…

Hooking up to the fields…

In order to understand this little hack, you need to treat each question in the Google Form as a field of its own existence, which can be represented by a unique identification that we can use to call upon to attach data into it.

Now let’s try to hook up to the fields of our Google Form by looking up their IDs. There are few ways to hack around to find the IDs, whichever you’re most comfortable you may proceed with…

Method 1: Looking up page source HTML content

One way is to look into the HTML content of our Google Form and manually search for our field identifiers. So open up your Google Form in a web browser and right click on the page -> click on “View Source” option.

Then it will open up the HTML code of the page. Alright now we got the access to the HTML content of our Google Form, let’s hunt for our IDs of question fields. The IDs you’ll find are in the format of, entry.XXXXXXXXX.

So now we know the format of the IDs, let’s search for them using the suffix “entry.”, so click “Ctrl + F” on your keyboard, and type “entry.” which will then highlight all the ID values in the HTML content of the page.

Each and every one of those highlighted search results represents a field that you need to enter data into in the Google Form. If you just read through the surrounding content of those IDs, you’ll see that they’re mapping to each question field in our Google Form.

You can just take a note of the list of entry values popping up in that search result to prepare for our next step.

There’s also another way…

Method 2: Inspecting each field.

Right click on any field -> Click on “Inspect” option, which will open up the HTML code of the specific element that you focused on.

As an example, in the above Text field, when we inspect its HTML content, it shows the “input” element. If you carefully read the HTML code there, you can see how that node has a property called “name” which has the value “entry.1277095329” as you can see above. TADAA! there you have the ID of that specific field.

You can easily find all the identifiers or IDs of the Fields easily in either ways above, so go ahead with whichever you find easier. 😉

Oh, different types of field eh! 😮

So in Google Forms we have many different types of Question Fields that are provided,  such as Drop down selection fields or Check box selection fields, etc. Therefore something to keep in mind is that all those different types of fields, may have their IDs assigned to them differently, because their HTML content is differently structured and rendered.

As you can see above, in the Google Forms designer console, you can see the different types of Question Fields it provides for the users.

Let me show some examples which might help you to track down their IDs! 😉

How to find the ID of a Multiple Choice field?

So one of the tricky fields is the Multiple Choice field in a Google Form. You gotta right click -> Inspect element, where you’ll see a list of Radio button elements attached to the parent “div” element.

Then at the bottom of the parent “div”, you have a hidden “input” field with the ID that we are looking for, that we can use to target in our little hack! 😉

How to find the ID of a Drop down field?

Well this one is quite the same for previous one where you’ll the hidden “input” field at the bottom of the parent “div” element.

You can see in the HTML content how the checkbox options at the top of the list and the bottom containing the ID field with “entry.xxxxxxxx” similarly.

How to find the ID of a Check Boxes field?

Sam as before you have to inspect HTML content of each element of the Check boxes field to get the ID. This will be attached to the “div” as a hidden “input” field, being assigned the same ID for each Checkbox element in the question. Which sorta makes it easier for us to take out the Field ID just by inspecting a single Checkbox element in the question.

As you can see same ID value is assigned to each Check boxes field in the question. 😉 Easy peasy eh!

How to find the ID of a Date selection field?

Well this is a little unique, just go ahead right click to “Inspect” the element as usual in your Chrome. Here you’ll see somewhat similar to the above but with three hidden input fields.

There’s going to be three “input” hidden fields with the ID for each “Year”, “Month”, “Day” selection in a Date selection field. So you need to keep a track of those three IDs, “entry.xxxxxxx_year”, “entry.xxxxxxx_month”, and “entry.xxxxxxx_day” to send a complete data to fill the date selection field.

How to find the ID of a Time selection field?

This is very much similar to Date selection where as you got IDs assigned for “Hour” and “Minute” fields of a Time selection field.

But you need to keep in mind each of those two nodes are inside two separate parent “div” elements as shown above. Anyhow take a note of the “entry.xxxxxxx_hour”, and “entry.xxxxxxx_minute” fields above which are the IDs you’re going to require to set the values for your Time selection.

Well I assume that’s plenty of examples on how to hunt down the field identifiers in your Google Form. Any other given type of field should somewhat follow the same pattern with their hidden fields with the IDs, and it should be easy to figure out as long as you’re comfortable with reading simple HTML content!

Now according to my sample Google Form, following are the IDs of the fields available..

  • entry.1277095329
  • entry.995005981
  • entry.1155533672
  • entry.1579749043
  • entry.815399500_year
  • entry.815399500_month
  • entry.815399500_day
  • entry.940653577_hour
  • entry.940653577_minute

Off to next step then…

Then let’s fill the data…

Alright now we got all the field identifiers in our Google Form, next let’s move on to generating the URL that allows us to inject all those data into the fields. It’s actually quite easy as follows…

entry.xxxxxxxx1=This is answer 1

Given our Google Form link…

We shall attach the all the field ID’s and their injected answers as follows… is answer 1&entry.xxxxxxxx2=This is answer2

We just have to pass the value assigning it to the question field ID, and attach it to the link of the Google Form. Navigating to the above link will present your Google Form with all the fields pre-filled with answers you parsed. More about it below..

Pass the values targeting the fields…

This is something you need to pay extra attention when it comes to the syntax of the URL, making sure to pass the proper field ID’s and their answers, and separating them properly in the URL without a mistake.

Let’s first take a look at how we’re assigning values to the list of fields in my sample Google Form…

  • entry.1277095329=Jumping Beans
  • entry.995005981=Banana Plums
  • entry.1155533672=Dogs with hats
  • entry.1579749043=Running Banana
  • entry.815399500_year=2019
  • entry.815399500_month=10
  • entry.815399500_day=28
  • entry.940653577_hour=03
  • entry.940653577_minute=04

Now those field IDs and their targeted answers should be merged into a URL. So let’s add the separation tag with ‘&’ and put them together accordingly.
entry.1277095329=Jumping Beans&
entry.995005981=Banana Plums&
entry.1155533672=Dogs with hats&
entry.1579749043=Running Banana&

You can see how the fields value assigning nodes are separated with the ‘&’ separation to be merged into a single URL and the complete URL should be formed as follows… Beans&entry.995005981=Banana Plums&entry.1155533672=Dogs with hats&entry.1579749043=Running Banana&entry.815399500_year=2019&entry.815399500_month=10&entry.815399500_day=28&entry.940653577_hour=03&entry.940653577_minute=04

Now if you click on the above link, it will show how my sample Google Form is pre-filled with all the answers I passed in the URL targeting each field.

Fire it up!

TADAAA! 😀 Pretty cool eh!

You can cross check with the values I have passed in the URL with the values that are auto-filled in the Google Form! 😉

Something about multiple choice fields…

One thing to keep in mind is that, when it comes to fields that you have to select values, such as Multiple choice fields, Drop down selection fields and so on, they need to be assigned with exact values already given in their list of answers. 😉 Otherwise the values injected will be ignored by the form, and rendered as empty. 😦

Well… That’s it!

You don’t have to set values for all your fields in the URL parameters, just include the ones you’re intending to fill up is enough. This could become very handy if you want to auto fill fields like “date and time fields” for the ease of your users or if you want to populate pre-set default values in your Form for your targeted users. Another aspect this could be handy is when you need an easy and quick way to generate some sample data from your Google Form submissions. 😉

So there you have it, how to easily pre-populate data in your Google Forms!

Share the love! 😀 Cheers!

XAMVVM-01 A real walk-through of Xamarin.UITest with Xamarin.Forms!

Let’s take a chilled out walk through adding Xamarin.UITests to your Xamarin.Forms project! 😉

When I said chilled out, I meant literally a chill, no-fuss walk through adding UITests for your Xamarin.Forms project solution. There’s many articles and tutorials out there regarding this, but when I first started I couldn’t find a clear enough guide to begin with for myself, so I was stumbling around in confusion here and there until I self-learned a proper foundation. That’s why I thought of writing this post.

This is an attempt of sharing my experience and intuition of how to architect a better UITest structure for your Xamarin.Forms Solution helping you to get a clear and easy head start!

So I’m not gonna get into extreme baby steps, or details, but a clear fuss-free hands-on guide for starting off with your UITests, which I hope would give you a clear picture and understand of the whole shabang! After all I’m all about that solid project architecture!

Why UITests?

Hey, if you’re looking for a serious intro, please Google! I don’t like repetition of content lol.

Xamarin.UITests comes in handy when you want to have consistent assurance of the actual functionality of the app with the UI behaviour included. And between you and me, I actually love watching UITests being executed on Devices and Simulators, seeing you app actually being used like a human, giving you a whole feedback loop of the UI behaviour , is just an incredible experience! 😉


Let’s get started..

Just for the showcase of this awesomeness, I created a little App, which is called Textpad, where you simple take notes or texts of whatever you feel like. 😉 A very simple out of the box Xamarin.Forms app, and fully MVVM architectured code base with Prism. I named the solution as “XFWithUITest” just for this demo.

Whatever the default template of the Xamarin.UITest has provided, I have done several changes to it here and there for the clarity and of the code base as you will see in this article.

So I’m gonna walk you through a clean and well-structured manner of adding Xamarin.UITests to your project solution.

You can take a little sneak peak at it over here in my github repo:

Structure is important!

There’s many ways to structure a UITest, but I like a clean separation of the elements in any solution architecture. Like here we’re going to separate our Tests from the actual Host projects.

So first, for the name of separation let’s add a Folder called “Tests” in your Xamarin.Forms solution. Yes, that’s the way to start!

Then let’s create our Xamarin.UITest project, right-click on the “Tests” folder in the VS Solution Explorer and go to Test tab and select Xamarin.UITest Cross-Platform Test Project!

Also pay extra attention to the Name and Location value for our UITest project. Append “.UITest” at the end of your project name. As of the location, make sure to add the path along with the “Tests” folder that we created above.

Next create a new Folder inside of that project called “Tests”, yes another one, which is where we’re actually placing our tests! Also create a new class called SetupHooks, which is where we’ll maintain all the hooks that are needed for our tests. (I’ll get into details for this in a later step)

Now it should look something like this!

Nothing more.

Delete anything else that’s unnecessary or not seen above! 😉

Off to next step!

Don’t forget the nugets!

Make sure all the necessary nuget packages are in place, which is just basically the following 3 nugets! yep that’s it!

Pay very careful attention here to the version of NUnit version 2.6.4, which is the minimum NUnit version supported by Xamarin.UITest as of today. (01/11/2018)

The deal with AppInitializer!

Now this right here is where your Tests will be firing up the app’s execution. There are many ways to structure this class and its functionality, but here’s my way…

This class comes pre-populated when you first create the UITest project, but I have made some changes of my own for the clarity of the code.

As you can see I’m passing in an extra boolean parameter “clearData”, which is to execute a clean instance of my App for testing.

I’m using the InstalledApp() call to load the Android and the iOS apps from the simulators, also I’m enabling the EnableLocalScreenshots() to get actual screenshots of my test instances as I wish. Yeah the fact that you can automatically capture screenshots during testing even when you run locally is really cool feature of Xamarin.UITests! 😉

Now instead of getting a hook on the InstalledApp(), you could use the path to the APK or IPA file using the ApkPath() or AppBundle() respective for Android and iOS, which is totally up to your choice.

Then I’m passing in the AppDataMode parameter according to my choosing of the “clearData” value.

SetupHooks holds the instances!

Remember earlier I created a class called SetupHooks? let’s set it up now!

public class SetupHooks
      public static IApp App { get; set; }

      public static Platform Platform { get; set; }


During UITests execution we’re holding a singular instance of the app in memory, which we’re calling through UITest’s functions to perform many operations, so to simplify that, here we’re holding a public static instance of the IApp and Platform object to be used in our Test cases.

Pretty neat eh! 😀

Let’s write the Tests!

Create a class called AppTests, which is where we’re going to place the Test fire up code and the rest of the tests for now!

namespace XFWithUITest.UITest.Tests
    public class AppTests
        public AppTests(Platform platform)
            SetupHooks.Platform = platform;

        public void BeforeEachTest()
            SetupHooks.App =  
            AppInitializer.StartApp(SetupHooks.Platform, true);

	// test cases begin here...


There I have added the TestFixture attributes as required by NUnit to identify our tests, and notice how I have commented out the iOS platform, to show you that you could stick to one platform at a time for your ease of testing, instead of seeing failed tests in the Test Runner window! 😉

[SetUp] is where your Tests will initialize the actual App instance, thus retrieving a hook to the app’s instance for our Test cases to use.

You can see how I’m tying up the SetupHooks – Platform and App instances, through the initiation of the AppTests.

AppInitializer.StartApp(SetupHooks.Platform, true);

This gives a clean instance of the app for our tests cases to use, and up on your wish you could pass in “false” to the same method and get a data persisted instance of the app at anytime, anywhere in your tests! 😉

Now you’re all set to start writing your UITests, but before we begin I need you to check up on something else!

AutomationId for everything!

Whatever the UI element you need to get a hook on to or get a reference of, be it a Page, Button, Layout even a Label, you need to add a value to its AutomationId.

And make sure every AutomationId in a given Page context is unique for every element, otherwise the look up function will return all the elements that matches the given Id, which could lead to confusion in your tests 😉

IApp interface functions!

The Xamarin.UITest.IApp interface provides a whole bunch of functionalities for the app for us to play around with in order to execute our test scenarios.

Take a look here, Xamarin.UITest.IApp to see the list of powerful functions we can use. To name a few are Tap, Swipe, Scroll, WaitForElement and etc, to be performed on any given UI Element on the screen.

So now all you need to do is get a hook on any given element..

Getting a hook on an Element…

There’s several ways of doing this, most common is by the AutomationId of the Element

SetupHooks.App.Tap(c => c.Marked("Button1"))

Another is by the value of an Element’s property,

SetupHooks.App.Tap(c => c.Text("Click this Button!"))

Or you could do by even the Class name of the element. Choice is completely yours, pick the one best suited for your test case.

How to write a Test?

Now this is the coolest part, Xamarin.UITest allows us to get hooks on to UI Elements of the running App, then we perform actions on those elements and wait for the results and check if it resulted as expected through assertion using NUnit.

So its basically a little dance between Xamarin.UITest and NUnit Assertion! 😉

As a standard keep in mind to append “Test” at the end of each of your Test cases.

As you can see above I’m first waiting for the HomePage to appear, then I’m asserting it through NUnit. Then I look for the Label with “Hey there, Welcome!” text!

Action and Result, simple as that! 😀

Some advanced bits…

Here’s some advanced bits that could come in handy!

Getting the number of elements in a ListView
SetupHooks.App.Query(c => c.Marked("TextListView").Child()).Length
Getting an element in a ListView
Func<AppQuery, AppQuery> itemInListView = null;

if (SetupHooks.Platform == Platform.Android)
     itemInListView = 
     x => x.Class("ViewCellRenderer_ViewCellContainer").Index(0);
else if (SetupHooks.Platform == Platform.iOS)
     itemInListView = 
     x => x.Marked("<your listview automationId>").Index(0);

// change the index parameter to get the item you wish
Opening Context Menu in a ListView item
// pop up the Context menu in ListView item
if (SetupHooks.Platform == Platform.Android)
else if (SetupHooks.Platform == Platform.iOS)
Enter Text into an Entry or Editor
c => c.Marked("TextTitleEditor"), whateverYourText);
Wait for an element to disappear
SetupHooks.App.WaitForNoElement(c => c.Text("This label text"));

// either by Text or Marked as should work
Restarting the app anywhere…
// restarting app, persisting state

SetupHooks.App = AppInitializer.StartApp(SetupHooks.Platform, false);

Check out more here in this awesome git page: XamarinTestCloudReference

REPL is your tool!

Yes start using the REPL command line to see how your App’s UI is actually rendered by the native platform at any given execution time. Simply call this anywhere you wish in the UITests steps,


And you’ll be presented with a CLI which will help you see the whole UI tree of the screen. Simply type “tree” in the CLI and you’re good!

Structuring the tests..

Now there’s many ways to structure all the test cases and scenarios, and there’s no strict standard way that should be followed, but whatever you’re comfortable or fits your project is totally fine and the choice is yours!

You could include all your Test cases in the AppTest class itself, or you can break them into separate classes regarding the Page, or the functionality type.

So for this demo I’m keeping all my UITest cases in the AppTest class itself.

Running the UITests locally!

Well now that we have structured the architecture, here’s the time for actual firing things up and you’ve got couple of things to remember!

You can run your Android Tests on Simulator and Device directly without any modification as long as you provide the right APK path or the App Id.

You can run your iOS Tests only on Visual Studio for Mac, and for the device you need to pass the provisioning details, and as of simulator, you need to pass the Simulator Id.

If you’re using InstalledApp() or ConnectToApp() in your AppInitializer, then make sure the app is already deployed or running in the devices or simulator.

Also make sure to keep your Devices or Simulators or Emulators screens switched on at all times, otherwise tests will break giving a waiting exception.

That’s it!

But I’m not completely satisfied with the architecture, so let’s kick it up a notch! 😀

Little cherry on top Architecture!

Like I said before there’s many ways to construct the architecture for your Test project, one of my favourite ways is by separating the test cases by Page Scenario, which I think is a much cleaner structure.

We’re going to create a base class, “TestBase” which has the constructor initiation and BeforeEachTest setup, then create a sub classes that inherits from it representing whatever the pages we have in the App.

It should look something like this!

And don’t forget you need to add TestFixture attribute for every single sub-class!

So what you’re gonna do is take apart all the Test cases you had in one class and move them into the related pages, simply cut and paste of the methods should do! Also on top of that you could abstract another layer of shared steps that we could reuse across these Page tests. 😀

Then it should give you a clean Test output as below.

There you go, all the Tests are now nicely aligned and structured under the given Page which it associates with!

Pretty neat eh!

So this above structure of mine is somewhat more of a simplification of the Page Object Architecture which is well explained here for Xamarin.UITests:

And even in this official github sample from Xamarin uses the same similar pattern: SmartHotel.Clients.UITests


As you can see its not that hard to set up your Xamarin.Forms project with UITest once you get the basic understanding of the moving parts and keep a clear structure in your head.

Now for some of you might be experiencing some issues with Xamarin.UITest, in which case I had too when I was first starting off. Therefore I ended up writing this post sharing my experience of solving them: Getting your Xamarin UITests to actually work! So if you’re having any issues getting your Xamarin.UITests to work in Visual Studio, that post might be able to help you. 🙂

Do check out my Github repo of this post:

Thus concludes my real walk-through of Xamarin.UITests with Xamarin.Forms, in which I hope you got a clear understanding of how to properly structure your project and all the moving bits and pieces that gets the job done! 😀

Share the love! 😀


Getting your Xamarin UITests to actually work! (Not thanks to Xamarin Docs)

Can’t get your Xamarin UITest to work? then this might actually help! 😉 yeah no thank you Xamarin Documentation!


So there I was having my Visual Studio updated to the latest version 15.8.8 and I created a fresh Xamarin.Forms project using the default template. Then I happily added the Xamarin.UITest project as well me being a TDD enthusiast.

So I wrote some code in my Xamarin.Forms project, added some pages, some simple navigation and functionality. Then I tried to run my Xamarin UITest, and surprise! I couldn’t get it to work at all.

First issue..

Everything was building nice and well, but when I tried to run the UITest, Visual Studio was annoying me with the following error in Output log.

Exception thrown: 'System.Exception' in Xamarin.UITest.dll
An exception of type 'System.Exception' occurred in Xamarin.UITest.dll but was not handled in user code
The running adb server is incompatible with the Android SDK version in use by UITest:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-sdk

You probably have multiple installations of the Android SDK and should update them or ensure that your IDE, simulator and shell all use the same instance. The ANDROID_HOME environment variable can effect this.

So I tried Debugging the UITest, and no surprise the runtime error was popping up same as above.

In utter surprise I went ahead to the Xamarin UITest documentation to see if there’s anything new that I haven’t heard before which needs to be done to get this super simple test project to run.

But nope! I had done everything as it was mentioned in the documentation with the perfect configuration in my up-to date Visual Studio and project set up already.

So what could have simply gone wrong?

After many days of researching, testing and pulling out my hair, I figured out the problem.

Xamarin.UITest version 2.2.6 (the latest to date: 26/10/2018)) does not support the latest version Android SDK Platform-Tools!

Yeah, no thank you to the Xamarin Documentation that never mentions there’s a constraint on the Xamarin.UITest supported Android SDK Platform-Tools!

Xamarin.UITest version 2.2.6 supports Android SDK Platform-Tools version 25.0.3 or lower only! (to the date: 26/10/2018))

I was actually surprised that there was no mentioning of this anywhere in the Xamarin UITest documentation! Sincerely hope they add some documentation between the support versions of Xamarin.UITest and Android SDK Platform-Tools.

Solving it!

So I went ahead and downgraded my  Android SDK Platform-Tools to version 25.0.3in my PC.

And finally got my UITest to run like a charm! 😀

Don’t you just hate it when an overhyped framework just doesn’t work as expected even after you perfectly set up everything accordingly to their documentation. 😦

Second issue..

Not only that, if you had followed the Xamarin UITest documentation and created your Xamarin.UITest project, then you may be facing the bellow error in your Error List window in Visual Studio!

This is occurring when you add the Android project reference to your Xamarin.UITest project. This actually doesn’t cause any issues on the compilation or runtime, the errors just remain there without going away.

I did a bit of digging on this issue and found out that this is a bug in Visual Studio, which has apparently been fixed in one of the previous versions in VS as Microsoft claims but its still occurring in my dev environment which has the latest version of VS 15.8.8!

Check it out here:

Since it doesn’t actually interfere in compilation or runtime, it shouldn’t really matter, but it would prevent you from adding Nuget packages to your Xamain.UITest project.

Solving it!

Simple forget what the documentation says and remove the Android project reference from your Xamain.UITest project.

There you got rid of the annoyance! 😉

Still having issues? Then these..

So if you’re still facing any issues pay attention to the following facts and give it a go!

1. Configure ANDROID_HOME environment variable in your Windows system.

Make sure you have added the User variable for ANDROID_HOME path in your Environment Variables.

2. Install the Xamarin.UITest compatible NUnit version 2.6.4 nuget in your UITest project

Make sure you have the exact version as shown above which is the NUnit version supported by Xamarin.UITest as of today.  And you’re gonna need NUnitTestAdapter verion 2.1.1 for the tests to work on Windows.

3. Make sure your AppInitializer is properly configured with apk path, or apk name.

public class AppInitializer
    public static IApp StartApp(Platform platform)
        if (platform == Platform.Android)
            return ConfigureApp.Android

        return ConfigureApp.iOS


There are several ways to configure your APK or IPA file, either with the name or the full file path. Make sure you have chosen best way possible for you. Above is how I have configured mine, which depends on the already installed APK or the IPA file in the device.

4. Don’t forget to configure Calabash to run the UITest for iOS

This is essential if you’re trying to get it to run on iOS, just in case if you had missed this, this is also mentioned in the documentation.

Hope that helped!

Here are some good resources if you’re getting started:

Spread the love! Cheers! 😀

XFHACKS-009 Frame with Border Image!

Ever wanted to have a Xamarin.Forms.Frame with a Border Image? Or have a Border Image around any of your Xamarin.Forms Elements? Welcome to another lightening short post of me hacking around Xamarin.Forms elements!

The Xamarin.Forms.Frame by default only has a boring BorderColor property without even letting you to set the Width of the Border or even set an Image as the Border.

So I thought of making use of my own crazy imagination and hack my way around to get this to work right from Xamarin.Forms itself!

No custom renderers, no platform specific code and no third party libraries! Just by using pure out of the box Xamarin.Forms! 😉

Sneak Peak!

That’s what we gonna be build yol! A Frame with a Border Image property along with the Border Width! 😉


Buckle up fellas, its recipe time! 😉 I’ve been writing quite a few hacks around Xamarin.Forms Frame element, and this recipe is also going to be based on my previous posts, XFHACKS-007 Frame with a Border Width! I would rather recommend you read up on that before continuing here, regardless I would explain the same concept in short here as well. Basically we’re placing a Frame element (child) inside another Frame element (parent) with a Margin value which will create visually a single frame with a Border as our choice of the Margin.

Now keeping that in mind for our Border Image we’re simply going to add Grid into the parent Frame and place an Image in it, while using the IsClippedToBounds=”True” property in both parent Frame and Grid Layout to avoid the Image element rendering itself outside the bounds of the parent Frame. Then on top of that Image inside the same Grid we’re placing our child Frame that I mentioned before with the Margin property that renders the Border aspect of the whole view.

Just like that you get the entire custom element put together which you could use as a single Frame element with a Border Image! 😉


Behold the golden XAML code!

<!--  Frame with Border Image  -->
    <Grid HeightRequest="50" IsClippedToBounds="True">
        <Image Aspect="AspectFill" 
            XFHacks.Resources.abstractbackground1.jpg}" />
                Whatever the content you want to
                place inside the Frame goes in here


There you have the Frame with Border Image in XAML just like I explained earlier. We have the parent Frame with IsClippedToBounds and CornerRadius property, the Grid and the Image with form the Border Image. Notice the Padding=”0″, since we want the Image with the Grid to spread across the parent Frame. You could change the CornerRadius as you wish to control the curved corner of the Frame.

I have given a HeightRequest value to the Grid just to make sure it renders to the exact size I need, or you could even let the whole element freely size itself according to the Element inside the whole custom Frame.  Then on top of that we have the child Frame with the Margin property cropping our the center of the Image element that’s placed under it, thus forming the Border Image as we wanted! 😀

Now let’s put it together and build something awesome! 😀

Fire it up!

Let me showcase the awesomeness of this with something fun!


There you go! 😀 Running side by side Android, iOS and UWP.

Grab it on Github!

Well then, that’s it for now. More awesome stuff on the way!

Cheers! 😀 share the love!